``account-replicator`` Metrics ============================== ======================================= ==================================================== Metric Name Description --------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- ``account-replicator.diffs`` Count of syncs handled by sending differing rows. ``account-replicator.diff_caps`` Count of "diffs" operations which failed because "max_diffs" was hit. ``account-replicator.no_changes`` Count of accounts found to be in sync. ``account-replicator.hashmatches`` Count of accounts found to be in sync via hash comparison (``broker.merge_syncs`` was called). ``account-replicator.rsyncs`` Count of completely missing accounts which were sent via rsync. ``account-replicator.remote_merges`` Count of syncs handled by sending entire database via rsync. ``account-replicator.attempts`` Count of database replication attempts. ``account-replicator.failures`` Count of database replication attempts which failed due to corruption (quarantined) or inability to read as well as attempts to individual nodes which failed. ``account-replicator.removes.`` Count of databases on deleted because the delete_timestamp was greater than the put_timestamp and the database had no rows or because it was successfully sync'ed to other locations and doesn't belong here anymore. ``account-replicator.successes`` Count of replication attempts to an individual node which were successful. ``account-replicator.timing`` Timing data for each database replication attempt not resulting in a failure. ======================================= ====================================================