675 lines
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{% set primary_role_name = roles[0].name -%}
heat_template_version: ocata
description: >
Deploy an OpenStack environment, consisting of several node types (roles),
Controller, Compute, BlockStorage, SwiftStorage and CephStorage. The Storage
roles enable independent scaling of the storage components, but the minimal
deployment is one Controller and one Compute node.
# TODO(shadower): we should probably use the parameter groups to put
# some order in here.
# Common parameters (not specific to a role)
default: overcloud.localdomain
description: The DNS name of this cloud. E.g. ci-overcloud.tripleo.org
type: string
default: overcloud.internalapi.localdomain
description: >
The DNS name of this cloud's internal API endpoint. E.g.
type: string
default: overcloud.storage.localdomain
description: >
The DNS name of this cloud's storage endpoint. E.g.
type: string
default: overcloud.storagemgmt.localdomain
description: >
The DNS name of this cloud's storage management endpoint. E.g.
type: string
default: overcloud.ctlplane.localdomain
description: >
The DNS name of this cloud's storage management endpoint. E.g.
type: string
default: []
description: Should be used for arbitrary ips.
type: json
default: []
description: >
Control the IP allocation for the InternalApiVirtualInterface port. E.g.
type: json
default: 'ctlplane'
type: string
description: Neutron ID or name for ctlplane network.
default: nic1
description: What interface to bridge onto br-ex for network nodes.
type: string
default: []
description: >
Control the IP allocation for the PublicVirtualInterface port. E.g.
type: json
type: string
default: unset
description: Salt for the rabbit cookie, change this to force the randomly generated rabbit cookie to change.
default: []
description: >
Control the IP allocation for the StorageVirtualInterface port. E.g.
type: json
default: []
description: >
Control the IP allocation for the StorageMgmgVirtualInterface port. E.g.
type: json
default: []
description: >
Control the IP allocation for the virtual IP used by Redis. E.g.
type: json
default: 'localdomain'
type: string
description: >
The DNS domain used for the hosts. This should match the dhcp_domain
configured in the Undercloud neutron. Defaults to localdomain.
default: {}
description: >
Extra properties or metadata passed to Nova for the created nodes in
the overcloud. It's accessible via the Nova metadata API.
type: json
# Compute-specific params
# FIXME(shardy) handle these deprecated names as they don't match compute.yaml
default: 'br-ex'
description: >
An OVS bridge to create on each hypervisor. This defaults to br-ex the
same as the control plane nodes, as we have a uniform configuration of
the openvswitch agent. Typically should not need to be changed.
type: string
default: nic1
description: What interface to add to the HypervisorNeutronPhysicalBridge.
type: string
# Jinja loop for Role in role_data.yaml
{% for role in roles %}
# Parameters generated for {{role.name}} Role
description: A list of service resources (configured in the Heat
resource_registry) which represent nested stacks
for each service that should get installed on the {{role.name}} role.
type: comma_delimited_list
description: Number of {{role.name}} nodes to deploy
type: number
default: {{role.CountDefault|default(0)}}
type: string
description: >
Format for {{role.name}} node hostnames
Note %index% is translated into the index of the node, e.g 0/1/2 etc
and %stackname% is replaced with the stack name e.g overcloud
{% if role.HostnameFormatDefault %}
default: "{{role.HostnameFormatDefault}}"
{% else %}
default: "%stackname%-{{role.name.lower()}}-%index%"
{% endif %}
default: []
type: json
description: >
List of resources to be removed from {{role.name}} ResourceGroup when
doing an update which requires removal of specific resources.
