  - |
    Add Composite Ring Functionality

    A composite ring comprises two or more component rings that are
    combined to form a single ring with a replica count equal to the
    sum of the component rings. The component rings are built
    independently, using distinct devices in distinct regions, which
    means that the dispersion of replicas between the components can
    be guaranteed.

    Composite rings can be used for explicit replica placement and
    "replicated EC" for global erasure codes policies.

    Composite rings support 'cooperative' rebalance which means that
    during rebalance all component rings will be consulted before a
    partition is moved in any component ring. This avoids the same
    partition being simultaneously moved in multiple components.

    We do not yet have CLI tools for creating composite rings, but
    the functionality has been enabled in the ring modules to
    support this advanced functionality. CLI tools will be delivered
    in a subsequent release.

    For further information see the
    `docs <https://docs.openstack.org/swift/latest/overview_ring.html#module-swift.common.ring.composite_builder>`__
  - |
    The EC reconstructor process has been dramatically improved by
    adding support for multiple concurrent workers. Multiple
    processes are required to get high concurrency, and this change
    results in much faster rebalance times on servers with many

    Currently the default is still only one process, and no workers.
    Set ``reconstructor_workers`` in the ``[object-reconstructor]``
    section to some whole number <= the number of devices on a node
    to get that many reconstructor workers.
  - |
    Add support to increase object ring partition power transparently
    to end users and with no cluster downtime. Increasing the ring
    part power allows for incremental adjustment to the upper bound
    of the cluster size. Please review the
    `full docs <https://docs.openstack.org/swift/latest/ring_partpower.html>`__
    for more information.
  - |
    Added support for per-policy proxy config options. This allows
    per-policy affinity options to be set for use with duplicated EC
    policies and composite rings. Certain options found in per-policy
    conf sections will override their equivalents that may be set
    in the [app:proxy-server] section. Currently the options handled that
    way are ``sorting_method``, ``read_affinity``, ``write_affinity``,
    ``write_affinity_node_count``, and ``write_affinity_handoff_delete_count``.
  - Enabled versioned writes on Dynamic Large Objects (DLOs).
  - |
    Write-affinity aware object deletion

    Previously, when deleting objects in multi-region swift
    deployment with write affinity configured, users always get 404
    when deleting object before it's replicated to appropriate nodes.

    Now Swift will use ``write_affinity_handoff_delete_count`` to
    define how many local handoff nodes should swift send request to
    get more candidates for the final response. The default value
    "auto" means Swift will calculate the number automatically based
    on the number of replicas and current cluster topology.
  - |
    Require that known-bad EC schemes be deprecated

    Erasure-coded storage policies using ``isa_l_rs_vand`` and ``nparity``
    >= 5 must be configured as deprecated, preventing any new
    containers from being created with such a policy. This
    configuration is known to harm data durability. Any data in such
    policies should be migrated to a new policy. See
    See `Launchpad bug 1639691 <https://bugs.launchpad.net/swift/+bug/1639691>`__
    for more information.
  - |
    Optimize the Erasure Code reconstructor protocol to reduce IO
    load on servers.
  - Fixed a bug where SSYNC would fail to replicate unexpired object.
  - Fixed a bug in domain_remap when obj starts/ends with slash.
  - Fixed a socket leak in copy middleware when a large object was copied.
  - Fixed a few areas where the ``swiftdir`` option was not respected.
  - swift-recon now respects storage policy aliases.
  - |
    cname_lookup middleware now accepts a ``nameservers`` config
    variable that, if defined, will be used for DNS lookups instead of
    the system default.
  - |
    Make mount_check option usable in containerized environments by
    adding a check for an ".ismount" file at the root directory of
    a device.
  - Remove deprecated ``vm_test_mode`` option.
  - |
    The object and container server config option ``slowdown`` has been
    deprecated in favor of the new ``objects_per_second`` and
    ``containers_per_second`` options.
  - |
    The output of devices from ``swift-ring-builder`` has been reordered
    by region, zone, ip, and device.
  - Imported docs content from openstack-manuals project.
  - Various other minor bug fixes and improvements.