Tim Burke bf7f3ff2f9 tests: Switch get_v4_amz_date_header to take timedeltas
Change-Id: Ic89141c0dce619390c2be8a01d231f9ff8e2056c
2024-01-04 00:34:22 +00:00

345 lines
13 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2011-2014 OpenStack Foundation.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import json
import unittest
from datetime import datetime
import email
import mock
import time
from contextlib import contextmanager
from swift.common import swob
from swift.common.http import is_success
from swift.common.middleware.s3api.s3api import filter_factory
from swift.common.middleware.s3api.etree import fromstring
from swift.common.middleware.s3api.subresource import Owner, encode_acl, \
Grant, User, ACL, PERMISSIONS, AllUsers, AuthenticatedUsers
from test.debug_logger import debug_logger
from test.unit.common.middleware.helpers import FakeSwift
class FakeApp(object):
container_existence_skip_cache = 0.0
account_existence_skip_cache = 0.0
def __init__(self):
self.remote_user = 'authorized'
self._pipeline_final_app = self
self.swift = FakeSwift()
self.logger = debug_logger()
def _update_s3_path_info(self, env):
For S3 requests, Swift auth middleware replaces a user name in
env['PATH_INFO'] with a valid tenant id.
E.g. '/v1/test:tester/bucket/object' will become
'/v1/AUTH_test/bucket/object'. This method emulates the behavior.
tenant_user = env['s3api.auth_details']['access_key']
tenant, user = tenant_user.rsplit(':', 1)
path = env['PATH_INFO']
env['PATH_INFO'] = path.replace(tenant_user, 'AUTH_' + tenant)
def authorize_cb(req):
# Assume swift owner, if not yet set
req.environ.setdefault('swift_owner', True)
# But then default to blocking authz, to ensure we've replaced
# the default auth system
return swob.HTTPForbidden(request=req)
def handle(self, env):
if 's3api.auth_details' in env:
if self.remote_user:
env['REMOTE_USER'] = self.remote_user
if env['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'TEST':
env['swift.authorize'] = self.authorize_cb
env['swift.authorize'] = lambda req: None
if 'swift.authorize_override' in env:
def __call__(self, env, start_response):
return self.swift(env, start_response)
class S3ApiTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def __init__(self, name):
unittest.TestCase.__init__(self, name)
def setUp(self):
# setup default config dict
self.conf = {
'allow_no_owner': False,
'location': 'us-east-1',
'dns_compliant_bucket_names': True,
'max_bucket_listing': 1000,
'max_parts_listing': 1000,
'max_multi_delete_objects': 1000,
's3_acl': False,
'storage_domain': 'localhost',
'auth_pipeline_check': True,
'max_upload_part_num': 10000,
'check_bucket_owner': False,
'force_swift_request_proxy_log': False,
'allow_multipart_uploads': True,
'min_segment_size': 5242880,
'log_level': 'debug'
self.app = FakeApp()
self.swift = self.app.swift
# note: self.conf has no __file__ key so check_pipeline will be skipped
# when constructing self.s3api
self.s3api = filter_factory({}, **self.conf)(self.app)
self.logger = self.s3api.logger = self.swift.logger = debug_logger()
# if you change the registered acl response for /bucket or
# /bucket/object tearDown will complain at you; you can set this to
# True in order to indicate you know what you're doing
self.s3acl_response_modified = False
self.swift.register('HEAD', '/v1/AUTH_test',
swob.HTTPOk, {}, None)
self.swift.register('HEAD', '/v1/AUTH_test/bucket',
swob.HTTPNoContent, {}, None)
self.swift.register('PUT', '/v1/AUTH_test/bucket',
swob.HTTPCreated, {}, None)
self.swift.register('POST', '/v1/AUTH_test/bucket',
swob.HTTPNoContent, {}, None)
self.swift.register('DELETE', '/v1/AUTH_test/bucket',
swob.HTTPNoContent, {}, None)
self.swift.register('GET', '/v1/AUTH_test/bucket/object',
swob.HTTPOk, {'etag': 'object etag'}, "")
self.swift.register('PUT', '/v1/AUTH_test/bucket/object',
swob.HTTPCreated, {'etag': 'object etag'}, None)
self.swift.register('DELETE', '/v1/AUTH_test/bucket/object',
swob.HTTPNoContent, {}, None)
self.mock_get_swift_info_result = {'object_versioning': {}}
for s3api_path in (
patcher = mock.patch(
'swift.common.middleware.s3api.%s.get_swift_info' % s3api_path,
def _register_bucket_policy_index_head(self, bucket, bucket_policy_index):
# register bucket HEAD response with given policy index header
headers = {'X-Backend-Storage-Policy-Index': str(bucket_policy_index)}
self.swift.register('HEAD', '/v1/AUTH_test/' + bucket,
swob.HTTPNoContent, headers)
def _assert_policy_index(self, req_headers, resp_headers, policy_index):
self.assertNotIn('X-Backend-Storage-Policy-Index', req_headers)
def _get_error_code(self, body):
elem = fromstring(body, 'Error')
return elem.find('./Code').text
def _get_error_message(self, body):
elem = fromstring(body, 'Error')
return elem.find('./Message').text
def _test_method_error(self, method, path, response_class, headers={},
env={}, expected_xml_tags=None,
