Ring: Change py2 only tests to py3
We have some purposely brittle ring tests that test rebalances that are PY2 only. This was because the random seeding between PY2 and PY3 is different. Now that we're stepping towards py3 only, these tests needed to be migrated so we don't loose important test coverage. This patch flips these PY2 only tests to be PY3 only, for the same reason as before. It took quite a bit of effort to find seeds that would behave like the ones in the PY2 birttle test.. but found them. Change-Id: I0978041830ed3e231476719efed66bf9b337ff8a
This commit is contained in:
@ -2488,8 +2488,9 @@ class TestRingBuilder(unittest.TestCase):
(0, 0, '', 3): [0, 256, 0, 0],
@unittest.skipIf(sys.version_info >= (3,),
"Seed-specific tests don't work well on py3")
@unittest.skipIf(sys.version_info < (3,),
"Seed-specific tests don't work well between python "
"versions. This test is now PY3 only")
def test_undispersable_zone_converge_on_balance(self):
rb = ring.RingBuilder(8, 6, 0)
dev_id = 0
@ -2502,7 +2503,7 @@ class TestRingBuilder(unittest.TestCase):
rb.add_dev({'id': dev_id, 'region': r, 'zone': z,
'weight': 1000, 'ip': ip, 'port': 10000,
'device': 'd%s' % dev_id})
# sanity, all balanced and 0 dispersion
self.assertEqual(rb.get_balance(), 0)
@ -2519,7 +2520,7 @@ class TestRingBuilder(unittest.TestCase):
'weight': 1000, 'ip': ip, 'port': 10000,
'device': 'd%s' % dev_id})
changed_part, _, _ = rb.rebalance(seed=7)
changed_part, _, _ = rb.rebalance(seed=5)
# sanity, all part but only one replica moved to new devices
self.assertEqual(changed_part, 2 ** 8)
@ -2531,8 +2532,8 @@ class TestRingBuilder(unittest.TestCase):
# N.B. since we mostly end up grabbing parts by "weight forced" some
# seeds given some specific ring state will randomly pick bad
# part-replicas that end up going back down onto the same devices
changed_part, _, _ = rb.rebalance(seed=7)
self.assertEqual(changed_part, 14)
changed_part, _, _ = rb.rebalance(seed=5)
self.assertEqual(changed_part, 15)
# ... this isn't a really "desirable" behavior, but even with bad luck,
# things do get better
self.assertEqual(rb.get_balance(), 47.265625)
@ -2540,13 +2541,14 @@ class TestRingBuilder(unittest.TestCase):
# but if you stick with it, eventually the next rebalance, will get to
# move "the right" part-replicas, resulting in near optimal balance
changed_part, _, _ = rb.rebalance(seed=7)
self.assertEqual(changed_part, 240)
self.assertEqual(rb.get_balance(), 0.390625)
changed_part, _, _ = rb.rebalance(seed=5)
self.assertEqual(changed_part, 167)
self.assertEqual(rb.get_balance(), 14.453125)
self.assertEqual(rb.dispersion, 16.6015625)
@unittest.skipIf(sys.version_info >= (3,),
"Seed-specific tests don't work well on py3")
@unittest.skipIf(sys.version_info < (3,),
"Seed-specific tests don't work well between python "
"versions. This test is now PY3 only")
def test_undispersable_server_converge_on_balance(self):
rb = ring.RingBuilder(8, 6, 0)
dev_id = 0
@ -2580,7 +2582,7 @@ class TestRingBuilder(unittest.TestCase):
# but the first time, those are still unbalance becase ring builder
# can move only one replica for each part
self.assertEqual(rb.get_balance(), 16.9921875)
self.assertEqual(rb.get_balance(), 17.96875)
self.assertEqual(rb.dispersion, 9.9609375)
@ -528,47 +528,49 @@ class TestRing(TestRingBase):
@unittest.skipIf(sys.version_info >= (3,),
"Seed-specific tests don't work well on py3")
@unittest.skipIf(sys.version_info < (3,),
"Seed-specific tests don't work well between python "
"versions. This test is now PY3 only")
def test_get_more_nodes(self):