Example format ComputeRemovalPolicies: [{'resource_list': ['0']}]
{% if role.name != 'Compute' %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
type: json
description: Optional scheduler hints to pass to nova
default: {}
{% endfor %}
# Identifiers to trigger tasks on nodes
default: ''
type: string
description: >
Setting to a previously unused value during stack-update will trigger
package update on all nodes
default: ''
type: string
description: >
Setting this to a unique value will re-run any deployment tasks which
perform configuration on a Heat stack-update.
default: True
type: boolean
description: >
Set to true to append per network Vips to /etc/hosts on each node.
add_vips_to_etc_hosts: {equals : [{get_param: AddVipsToEtcHosts}, True]}
type: OS::Heat::Value
type: string
- "\n"
- - str_replace:
template: IP HOST
IP: {get_attr: [VipMap, net_ip_map, external]}
HOST: {get_param: CloudName}
- str_replace:
template: IP HOST
IP: {get_attr: [VipMap, net_ip_map, ctlplane]}
HOST: {get_param: CloudNameCtlplane}
- str_replace:
template: IP HOST
IP: {get_attr: [VipMap, net_ip_map, internal_api]}
HOST: {get_param: CloudNameInternal}
- str_replace:
template: IP HOST
IP: {get_attr: [VipMap, net_ip_map, storage]}
HOST: {get_param: CloudNameStorage}
- str_replace:
template: IP HOST
IP: {get_attr: [VipMap, net_ip_map, storage_mgmt]}
HOST: {get_param: CloudNameStorageManagement}
type: OS::Heat::RandomString
type: OS::Heat::RandomString
length: 16
type: OS::Heat::RandomString
length: 10
type: OS::TripleO::ServiceNetMap
type: OS::TripleO::EndpointMap
external: {get_param: CloudName}
internal_api: {get_param: CloudNameInternal}
storage: {get_param: CloudNameStorage}
storage_mgmt: {get_param: CloudNameStorageManagement}
ctlplane: {get_param: CloudNameCtlplane}
NetIpMap: {get_attr: [VipMap, net_ip_map]}
ServiceNetMap: {get_attr: [ServiceNetMap, service_net_map]}
type: OS::Heat::Value
type: json
value: {get_attr: [EndpointMap, endpoint_map]}
# Jinja loop for Role in roles_data.yaml
{% for role in roles %}
# Resources generated for {{role.name}} Role
type: OS::TripleO::Services
get_param: {{role.name}}Services
ServiceNetMap: {get_attr: [ServiceNetMap, service_net_map]}
EndpointMap: {get_attr: [EndpointMap, endpoint_map]}
DefaultPasswords: {get_attr: [DefaultPasswords, passwords]}
docker: new hybrid deployment architecture and configuration This patch implements a new docker deployment architecture that should us to install docker services in a stepwise manner alongside of baremetal puppet services. This works by using Yaql to select docker specific services (docker/services/*.yaml) vs the puppet specific ones and then applying the selected Json to relevant Heat software deployments for docker and baremetal puppet in a stepwise fashion. Additionally the new architecture leverages new composable services interfaces from Newton to allow configuration of per-service container configuration sets (directories that are bind mounted into kolla containers) by using the Kolla containers themselves. It does this by spinning up a throw away "configuration only" version of the container being configured itself, then running the puppet apply in that container and copying the generated config files into /var/lib/config-data. This avoids having to install all of the OpenStack dependency packages in the heat-agent-container itself (our previous approach) and should allow us to configure a much wider variety of container config files that would otherwise be impossible with the previous shared approach. The new approach (combined) should allow us to configure containers in both the undercloud and overcloud and incrementally add CI coverage to services as we containerize them. Co-Authored-By: Martin André <m.andre@redhat.com> Co-Authored-By: Ian Main <imain@redhat.com> Co-Authored-By: Flavio Percoco <flavio@redhat.com> Change-Id: Ibcff99f03e6751fbf3197adefd5d344178b71fc2
2017-01-03 22:21:44 -05:00
# Filter any null/None service_names which may be present due to mapping
# of services to OS::Heat::None
type: OS::Heat::Value
depends_on: {{role.name}}ServiceChain
type: comma_delimited_list
expression: coalesce($.data, []).where($ != null)
data: {get_attr: [{{role.name}}ServiceChain, role_data, service_names]}
type: OS::Heat::StructuredDeployments
name: {{role.name}}HostsDeployment
config: {get_attr: [hostsConfig, config_id]}
servers: {get_attr: [{{role.name}}, attributes, nova_server_resource]}
type: OS::Heat::StructuredDeployments
{% for role_inner in roles %}
