Tim Burke 8424b02290 s3api: Fix handling of non-ascii access keys
We stuff the access key into the request path until we get back a
more-authoritative account name from auth. But it needs to be a WSGI
string when we do!

Closes-Bug: #2058748
Change-Id: I34adb8141cc9e62d17a27f01c63f40d1dd25991c
2024-03-22 10:02:39 -07:00

348 lines
13 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2011-2014 OpenStack Foundation.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import json
import unittest
from datetime import datetime
import email
import mock
import time
from contextlib import contextmanager
from swift.common import swob, utils
from swift.common.http import is_success
from swift.common.middleware.s3api.s3api import filter_factory
from swift.common.middleware.s3api.etree import fromstring
from swift.common.middleware.s3api.subresource import Owner, encode_acl, \
Grant, User, ACL, PERMISSIONS, AllUsers, AuthenticatedUsers
from test.unit.common.middleware.helpers import FakeSwift
class FakeAuthApp(object):
container_existence_skip_cache = 0.0
account_existence_skip_cache = 0.0
def __init__(self, app):
self.remote_user = 'authorized'
self.app = app
def _update_s3_path_info(self, env):
For S3 requests, Swift auth middleware replaces a user name in
env['PATH_INFO'] with a valid tenant id.
E.g. '/v1/test:tester/bucket/object' will become
'/v1/AUTH_test/bucket/object'. This method emulates the behavior.
tenant_user = swob.str_to_wsgi(env['s3api.auth_details']['access_key'])
tenant, user = tenant_user.rsplit(':', 1)
path = env['PATH_INFO']
# Make sure it's valid WSGI
env['PATH_INFO'] = path.replace(tenant_user, 'AUTH_' + tenant)
def authorize_cb(req):
# Assume swift owner, if not yet set
req.environ.setdefault('swift_owner', True)
# But then default to blocking authz, to ensure we've replaced
# the default auth system
return swob.HTTPForbidden(request=req)
def handle(self, env):
if 's3api.auth_details' in env:
if self.remote_user:
env['REMOTE_USER'] = self.remote_user
if env['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'TEST':
env['swift.authorize'] = self.authorize_cb
env['swift.authorize'] = lambda req: None
if 'swift.authorize_override' in env:
def __call__(self, env, start_response):
return self.app(env, start_response)
class S3ApiTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def __init__(self, name):
unittest.TestCase.__init__(self, name)
def _wrap_app(self, app):
return FakeAuthApp(app)
def setUp(self):
# setup default config dict
self.conf = {
'allow_no_owner': False,
'location': 'us-east-1',
'dns_compliant_bucket_names': True,
'max_bucket_listing': 1000,
'max_parts_listing': 1000,
'max_multi_delete_objects': 1000,
's3_acl': False,
'storage_domain': 'localhost',
'auth_pipeline_check': True,
'max_upload_part_num': 10000,
'check_bucket_owner': False,
'force_swift_request_proxy_log': False,
'allow_multipart_uploads': True,
'min_segment_size': 5242880,
'log_level': 'debug'
# note: self.conf has no __file__ key so check_pipeline will be skipped
# when constructing self.s3api
self.swift = FakeSwift()
self.app = self._wrap_app(self.swift)
self.app._pipeline_final_app = self.swift
self.s3api = filter_factory({}, **self.conf)(self.app)
self.logger = self.s3api.logger = self.swift.logger
# if you change the registered acl response for /bucket or
# /bucket/object tearDown will complain at you; you can set this to
# True in order to indicate you know what you're doing
self.s3acl_response_modified = False
self.swift.register('HEAD', '/v1/AUTH_test',
swob.HTTPOk, {}, None)
self.swift.register('HEAD', '/v1/AUTH_test/bucket',
swob.HTTPNoContent, {}, None)
self.swift.register('PUT', '/v1/AUTH_test/bucket',
swob.HTTPCreated, {}, None)
self.swift.register('POST', '/v1/AUTH_test/bucket',
swob.HTTPNoContent, {}, None)
self.swift.register('DELETE', '/v1/AUTH_test/bucket',
swob.HTTPNoContent, {}, None)
self.swift.register('GET', '/v1/AUTH_test/bucket/object',
swob.HTTPOk, {'etag': 'object etag'}, "")
self.swift.register('PUT', '/v1/AUTH_test/bucket/object',
swob.HTTPCreated, {'etag': 'object etag'}, None)
self.swift.register('DELETE', '/v1/AUTH_test/bucket/object',
swob.HTTPNoContent, {}, None)
self.mock_get_swift_info_result = {'object_versioning': {}}
for s3api_path in (
patcher = mock.patch(
'swift.common.middleware.s3api.%s.get_swift_info' % s3api_path,
def _register_bucket_policy_index_head(self, bucket, bucket_policy_index):
# register bucket HEAD response with given policy index header
headers = {'X-Backend-Storage-Policy-Index': str(bucket_policy_index)}
self.swift.register('HEAD', '/v1/AUTH_test/' + bucket,
swob.HTTPNoContent, headers)
def _assert_policy_index(self, req_headers, resp_headers, policy_index):
self.assertNotIn('X-Backend-Storage-Policy-Index', req_headers)
def _get_error_code(self, body):
elem = fromstring(body, 'Error')
return elem.find('./Code').text
def _get_error_message(self, body):
elem = fromstring(body, 'Error')
return elem.find('./Message').text
