================= Object Versioning ================= -------- Overview -------- Object versioning in swift is implemented by setting a flag on the container to tell swift to version all objects in the container. The flag is the ``X-Versions-Location`` header on the container, and its value is the container where the versions are stored. It is recommended to use a different ``X-Versions-Location`` container for each container that is being versioned. When data is ``PUT`` into a versioned container (a container with the versioning flag turned on), the existing data in the file is redirected to a new object and the data in the ``PUT`` request is saved as the data for the versioned object. The new object name (for the previous version) is ``//``, where ``length`` is the 3-character zero-padded hexidecimal length of the ```` and ```` is the timestamp of when the previous version was created. A ``GET`` to a versioned object will return the current version of the object without having to do any request redirects or metadata lookups. A ``POST`` to a versioned object will update the object metadata as normal, but will not create a new version of the object. In other words, new versions are only created when the content of the object changes. A ``DELETE`` to a versioned object will only remove the current version of the object. If you have 5 total versions of the object, you must delete the object 5 times to completely remove the object. Note: A large object manifest file cannot be versioned, but a large object manifest may point to versioned segments. -------------------------------------------------- How to Enable Object Versioning in a Swift Cluster -------------------------------------------------- Set ``allow_versions`` to ``True`` in the container server config. ----------------------- Examples Using ``curl`` ----------------------- First, create a container with the ``X-Versions-Location`` header or add the header to an existing container. Also make sure the container referenced by the ``X-Versions-Location`` exists. In this example, the name of that container is "versions":: curl -i -XPUT -H "X-Auth-Token: " \ -H "X-Versions-Location: versions" http:///container curl -i -XPUT -H "X-Auth-Token: " http:///versions Create an object (the first version):: curl -i -XPUT --data-binary 1 -H "X-Auth-Token: " \ http:///container/myobject Now create a new version of that object:: curl -i -XPUT --data-binary 2 -H "X-Auth-Token: " \ http:///container/myobject See a listing of the older versions of the object:: curl -i -H "X-Auth-Token: " \ http:///versions?prefix=008myobject/ Now delete the current version of the object and see that the older version is gone:: curl -i -XDELETE -H "X-Auth-Token: " \ http:///container/myobject curl -i -H "X-Auth-Token: " \ http:///versions?prefix=008myobject/