# Yes, these tests are deliberately very fragile. We want to make sure
# that if someone changes the results the ring produces, they know it.
exp_part = 6
exp_devs = [71, 77, 30]
exp_zones = set([6, 3, 7])
exp_devs = [102, 39, 93]
exp_zones = set([8, 9, 4])
exp_handoffs = [99, 43, 94, 13, 1, 49, 60, 72, 27, 68, 78, 26, 21, 9,
51, 105, 47, 89, 65, 82, 34, 98, 38, 85, 16, 4, 59,
102, 40, 90, 20, 8, 54, 66, 80, 25, 14, 2, 50, 12, 0,
48, 70, 76, 32, 107, 45, 87, 101, 44, 93, 100, 42, 95,
106, 46, 88, 97, 37, 86, 96, 36, 84, 17, 5, 57, 63,
81, 33, 67, 79, 24, 15, 3, 58, 69, 75, 31, 61, 74, 29,
23, 10, 52, 22, 11, 53, 64, 83, 35, 62, 73, 28, 18, 6,
56, 104, 39, 91, 103, 41, 92, 19, 7, 55]
exp_handoffs = [
69, 10, 22, 35, 56, 83, 100, 42, 92, 25, 50, 74, 61, 4,
13, 67, 8, 20, 106, 47, 89, 27, 59, 76, 97, 37, 85, 64,
0, 15, 32, 52, 79, 71, 11, 23, 99, 44, 90, 68, 6, 18,
96, 36, 84, 103, 41, 95, 33, 54, 81, 24, 48, 72, 60, 3,
12, 63, 2, 17, 28, 58, 75, 66, 7, 19, 104, 40, 94, 107,
45, 87, 101, 43, 91, 29, 57, 77, 62, 5, 14, 105, 46, 88,
98, 38, 86, 70, 9, 21, 65, 1, 16, 34, 55, 82, 31, 53,
78, 30, 51, 80, 26, 49, 73]
exp_first_handoffs = [23, 64, 105, 102, 67, 17, 99, 65, 69, 97, 15,
17, 24, 98, 66, 65, 69, 18, 104, 105, 16, 107,
100, 15, 14, 19, 102, 105, 63, 104, 99, 12, 107,
99, 16, 105, 71, 15, 15, 63, 63, 99, 21, 68, 20,
64, 96, 21, 98, 19, 68, 99, 15, 69, 62, 100, 96,
102, 17, 62, 13, 61, 102, 105, 22, 16, 21, 18,
21, 100, 20, 16, 21, 106, 66, 106, 16, 99, 16,
22, 62, 60, 99, 69, 18, 23, 104, 98, 106, 61,
21, 23, 23, 16, 67, 71, 101, 16, 64, 66, 70, 15,
102, 63, 19, 98, 18, 106, 101, 100, 62, 63, 98,
18, 13, 97, 23, 22, 100, 13, 14, 67, 96, 14,
105, 97, 71, 64, 96, 22, 65, 66, 98, 19, 105,
98, 97, 21, 15, 69, 100, 98, 106, 65, 66, 97,
62, 22, 68, 63, 61, 67, 67, 20, 105, 106, 105,
18, 71, 100, 17, 62, 60, 13, 103, 99, 101, 96,
97, 16, 60, 21, 14, 20, 12, 60, 69, 104, 65, 65,
17, 16, 67, 13, 64, 15, 16, 68, 96, 21, 104, 66,
96, 105, 58, 105, 103, 21, 96, 60, 16, 96, 21,
71, 16, 99, 101, 63, 62, 103, 18, 102, 60, 17,
19, 106, 97, 14, 99, 68, 102, 13, 70, 103, 21,
22, 19, 61, 103, 23, 104, 65, 62, 68, 16, 65,
15, 102, 102, 71, 99, 63, 67, 19, 23, 15, 69,
107, 14, 13, 64, 13, 105, 15, 98, 69]
exp_first_handoffs = [
28, 34, 101, 99, 35, 62, 69, 65, 71, 67, 60, 34,
34, 101, 96, 98, 101, 27, 25, 106, 61, 63, 60,
104, 106, 65, 106, 31, 25, 25, 32, 62, 70, 35, 31,
99, 35, 33, 33, 64, 64, 32, 98, 69, 60, 102, 68,
33, 34, 60, 26, 60, 98, 32, 29, 60, 107, 96, 31,
65, 32, 26, 103, 62, 96, 62, 25, 103, 34, 30, 107,
104, 25, 97, 32, 65, 102, 24, 67, 97, 70, 63, 35,
105, 33, 104, 69, 29, 63, 30, 24, 102, 60, 30, 26,
105, 103, 104, 35, 24, 30, 64, 99, 27, 71, 107,
30, 25, 34, 33, 32, 62, 100, 103, 32, 33, 34, 99,
70, 32, 68, 69, 33, 27, 71, 101, 102, 99, 30, 31,
98, 71, 34, 33, 31, 100, 61, 107, 106, 66, 97,
106, 96, 101, 34, 33, 33, 28, 106, 30, 64, 96,
104, 105, 67, 32, 99, 102, 102, 30, 97, 105, 34,
99, 31, 61, 64, 29, 64, 61, 30, 101, 106, 60, 35,
34, 64, 61, 65, 101, 65, 62, 69, 60, 102, 107, 30,
28, 28, 34, 28, 65, 99, 105, 33, 62, 99, 71, 29,
66, 61, 101, 104, 104, 33, 96, 26, 62, 24, 64, 25,
99, 97, 35, 103, 32, 67, 70, 102, 26, 99, 102,
105, 65, 97, 31, 60, 60, 103, 98, 97, 98, 35, 66,
24, 98, 71, 0, 24, 67, 67, 30, 62, 69, 105, 71,
64, 101, 65, 32, 102, 35, 31, 34, 29, 105]