def _test_method_error(self, method, path, response_class, headers={},
env={}, expected_xml_tags=None,
if not path.startswith('/'):
path = '/' + path # add a missing slash before the path
uri = '/v1/AUTH_test'
if path != '/':
uri += path
self.swift.register(method, uri, response_class, headers, None)
headers.update({'Authorization': 'AWS test:tester:hmac',
'Date': self.get_date_header()})
env.update({'REQUEST_METHOD': method})
req = swob.Request.blank(path, environ=env, headers=headers)
status, headers, body = self.call_s3api(req)
if expected_status is not None:
self.assertEqual(status, expected_status)
if expected_xml_tags is not None:
elem = fromstring(body, 'Error')
{x.tag for x in elem})
return self._get_error_code(body)
def get_date_header(self, skew=0):
# email.utils.formatdate returns utc timestamp in default
return email.utils.formatdate(time.time() + skew)
def get_v4_amz_date_header(self, offset=None):
when = datetime.now(utils.UTC)
if offset is not None:
when += offset
return when.strftime('%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ')
def call_app(self, req, app=None, expect_exception=False):
if app is None:
app = self.app
req.headers.setdefault("User-Agent", "Mozzarella Foxfire")
status = [None]
headers = [None]
def start_response(s, h, ei=None):
status[0] = s
headers[0] = swob.HeaderKeyDict(h)
body_iter = app(req.environ, start_response)
body = b''
caught_exc = None
for chunk in body_iter:
body += chunk
except Exception as exc:
if expect_exception:
caught_exc = exc
if expect_exception:
return status[0], headers[0], body, caught_exc
return status[0], headers[0], body
def stubbed_container_info(self, versioning_enabled=False):
some tests might want to opt-out of container_info HEAD requests; e.g.
with self.stubbed_container_info():
status, headers, body = self.call_s3api(req)
fake_info = {'status': 204}
if versioning_enabled:
fake_info['sysmeta'] = {
'versions-container': '\x00versions\x00bucket',
with mock.patch('swift.common.middleware.s3api.s3request.'
'get_container_info', return_value=fake_info):
def call_s3api(self, req, **kwargs):
return self.call_app(req, app=self.s3api, **kwargs)
def _gen_test_headers(owner, grants=[], resource='container'):
if not grants:
grants = [Grant(User('test:tester'), 'FULL_CONTROL')]
return encode_acl(resource, ACL(owner, grants))
def _gen_grant(permission):
# generate Grant with a grantee named by "permission"
account_name = '%s:%s' % ('test', permission.lower())
return Grant(User(account_name), permission)
class S3ApiTestCaseAcl(S3ApiTestCase):
def setUp(self):
super(S3ApiTestCaseAcl, self).setUp()
self.s3api.conf.s3_acl = True
# some extra buckets for s3acl tests
buckets = ['bucket', 'public', 'authenticated']
for bucket in buckets:
path = '/v1/AUTH_test/' + bucket
self.swift.register('HEAD', path, swob.HTTPNoContent, {}, None),
self.swift.register('GET', path, swob.HTTPOk, {}, json.dumps([])),
# setup sticky ACL headers...
self.grants = [_gen_grant(perm) for perm in PERMISSIONS]
self.default_owner = Owner('test:tester', 'test:tester')
container_headers = _gen_test_headers(self.default_owner, self.grants)
object_headers = _gen_test_headers(
self.default_owner, self.grants, 'object')
public_headers = _gen_test_headers(
self.default_owner, [Grant(AllUsers(), 'READ')])
authenticated_headers = _gen_test_headers(
self.default_owner, [Grant(AuthenticatedUsers(), 'READ')],
sticky_s3acl_headers = {
'/v1/AUTH_test/bucket': container_headers,
'/v1/AUTH_test/bucket+segments': container_headers,
'/v1/AUTH_test/bucket/object': object_headers,
'/v1/AUTH_test/public': public_headers,
'/v1/AUTH_test/authenticated': authenticated_headers,
for path, headers in sticky_s3acl_headers.items():
self.swift.update_sticky_response_headers(path, headers)
def tearDown(self):
# sanity the test didn't break the the ACLs
swift_path_acl_resp_checks = {
'/v1/AUTH_test/bucket': (
'X-Container-Sysmeta-S3api-Acl', '/bucket',
'/v1/AUTH_test/bucket/object': (
'X-Object-Sysmeta-S3api-Acl', '/bucket/object', swob.HTTPOk),
check_paths = []
for swift_path, (acl, check, resp_class) in \
if self.s3acl_response_modified:
# this is expected to reset back to the original sticky headers
self.swift.register('HEAD', swift_path, resp_class, {}, None)
req = swob.Request.blank(swift_path, method='HEAD')
status, headers, body = self.call_app(req)
if is_success(int(status.split()[0])):
self.assertIn(acl, headers,
'In tearDown it seems the test (accidently?) '
'removed the ACL on %s' % swift_path)
self.fail('test changed resp for %s' % swift_path)
account_expected = {
'test:tester': 200,
'test:other': 403,
for account, expected in account_expected.items():
for path in check_paths:
req = swob.Request.blank(path, method='HEAD', headers={
'Authorization': 'AWS %s:hmac' % account,
'Date': self.get_date_header()})
status, headers, body = self.call_s3api(req)
self.assertEqual(int(status.split()[0]), expected,
'In tearDown it seems the test (accidently?) '
'broke ACL access for %s to %s' % (
account, path))