if not path.startswith('/'):
path = '/' + path # add a missing slash before the path
uri = '/v1/AUTH_test'
if path != '/':
uri += path
self.swift.register(method, uri, response_class, headers, None)
headers.update({'Authorization': 'AWS test:tester:hmac',
'Date': self.get_date_header()})
env.update({'REQUEST_METHOD': method})
req = swob.Request.blank(path, environ=env, headers=headers)
status, headers, body = self.call_s3api(req)
if expected_status is not None:
self.assertEqual(status, expected_status)
if expected_xml_tags is not None:
elem = fromstring(body, 'Error')
{x.tag for x in elem})
return self._get_error_code(body)
def get_date_header(self, skew=0):
# email.utils.formatdate returns utc timestamp in default
return email.utils.formatdate(time.time() + skew)
def get_v4_amz_date_header(self, offset=None):
when = datetime.utcnow()
if offset is not None:
when += offset
return when.strftime('%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ')
def call_app(self, req, app=None, expect_exception=False):
if app is None:
app = self.app
req.headers.setdefault("User-Agent", "Mozzarella Foxfire")
status = [None]
headers = [None]
def start_response(s, h, ei=None):
status[0] = s
headers[0] = swob.HeaderKeyDict(h)
body_iter = app(req.environ, start_response)
body = b''
caught_exc = None
for chunk in body_iter:
body += chunk
except Exception as exc:
if expect_exception:
caught_exc = exc
if expect_exception:
return status[0], headers[0], body, caught_exc
return status[0], headers[0], body
def stubbed_container_info(self, versioning_enabled=False):
some tests might want to opt-out of container_info HEAD requests; e.g.
with self.stubbed_container_info():
status, headers, body = self.call_s3api(req)
fake_info = {'status': 204}
if versioning_enabled:
fake_info['sysmeta'] = {
'versions-container': '\x00versions\x00bucket',
with mock.patch('swift.common.middleware.s3api.s3request.'
'get_container_info', return_value=fake_info):
def call_s3api(self, req, **kwargs):
return self.call_app(req, app=self.s3api, **kwargs)
def _gen_test_headers(owner, grants=[], resource='container'):
if not grants:
grants = [Grant(User('test:tester'), 'FULL_CONTROL')]
return encode_acl(resource, ACL(owner, grants))
def _gen_grant(permission):
# generate Grant with a grantee named by "permission"
account_name = '%s:%s' % ('test', permission.lower())
return Grant(User(account_name), permission)
class S3ApiTestCaseAcl(S3ApiTestCase):
def setUp(self):
super(S3ApiTestCaseAcl, self).setUp()
self.s3api.conf.s3_acl = True
# some extra buckets for s3acl tests
buckets = ['bucket', 'public', 'authenticated']
for bucket in buckets:
path = '/v1/AUTH_test/' + bucket
self.swift.register('HEAD', path, swob.HTTPNoContent, {}, None),
self.swift.register('GET', path, swob.HTTPOk, {}, json.dumps([])),
# setup sticky ACL headers...
grants = [_gen_grant(perm) for perm in PERMISSIONS]
self.default_owner = Owner('test:tester', 'test:tester')
container_headers = _gen_test_headers(self.default_owner, grants)
object_headers = _gen_test_headers(
self.default_owner, grants, 'object')
public_headers = _gen_test_headers(
self.default_owner, [Grant(AllUsers(), 'READ')])
authenticated_headers = _gen_test_headers(
self.default_owner, [Grant(AuthenticatedUsers(), 'READ')],
sticky_s3acl_headers = {
'/v1/AUTH_test/bucket': container_headers,
'/v1/AUTH_test/bucket+segments': container_headers,
'/v1/AUTH_test/bucket/object': object_headers,
'/v1/AUTH_test/public': public_headers,
'/v1/AUTH_test/authenticated': authenticated_headers,
for path, headers in sticky_s3acl_headers.items():
self.swift.update_sticky_response_headers(path, headers)
def tearDown(self):
# sanity the test didn't break the the ACLs
swift_path_acl_resp_checks = {
'/v1/AUTH_test/bucket': (
'X-Container-Sysmeta-S3api-Acl', '/bucket',
'/v1/AUTH_test/bucket/object': (
'X-Object-Sysmeta-S3api-Acl', '/bucket/object', swob.HTTPOk),
check_paths = []
for swift_path, (acl, check, resp_class) in \
if self.s3acl_response_modified:
# this is expected to reset back to the original sticky headers
self.swift.register('HEAD', swift_path, resp_class, {}, None)
req = swob.Request.blank(swift_path, method='HEAD')
status, headers, body = self.call_app(req)
if is_success(int(status.split()[0])):
self.assertIn(acl, headers,
'In tearDown it seems the test (accidently?) '
'removed the ACL on %s' % swift_path)
self.fail('test changed resp for %s' % swift_path)
account_expected = {
'test:tester': 200,
'test:other': 403,
for account, expected in account_expected.items():
for path in check_paths:
req = swob.Request.blank(path, method='HEAD', headers={
'Authorization': 'AWS %s:hmac' % account,
'Date': self.get_date_header()})
status, headers, body = self.call_s3api(req)
self.assertEqual(int(status.split()[0]), expected,
'In tearDown it seems the test (accidently?) '
'broke ACL access for %s to %s' % (
account, path))