- {{role_inner.name}}HostsDeployment
{% endfor %}
name: {{role.name}}AllNodesDeployment
config: {get_attr: [allNodesConfig, config_id]}
servers: {get_attr: [{{role.name}}, attributes, nova_server_resource]}
# Note we have to use yaql to look up the first hostname/ip in the
# list because heat path based attributes operate on the attribute
# inside the ResourceGroup, not the exposed list ref discussion in
# https://bugs.launchpad.net/heat/+bug/1640488
# The coalesce is needed because $.data is None during heat validation
expression: coalesce($.data, []).first(null)
data: {get_attr: [{{role.name}}, hostname]}
expression: coalesce($.data, []).first(null)
data: {get_attr: [{{role.name}}, ip_address]}
type: OS::Heat::StructuredDeployments
depends_on: {{role.name}}AllNodesDeployment
name: {{role.name}}AllNodesValidationDeployment
config: {get_resource: AllNodesValidationConfig}
servers: {get_attr: [{{role.name}}, attributes, nova_server_resource]}
type: OS::TripleO::Network::Ports::NetIpListMap
ControlPlaneIpList: {get_attr: [{{role.name}}, ip_address]}
ExternalIpList: {get_attr: [{{role.name}}, external_ip_address]}
InternalApiIpList: {get_attr: [{{role.name}}, internal_api_ip_address]}
StorageIpList: {get_attr: [{{role.name}}, storage_ip_address]}
StorageMgmtIpList: {get_attr: [{{role.name}}, storage_mgmt_ip_address]}
TenantIpList: {get_attr: [{{role.name}}, tenant_ip_address]}
ManagementIpList: {get_attr: [{{role.name}}, management_ip_address]}
docker: new hybrid deployment architecture and configuration This patch implements a new docker deployment architecture that should us to install docker services in a stepwise manner alongside of baremetal puppet services. This works by using Yaql to select docker specific services (docker/services/*.yaml) vs the puppet specific ones and then applying the selected Json to relevant Heat software deployments for docker and baremetal puppet in a stepwise fashion. Additionally the new architecture leverages new composable services interfaces from Newton to allow configuration of per-service container configuration sets (directories that are bind mounted into kolla containers) by using the Kolla containers themselves. It does this by spinning up a throw away "configuration only" version of the container being configured itself, then running the puppet apply in that container and copying the generated config files into /var/lib/config-data. This avoids having to install all of the OpenStack dependency packages in the heat-agent-container itself (our previous approach) and should allow us to configure a much wider variety of container config files that would otherwise be impossible with the previous shared approach. The new approach (combined) should allow us to configure containers in both the undercloud and overcloud and incrementally add CI coverage to services as we containerize them. Co-Authored-By: Martin André <m.andre@redhat.com> Co-Authored-By: Ian Main <imain@redhat.com> Co-Authored-By: Flavio Percoco <flavio@redhat.com> Change-Id: Ibcff99f03e6751fbf3197adefd5d344178b71fc2
2017-01-03 22:21:44 -05:00
EnabledServices: {get_attr: [{{role.name}}ServiceNames, value]}
ServiceNetMap: {get_attr: [ServiceNetMap, service_net_map_lower]}
ServiceHostnameList: {get_attr: [{{role.name}}, hostname]}
# Note (shardy) this somewhat complex yaql may be replaced
# with a map_deep_merge function in ocata. It merges the
# list of maps, but appends to colliding lists so we can
# create a map of lists for all nodes for each network
expression: dict($.data.where($ != null).flatten().selectMany($.items()).groupBy($[0], $[1], [$[0], $[1].flatten()]))
- {get_attr: [{{role.name}}, hostname_map]}
type: OS::Heat::ResourceGroup
depends_on: Networks
count: {get_param: {{role.name}}Count}
removal_policies: {get_param: {{role.name}}RemovalPolicies}
type: OS::TripleO::{{role.name}}
CloudDomain: {get_param: CloudDomain}
ServiceNetMap: {get_attr: [ServiceNetMap, service_net_map]}
EndpointMap: {get_attr: [EndpointMap, endpoint_map]}
template: {get_param: {{role.name}}HostnameFormat}
'%stackname%': {get_param: 'OS::stack_name'}
NodeIndex: '%index%'
{% if role.name != 'Compute' %}
{{role.name}}SchedulerHints: {get_param: {{role.name}}SchedulerHints}
{% else %}
NovaComputeSchedulerHints: {get_param: NovaComputeSchedulerHints}
{% endif %}
- get_attr: [{{role.name}}ServiceChain, role_data, config_settings]
{% for r in roles %}
- get_attr: [{{r.name}}ServiceChain, role_data, global_config_settings]