rb = ring.RingBuilder(8, 3, 1)
next_dev_id = 0
@ -582,7 +584,7 @@ class TestRing(TestRingBase):
'weight': 1.0,
'device': "d%s" % device})
next_dev_id += 1
r = ring.Ring(self.testdir, ring_name='whatever')
@ -629,7 +631,7 @@ class TestRing(TestRingBase):
'device': 'xd0'})
next_dev_id += 1
num_parts_changed, _balance, _removed_dev = rb.rebalance(seed=2)
num_parts_changed, _balance, _removed_dev = rb.rebalance(seed=43)
r = ring.Ring(self.testdir, ring_name='whatever')
@ -640,7 +642,7 @@ class TestRing(TestRingBase):
self.assertEqual(part_handoff_counts, {106})
self.assertEqual(len(list(rb._iter_devs())) - rb.replicas, 106)
# I don't think there's any special reason this dev goes at this index
exp_handoffs.insert(27, rb.devs[-1]['id'])
exp_handoffs.insert(33, rb.devs[-1]['id'])
# We would change expectations here, but in this part only the added
# device changed at all.
@ -677,7 +679,7 @@ class TestRing(TestRingBase):
# Remove a device - no need to fluff min_part_hours.
num_parts_changed, _balance, _removed_dev = rb.rebalance(seed=1)
num_parts_changed, _balance, _removed_dev = rb.rebalance(seed=87)
r = ring.Ring(self.testdir, ring_name='whatever')
@ -700,10 +702,10 @@ class TestRing(TestRingBase):
if not total_changed:
first_matches += 1
self.assertEqual(devs, exp_handoffs)
# the first 21 handoffs were the same across the rebalance
self.assertEqual(first_matches, 21)
# the first 32 handoffs were the same across the rebalance
self.assertEqual(first_matches, 32)
# but as you dig deeper some of the differences show up
self.assertEqual(total_changed, 41)
self.assertEqual(total_changed, 27)
# Change expectations for the rest of the parts
devs = []
@ -754,8 +756,8 @@ class TestRing(TestRingBase):
# Change expectations
# We have another replica now
# and therefore one less handoff
exp_handoffs = exp_handoffs[:-1]
# Caused some major changes in the sequence of handoffs for our test
@ -771,7 +773,7 @@ class TestRing(TestRingBase):
first_matches += 1
# most seeds seem to throw out first handoff stabilization with
# replica_count change
self.assertEqual(first_matches, 2)
self.assertEqual(first_matches, 0)
# and lots of other handoff changes...
self.assertEqual(total_changed, 95)
@ -820,16 +822,17 @@ class TestRing(TestRingBase):
# One last test of a partial replica partition
exp_part2 = 136
exp_devs2 = [70, 76, 32]
exp_zones2 = set([3, 6, 7])
exp_handoffs2 = [89, 97, 37, 53, 20, 1, 86, 64, 102, 40, 90, 60, 72,
27, 99, 68, 78, 26, 105, 45, 42, 95, 22, 13, 49, 55,
11, 8, 83, 16, 4, 59, 33, 108, 61, 74, 29, 88, 66,
80, 25, 100, 39, 67, 79, 24, 65, 96, 36, 84, 54, 21,
63, 81, 56, 71, 77, 30, 48, 23, 10, 52, 82, 34, 17,
107, 87, 104, 5, 35, 2, 50, 43, 62, 73, 28, 18, 14,
98, 38, 85, 15, 57, 9, 51, 12, 6, 91, 3, 103, 41, 92,
47, 75, 44, 69, 101, 93, 106, 46, 94, 31, 19, 7, 58]
exp_devs2 = [35, 56, 83]
exp_zones2 = set([3, 5, 7])
exp_handoffs2 = [
61, 4, 13, 86, 103, 41, 63, 2, 17, 95, 70, 67, 8, 20,
106, 100, 11, 23, 87, 47, 51, 42, 30, 24, 48, 72, 27,
59, 76, 97, 38, 90, 108, 79, 55, 68, 6, 18, 105, 71,
62, 5, 14, 107, 89, 7, 45, 69, 10, 22, 12, 99, 44, 46,
88, 74, 39, 15, 102, 93, 85, 34, 98, 29, 57, 77, 84, 9,
21, 58, 78, 32, 52, 66, 19, 28, 75, 65, 1, 16, 33, 37,
49, 82, 31, 53, 54, 81, 96, 92, 3, 25, 50, 60, 36, 101,
43, 104, 40, 94, 64, 80, 26, 73, 91]
