#!/usr/bin/env python

import hmac
from hashlib import sha1
from os.path import basename
from sys import argv, exit
from time import time

if __name__ == '__main__':
    if len(argv) != 7:
        prog = basename(argv[0])
        print 'Syntax: %s <path> <redirect> <max_file_size> ' \
              '<max_file_count> <seconds> <key>' % prog
        print 'Where:'
        print '  <path>            The prefix to use for form uploaded'
        print '                    objects. For example:'
        print '                    /v1/account/container/object_prefix_ would'
        print '                    ensure all form uploads have that path'
        print '                    prepended to the browser-given file name.'
        print '  <redirect>        The URL to redirect the browser to after'
        print '                    the uploads have completed.'
        print '  <max_file_size>   The maximum file size per file uploaded.'
        print '  <max_file_count>  The maximum number of uploaded files'
        print '                    allowed.'
        print '  <seconds>         The number of seconds from now to allow'
        print '                    the form post to begin.'
        print '  <key>             The X-Account-Meta-Temp-URL-Key for the'
        print '                    account.'
        print 'Example output:'
        print '    Expires: 1323842228'
        print '  Signature: 18de97e47345a82c4dbfb3b06a640dbb'
    path, redirect, max_file_size, max_file_count, seconds, key = argv[1:]
        max_file_size = int(max_file_size)
    except ValueError:
        max_file_size = -1
    if max_file_size < 0:
        print 'Please use a <max_file_size> value greater than or equal to 0.'
        max_file_count = int(max_file_count)
    except ValueError:
        max_file_count = 0
    if max_file_count < 1:
        print 'Please use a positive <max_file_count> value.'
        expires = int(time() + int(seconds))
    except ValueError:
        expires = 0
    if expires < 1:
        print 'Please use a positive <seconds> value.'
    parts = path.split('/', 4)
    # Must be four parts, ['', 'v1', 'a', 'c'], must be a v1 request, have
    # account and container values, and optionally have an object prefix.
    if len(parts) < 4 or parts[0] or parts[1] != 'v1' or not parts[2] or \
            not parts[3]:
        print '<path> must point to a container at least.'
        print 'For example: /v1/account/container'
        print '         Or: /v1/account/container/object_prefix'
    sig = hmac.new(key, '%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s' % (path, redirect, max_file_size,
        max_file_count, expires), sha1).hexdigest()
    print '  Expires:', expires
    print 'Signature:', sig