{% endfor %}
# This next step combines two yaql passes:
# - The inner one does a deep merge on the service_config_settings for all roles
# - The outer one filters the map based on the services enabled for the role
# then merges the result into one map.
- yaql:
expression: let(root => $) -> $.data.map.items().where($[0] in coalesce($root.data.services, [])).select($[1]).reduce($1.mergeWith($2), {})
expression: $.data.where($ != null).reduce($1.mergeWith($2), {})
{% for r in roles %}
- get_attr: [{{r.name}}ServiceChain, role_data, service_config_settings]
{% endfor %}
docker: new hybrid deployment architecture and configuration This patch implements a new docker deployment architecture that should us to install docker services in a stepwise manner alongside of baremetal puppet services. This works by using Yaql to select docker specific services (docker/services/*.yaml) vs the puppet specific ones and then applying the selected Json to relevant Heat software deployments for docker and baremetal puppet in a stepwise fashion. Additionally the new architecture leverages new composable services interfaces from Newton to allow configuration of per-service container configuration sets (directories that are bind mounted into kolla containers) by using the Kolla containers themselves. It does this by spinning up a throw away "configuration only" version of the container being configured itself, then running the puppet apply in that container and copying the generated config files into /var/lib/config-data. This avoids having to install all of the OpenStack dependency packages in the heat-agent-container itself (our previous approach) and should allow us to configure a much wider variety of container config files that would otherwise be impossible with the previous shared approach. The new approach (combined) should allow us to configure containers in both the undercloud and overcloud and incrementally add CI coverage to services as we containerize them. Co-Authored-By: Martin André <m.andre@redhat.com> Co-Authored-By: Ian Main <imain@redhat.com> Co-Authored-By: Flavio Percoco <flavio@redhat.com> Change-Id: Ibcff99f03e6751fbf3197adefd5d344178b71fc2
2017-01-03 22:21:44 -05:00
services: {get_attr: [{{role.name}}ServiceNames, value]}
ServiceNames: {get_attr: [{{role.name}}ServiceNames, value]}
MonitoringSubscriptions: {get_attr: [{{role.name}}ServiceChain, role_data, monitoring_subscriptions]}
ServiceMetadataSettings: {get_attr: [{{role.name}}ServiceChain, role_data, service_metadata_settings]}
{% endfor %}
type: OS::TripleO::Hosts::SoftwareConfig
- "\n"
- - if:
- add_vips_to_etc_hosts
- {get_attr: [VipHosts, value]}
- ''
{% for role in roles %}
- list_join:
- "\n"
- {get_attr: [{{role.name}}, hosts_entry]}
{% endfor %}
type: OS::TripleO::AllNodes::SoftwareConfig
cloud_name_external: {get_param: CloudName}
cloud_name_internal_api: {get_param: CloudNameInternal}
cloud_name_storage: {get_param: CloudNameStorage}
cloud_name_storage_mgmt: {get_param: CloudNameStorageManagement}
cloud_name_ctlplane: {get_param: CloudNameCtlplane}
- ','
{% for role in roles %}