part2, devs2 = r.get_nodes('a', 'c', 'o2')
primary_zones2 = set([d['zone'] for d in devs2])
@ -888,15 +891,15 @@ class TestRing(TestRingBase):
# Here's a brittle canary-in-the-coalmine test to make sure the region
# handoff computation didn't change accidentally
exp_handoffs = [111, 112, 35, 58, 62, 74, 20, 105, 41, 90, 53, 6, 3,
67, 55, 76, 108, 32, 12, 80, 38, 85, 94, 42, 27, 99,
50, 47, 70, 87, 26, 9, 15, 97, 102, 81, 23, 65, 33,
77, 34, 4, 75, 8, 5, 30, 13, 73, 36, 92, 54, 51, 72,
78, 66, 1, 48, 14, 93, 95, 88, 86, 84, 106, 60, 101,
57, 43, 89, 59, 79, 46, 61, 52, 44, 45, 37, 68, 25,
100, 49, 24, 16, 71, 96, 21, 107, 98, 64, 39, 18, 29,
103, 91, 22, 63, 69, 28, 56, 11, 82, 10, 17, 19, 7,
40, 83, 104, 31]
exp_handoffs = [111, 112, 83, 45, 21, 95, 51, 26, 3, 102, 72, 80, 59,
61, 14, 89, 105, 31, 1, 39, 90, 16, 86, 75, 49, 42, 35,
71, 99, 20, 97, 27, 54, 67, 8, 11, 37, 108, 73, 78, 23,
53, 79, 82, 57, 106, 85, 22, 25, 13, 47, 76, 18, 84,
81, 12, 32, 17, 103, 41, 19, 50, 52, 4, 94, 64, 48, 63,
43, 66, 104, 6, 62, 87, 69, 68, 46, 98, 77, 2, 107, 93,
9, 28, 55, 33, 5, 92, 74, 96, 7, 40, 30, 100, 36, 15,
88, 58, 24, 56, 34, 101, 60, 10, 38, 29, 70, 44, 91]
dev_ids = [d['id'] for d in more_devs]
self.assertEqual(len(dev_ids), len(exp_handoffs))
@ -664,8 +664,9 @@ class TestUtils(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(device, expected)
@unittest.skipIf(sys.version_info >= (3,),
"Seed-specific tests don't work well on py3")
@unittest.skipIf(sys.version_info < (3,),
"Seed-specific tests don't work well between python "
"versions. This test is now PY3 only")
def test_dispersion_report(self):
rb = ring.RingBuilder(8, 3, 0)
rb.add_dev({'id': 0, 'region': 1, 'zone': 0, 'weight': 100,
@ -700,10 +701,10 @@ class TestUtils(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(rb.dispersion, 18.489583333333332)
self.assertEqual(rb.dispersion, 16.796875)
report = dispersion_report(rb)
self.assertEqual(report['worst_tier'], 'r1z1-')
self.assertEqual(report['max_dispersion'], 22.68370607028754)
self.assertEqual(report['max_dispersion'], 20.967741935483872)
def build_tier_report(max_replicas, placed_parts, dispersion,
@ -718,11 +719,11 @@ class TestUtils(unittest.TestCase):
# sometimes they're both on the same server.
expected = [
['r1z1', build_tier_report(
2, 627, 18.341307814992025, [0, 0, 141, 115])],
2, 621, 17.55233494363929, [0, 0, 147, 109])],
['r1z1-', build_tier_report(
1, 313, 22.68370607028754, [14, 171, 71, 0])],
1, 310, 20.967741935483872, [11, 180, 65, 0])],
['r1z1-', build_tier_report(
1, 314, 22.611464968152866, [13, 172, 71, 0])],
1, 311, 20.578778135048232, [9, 183, 64, 0])],
report = dispersion_report(rb, 'r1z1[^/]*$', verbose=True)
graph = report['graph']
@ -747,9 +748,9 @@ class TestUtils(unittest.TestCase):
# can't move all the part-replicas in one rebalance
report = dispersion_report(rb, verbose=True)
self.assertEqual(rb.dispersion, 3.90625)
self.assertEqual(report['worst_tier'], 'r1z1-')
self.assertEqual(report['max_dispersion'], 8.152173913043478)
self.assertEqual(rb.dispersion, 2.8645833333333335)
self.assertEqual(report['worst_tier'], 'r1z1-')
self.assertEqual(report['max_dispersion'], 6.593406593406593)
# do a sencond rebalance
report = dispersion_report(rb, verbose=True)
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