swift-dispersion-report tries to avoid checking a partition more than once, so it keeps track of partitions already queried and skips duplicates. swift-dispersion-report also keeps track of the number of successful responses; it counts the number of expected replicas to find, and also counts the number of replicas actually found, and tells the operator if the numbers differ. However, in the case that a partition was duplicated, the expected-responses counter was incremented, but the actual check was skipped, so it looked as though some copies were missing. Now we only increment the expected-responses counter if we're actually going to perform the check. Change-Id: I22ac2b8066b62ca7c8ebf099c9f602118bb1a298
378 lines
16 KiB
Executable File
378 lines
16 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2010-2012 OpenStack Foundation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from collections import defaultdict
from ConfigParser import ConfigParser
from optparse import OptionParser
from sys import exit, stdout, stderr
from time import time
import simplejson as json
except ImportError:
import json
from eventlet import GreenPool, hubs, patcher, Timeout
from eventlet.pools import Pool
from swift.common import direct_client
from swiftclient import Connection, get_auth
from swift.common.ring import Ring
from swift.common.exceptions import ClientException
from swift.common.utils import compute_eta, get_time_units, config_true_value
unmounted = []
notfound = []
json_output = False
debug = False
insecure = False
def get_error_log(prefix):
def error_log(msg_or_exc):
global debug, unmounted, notfound
if hasattr(msg_or_exc, 'http_status'):
identifier = '%s:%s/%s' % (msg_or_exc.http_host,
if msg_or_exc.http_status == 507:
if identifier not in unmounted:
print >>stderr, 'ERROR: %s is unmounted -- This will ' \
'cause replicas designated for that device to be ' \
'considered missing until resolved or the ring is ' \
'updated.' % (identifier)
if debug and identifier not in notfound:
print >>stderr, 'ERROR: %s returned a 404' % (identifier)
if not hasattr(msg_or_exc, 'http_status') or \
msg_or_exc.http_status not in (404, 507):
print >>stderr, 'ERROR: %s: %s' % (prefix, msg_or_exc)
return error_log
def container_dispersion_report(coropool, connpool, account, container_ring,
retries, output_missing_partitions):
with connpool.item() as conn:
containers = [c['name'] for c in conn.get_account(
prefix='dispersion_', full_listing=True)[1]]
containers_listed = len(containers)
if not containers_listed:
print >>stderr, 'No containers to query. Has ' \
'swift-dispersion-populate been run?'
retries_done = [0]
containers_queried = [0]
container_copies_missing = defaultdict(int)
container_copies_found = [0]
container_copies_expected = [0]
begun = time()
next_report = [time() + 2]
def direct(container, part, nodes):
found_count = 0
for node in nodes:
error_log = get_error_log('%(ip)s:%(port)s/%(device)s' % node)
attempts, _junk = direct_client.retry(
direct_client.direct_head_container, node, part, account,
container, error_log=error_log, retries=retries)
retries_done[0] += attempts - 1
found_count += 1
except ClientException as err:
if err.http_status not in (404, 507):
error_log('Giving up on /%s/%s/%s: %s' % (part, account,
container, err))
except (Exception, Timeout) as err:
error_log('Giving up on /%s/%s/%s: %s' % (part, account,
container, err))
if output_missing_partitions and \
found_count < len(nodes):
missing = len(nodes) - found_count
print '\r\x1B[K',
print >>stderr, '# Container partition %s missing %s cop%s' % (
part, missing, 'y' if missing == 1 else 'ies')
container_copies_found[0] += found_count
containers_queried[0] += 1
container_copies_missing[len(nodes) - found_count] += 1
if time() >= next_report[0]:
next_report[0] = time() + 5
eta, eta_unit = compute_eta(begun, containers_queried[0],
if not json_output:
print '\r\x1B[KQuerying containers: %d of %d, %d%s left, %d ' \
'retries' % (containers_queried[0], containers_listed,
round(eta), eta_unit, retries_done[0]),
container_parts = {}
