Add unit tests to verify the precedence of access_log_ and log_ prefixes to options. Add pointers from proxy_logging sections in other sample config files to the proxy-server.conf-sample file. Change-Id: Id18176d3790fd187e304f0e33e3f74a94dc5305c
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# swift_dir = /etc/swift
# user = swift
# You can specify default log routing here if you want:
# log_name = swift
# log_facility = LOG_LOCAL0
# log_level = INFO
# log_address = /dev/log
# The following caps the length of log lines to the value given; no limit if
# set to 0, the default.
# log_max_line_length = 0
# comma separated list of functions to call to setup custom log handlers.
# functions get passed: conf, name, log_to_console, log_route, fmt, logger,
# adapted_logger
# log_custom_handlers =
# If set, log_udp_host will override log_address
# log_udp_host =
# log_udp_port = 514
# You can enable StatsD logging here:
# log_statsd_host =
# log_statsd_port = 8125
# log_statsd_default_sample_rate = 1.0
# log_statsd_sample_rate_factor = 1.0
# log_statsd_metric_prefix =
# You can set scheduling priority of processes. Niceness values range from -20
# (most favorable to the process) to 19 (least favorable to the process).
# nice_priority =
# You can set I/O scheduling class and priority of processes. I/O niceness
# class values are realtime, best-effort and idle. I/O niceness
# priority is a number which goes from 0 to 7. The higher the value, the lower
# the I/O priority of the process. Work only with ionice_class.
# ionice_class =
# ionice_priority =
# interval = 300.0
# expiring_objects_account_name = expiring_objects
# report_interval = 300.0
# request_tries is the number of times the expirer's internal client will
# attempt any given request in the event of failure. The default is 3.
# request_tries = 3
# concurrency is the level of concurrency to use to do the work, this value
# must be set to at least 1
# concurrency = 1
# deletes can be ratelimited to prevent the expirer from overwhelming the cluster
# tasks_per_second = 50.0
# processes is how many parts to divide the work into, one part per process
# that will be doing the work
# processes set 0 means that a single process will be doing all the work
# processes can also be specified on the command line and will override the
# config value
# processes = 0
# process is which of the parts a particular process will work on
# process can also be specified on the command line and will override the config
# value
# process is "zero based", if you want to use 3 processes, you should run
# processes with process set to 0, 1, and 2
# process = 0
# The expirer will re-attempt expiring if the source object is not available
# up to reclaim_age seconds before it gives up and deletes the entry in the
# queue.
# reclaim_age = 604800
# The expirer can delay the reaping of expired objects on disk (and in
# container listings) with an account level or container level delay_reaping
# time.
# After the delay_reaping time has passed objects will be reaped as normal.
# You may configure this delay_reaping value in seconds with dynamic config
# option names prefixed with delay_reaping_<ACCT> for account level delays
# and delay_reaping_<ACCT>/<CNTR> for container level delays.
# Special characters in <ACCT> or <CNTR> should be quoted.
# The delay_reaping value should be a float value greater than or equal to
# zero.
# A container level delay_reaping does not require an account level
# delay_reaping but overrides the account level delay_reaping for the same
# account if it exists.
# For example:
# delay_reaping_AUTH_test = 300.0
# delay_reaping_AUTH_test2 = 86400.0
# delay_reaping_AUTH_test/test = 400.0
# delay_reaping_AUTH_test/test2 = 600.0
# delay_reaping_AUTH_test/special%0Achars%3Dshould%20be%20quoted
# N.B. By default no delay_reaping value is configured for any accounts or
# containers.
# recon_cache_path = /var/cache/swift
# You can set scheduling priority of processes. Niceness values range from -20
# (most favorable to the process) to 19 (least favorable to the process).
# nice_priority =
# You can set I/O scheduling class and priority of processes. I/O niceness
# class values are realtime, best-effort and idle. I/O niceness
# priority is a number which goes from 0 to 7. The higher the value, the lower
# the I/O priority of the process. Work only with ionice_class.
# ionice_class =
# ionice_priority =
# The following sections define the configuration of the expirer's internal
# client pipeline
pipeline = catch_errors proxy-logging cache proxy-server
use = egg:swift#proxy
# See proxy-server.conf-sample for options
use = egg:swift#memcache
# See proxy-server.conf-sample for options
use = egg:swift#catch_errors
# See proxy-server.conf-sample for options
use = egg:swift#proxy_logging
# See proxy-server.conf-sample for options