For now, last modified timestamp is supported only on
object listing. (i.e. GET container)
For example:
GET container with json format results in like as:
[{"hash": "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e", "last_modified":
"2015-06-10T04:58:23.460230", "bytes": 0, "name": "object",
"content_type": "application/octet-stream"}]
However, container listing (i.e. GET account) shows just a dict
consists of ("name", "bytes", "name") for each container.
For example:
GET accounts with json format result in like as:
[{"count": 0, "bytes": 0, "name": "container"}]
This patch is for supporting last_modified key in the container
listing results as well as object listing like as:
[{"count": 0, "bytes": 0, "name": "container", "last_modified":
This patch is changing just output for listing. The original
timestamp to show the last modified is already in container table
of account.db as a "put_timestamp" column.
Note that this patch *DOESN'T* change the put_timestamp semantics.
i.e. the last_modified timestamp will be changed only at both PUT
container and POST container.
(PUT object doesn't affect the timestamp)
Note that the tuple format of returning value from
swift.account.backend.AccountBroker.list_containers is now
(name, object_count, bytes_used, put_timestamp, 0)
* put_timestamp is added *
Original discussion was in working session at Vancouver Summit.
Etherpads are around here:
Change-Id: Iba0503916f1481a20c59ae9136436f40183e4c5b
Many other OpenStack services use a `[X-]OpenStack-Request-Id` header
to return a unique identifier for the request. Swift will now return
`X-Trans-Id` as well as `X-Openstack-Request-Id`.
Change-Id: I56cd4738808b99c0a08463f83c100be51a62db05
Closes-Bug: #1572786
Move the account listing sample responses to follow the sample
requests, and to precede the request/response parameter definitions to
be consistent with other parts of the doc.
Related-Change: I315b4e550b7d10880fbc00fce9311127ba609c2d
Change-Id: Ia20acacd238db4a423b8cd89af1658222b4c5828
Fixes a number of technical issues with the api-ref section
- Added missing headers
- The header descriptions were made specific to whether they
are used in requests or responses and the verb in question
(example: Content-Length in object HEAD is the object size,
not the response body length).
- Added references to API features such as bulk delete.
- Many typographical fixes (e.g., spaces in the middle
of header names)
- Restored xml and json account/container listing
The following areas were not updated and it is proposed
to defer them to a subsequent update. This is because
I don't have time or their merit is debatable:
- ACLs (as used in a Keystone context) are not
- Account create/delete is not described.
- I left List Endpoints as-is.
Change-Id: I315b4e550b7d10880fbc00fce9311127ba609c2d