for container in containers:
part, nodes = container_ring.get_nodes(account, container)
if part not in container_parts:
container_copies_expected[0] += len(nodes)
container_parts[part] = part
coropool.spawn(direct, container, part, nodes)
distinct_partitions = len(container_parts)
copies_found = container_copies_found[0]
copies_expected = container_copies_expected[0]
value = 100.0 * copies_found / copies_expected
elapsed, elapsed_unit = get_time_units(time() - begun)
container_copies_missing.pop(0, None)
if not json_output:
print '\r\x1B[KQueried %d containers for dispersion reporting, ' \
'%d%s, %d retries' % (containers_listed, round(elapsed),
elapsed_unit, retries_done[0])
if containers_listed - distinct_partitions:
print 'There were %d overlapping partitions' % (
containers_listed - distinct_partitions)
for missing_copies, num_parts in container_copies_missing.iteritems():
print missing_string(num_parts, missing_copies,
print '%.02f%% of container copies found (%d of %d)' % (
value, copies_found, copies_expected)
print 'Sample represents %.02f%% of the container partition space' % (
100.0 * distinct_partitions / container_ring.partition_count)
return None
results = {'retries': retries_done[0],
'overlapping': containers_listed - distinct_partitions,
'pct_found': value,
'copies_found': copies_found,
'copies_expected': copies_expected}
for missing_copies, num_parts in container_copies_missing.iteritems():
results['missing_%d' % (missing_copies)] = num_parts
return results
def object_dispersion_report(coropool, connpool, account, object_ring,
retries, output_missing_partitions):
container = 'dispersion_objects'
with connpool.item() as conn:
objects = [o['name'] for o in conn.get_container(
container, prefix='dispersion_', full_listing=True)[1]]
except ClientException as err:
if err.http_status != 404:
print >>stderr, 'No objects to query. Has ' \
'swift-dispersion-populate been run?'
objects_listed = len(objects)
if not objects_listed:
print >>stderr, 'No objects to query. Has swift-dispersion-populate ' \
'been run?'
retries_done = [0]
objects_queried = [0]
object_copies_found = [0]
object_copies_expected = [0]
object_copies_missing = defaultdict(int)
begun = time()
next_report = [time() + 2]
def direct(obj, part, nodes):
found_count = 0
for node in nodes:
error_log = get_error_log('%(ip)s:%(port)s/%(device)s' % node)
attempts, _junk = direct_client.retry(
direct_client.direct_head_object, node, part, account,
container, obj, error_log=error_log, retries=retries)
retries_done[0] += attempts - 1
found_count += 1
except ClientException as err:
if err.http_status not in (404, 507):
error_log('Giving up on /%s/%s/%s/%s: %s' % (part, account,
container, obj, err))
except (Exception, Timeout) as err:
error_log('Giving up on /%s/%s/%s/%s: %s' % (part, account,
container, obj, err))
if output_missing_partitions and \
found_count < len(nodes):
missing = len(nodes) - found_count
print '\r\x1B[K',
print >>stderr, '# Object partition %s missing %s cop%s' % (
part, missing, 'y' if missing == 1 else 'ies')
object_copies_found[0] += found_count
object_copies_missing[len(nodes) - found_count] += 1
objects_queried[0] += 1
if time() >= next_report[0]:
next_report[0] = time() + 5
eta, eta_unit = compute_eta(begun, objects_queried[0],
if not json_output:
print '\r\x1B[KQuerying objects: %d of %d, %d%s left, %d ' \
'retries' % (objects_queried[0], objects_listed,
round(eta), eta_unit, retries_done[0]),
object_parts = {}
for obj in objects:
part, nodes = object_ring.get_nodes(account, container, obj)
if part not in object_parts:
object_copies_expected[0] += len(nodes)
object_parts[part] = part
coropool.spawn(direct, obj, part, nodes)
distinct_partitions = len(object_parts)
copies_found = object_copies_found[0]
copies_expected = object_copies_expected[0]
value = 100.0 * copies_found / copies_expected
elapsed, elapsed_unit = get_time_units(time() - begun)
if not json_output:
print '\r\x1B[KQueried %d objects for dispersion reporting, ' \
'%d%s, %d retries' % (objects_listed, round(elapsed),
elapsed_unit, retries_done[0])
if objects_listed - distinct_partitions:
print 'There were %d overlapping partitions' % (
objects_listed - distinct_partitions)
for missing_copies, num_parts in object_copies_missing.iteritems():
print missing_string(num_parts, missing_copies,
print '%.02f%% of object copies found (%d of %d)' % \
(value, copies_found, copies_expected)
print 'Sample represents %.02f%% of the object partition space' % (
100.0 * distinct_partitions / object_ring.partition_count)
return None
results = {'retries': retries_done[0],
'overlapping': objects_listed - distinct_partitions,
'pct_found': value,
'copies_found': copies_found,
'copies_expected': copies_expected}
for missing_copies, num_parts in object_copies_missing.iteritems():
results['missing_%d' % (missing_copies,)] = num_parts
return results
def missing_string(partition_count, missing_copies, copy_count):
exclamations = ''
missing_string = str(missing_copies)
if missing_copies == copy_count:
exclamations = '!!! '
missing_string = 'all'
elif copy_count - missing_copies == 1:
exclamations = '! '
verb_string = 'was'
partition_string = 'partition'
if partition_count > 1:
verb_string = 'were'
partition_string = 'partitions'
copy_string = 'copy'
if missing_copies > 1:
copy_string = 'copies'
return '%sThere %s %d %s missing %s %s.' % (
exclamations, verb_string, partition_count, partition_string,
missing_string, copy_string
if __name__ == '__main__':
hubs.get_hub().debug_exceptions = False
conffile = '/etc/swift/dispersion.conf'
parser = OptionParser(usage='''
Usage: %%prog [options] [conf_file]
[conf_file] defaults to %s'''.strip() % conffile)
parser.add_option('-j', '--dump-json', action='store_true', default=False,
help='dump dispersion report in json format')
parser.add_option('-d', '--debug', action='store_true', default=False,
help='print 404s to standard error')
parser.add_option('-p', '--partitions', action='store_true', default=False,
help='print missing partitions to standard error')
parser.add_option('--container-only', action='store_true', default=False,
help='Only run container report')
parser.add_option('--object-only', action='store_true', default=False,
help='Only run object report')
parser.add_option('--insecure', action='store_true', default=False,
help='Allow accessing insecure keystone server. '
'The keystone\'s certificate will not be verified.')
options, args = parser.parse_args()
if args:
conffile = args.pop(0)
c = ConfigParser()
if not c.read(conffile):
exit('Unable to read config file: %s' % conffile)
conf = dict(c.items('dispersion'))
swift_dir = conf.get('swift_dir', '/etc/swift')
retries = int(conf.get('retries', 5))
concurrency = int(conf.get('concurrency', 25))
endpoint_type = str(conf.get('endpoint_type', 'publicURL'))
if options.dump_json or config_true_value(conf.get('dump_json', 'no')):
json_output = True
container_report = config_true_value(conf.get('container_report', 'yes')) \
and not options.object_only
object_report = config_true_value(conf.get('object_report', 'yes')) \
and not options.container_only
if not (object_report or container_report):
exit("Neither container or object report is set to run")
insecure = options.insecure \
or config_true_value(conf.get('keystone_api_insecure', 'no'))
if options.debug:
debug = True
coropool = GreenPool(size=concurrency)
os_options = {'endpoint_type': endpoint_type}
url, token = get_auth(conf['auth_url'], conf['auth_user'],
auth_version=conf.get('auth_version', '1.0'),
account = url.rsplit('/', 1)[1]
connpool = Pool(max_size=concurrency)
connpool.create = lambda: Connection(
conf['auth_url'], conf['auth_user'], conf['auth_key'], retries=retries,
preauthurl=url, preauthtoken=token, os_options=os_options,
container_ring = Ring(swift_dir, ring_name='container')
object_ring = Ring(swift_dir, ring_name='object')
output = {}
if container_report:
output['container'] = container_dispersion_report(
coropool, connpool, account, container_ring, retries,
if object_report:
output['object'] = object_dispersion_report(
coropool, connpool, account, object_ring, retries,
if json_output:
print json.dumps(output)