docker: new hybrid deployment architecture and configuration This patch implements a new docker deployment architecture that should us to install docker services in a stepwise manner alongside of baremetal puppet services. This works by using Yaql to select docker specific services (docker/services/*.yaml) vs the puppet specific ones and then applying the selected Json to relevant Heat software deployments for docker and baremetal puppet in a stepwise fashion. Additionally the new architecture leverages new composable services interfaces from Newton to allow configuration of per-service container configuration sets (directories that are bind mounted into kolla containers) by using the Kolla containers themselves. It does this by spinning up a throw away "configuration only" version of the container being configured itself, then running the puppet apply in that container and copying the generated config files into /var/lib/config-data. This avoids having to install all of the OpenStack dependency packages in the heat-agent-container itself (our previous approach) and should allow us to configure a much wider variety of container config files that would otherwise be impossible with the previous shared approach. The new approach (combined) should allow us to configure containers in both the undercloud and overcloud and incrementally add CI coverage to services as we containerize them. Co-Authored-By: Martin André <m.andre@redhat.com> Co-Authored-By: Ian Main <imain@redhat.com> Co-Authored-By: Flavio Percoco <flavio@redhat.com> Change-Id: Ibcff99f03e6751fbf3197adefd5d344178b71fc2
2017-01-03 22:21:44 -05:00
- {get_attr: [{{role.name}}ServiceNames, value]}
{% endfor %}
expression: >
{% for role in roles %}
- {get_attr: [{{role.name}}ServiceChain, role_data, logging_groups]}
{% endfor %}
expression: >
{% for role in roles %}
- {get_attr: [{{role.name}}ServiceChain, role_data, logging_sources]}
{% endfor %}
controller_ips: {get_attr: [{{primary_role_name}}, ip_address]}
controller_names: {get_attr: [{{primary_role_name}}, hostname]}
# Note (shardy) this somewhat complex yaql may be replaced
# with a map_deep_merge function in ocata. It merges the
# list of maps, but appends to colliding lists when a service
# is deployed on more than one role
expression: dict($.data.l.where($ != null).selectMany($.items()).groupBy($[0], $[1], [$[0], $[1].flatten()]))
{% for role in roles %}
- {get_attr: [{{role.name}}IpListMap, service_ips]}
{% endfor %}
expression: dict($.data.l.where($ != null).selectMany($.items()).groupBy($[0], $[1], [$[0], $[1].flatten()]))
{% for role in roles %}
- {get_attr: [{{role.name}}IpListMap, service_hostnames]}
{% endfor %}
expression: dict($.data.l.where($ != null).selectMany($.items()).groupBy($[0], $[1], [$[0], $[1].flatten()]))
{% for role in roles %}
- {get_attr: [{{role.name}}IpListMap, short_service_hostnames]}
{% endfor %}
expression: dict($.data.l.where($ != null).selectMany($.items()).groupBy($[0], $[1], [$[0], $[1].flatten().first()]))
{% for role in roles %}
- {get_attr: [{{role.name}}IpListMap, short_service_bootstrap_hostnames]}
{% endfor %}
# FIXME(shardy): These require further work to move into service_ips
memcache_node_ips: {get_attr: [{{primary_role_name}}IpListMap, net_ip_map, {get_attr: [ServiceNetMap, service_net_map, MemcachedNetwork]}]}
NetVipMap: {get_attr: [VipMap, net_ip_map]}
RedisVirtualIP: {get_attr: [RedisVirtualIP, ip_address]}
ServiceNetMap: {get_attr: [ServiceNetMap, service_net_map_lower]}
DeployIdentifier: {get_param: DeployIdentifier}
UpdateIdentifier: {get_param: UpdateIdentifier}
type: OS::Heat::RandomString
length: 10
type: OS::Heat::RandomString
length: 20
salt: {get_param: RabbitCookieSalt}
type: OS::TripleO::DefaultPasswords
DefaultMysqlRootPassword: {get_attr: [MysqlRootPassword, value]}
DefaultRabbitCookie: {get_attr: [RabbitCookie, value]}
DefaultHeatAuthEncryptionKey: {get_attr: [HeatAuthEncryptionKey, value]}
DefaultPcsdPassword: {get_attr: [PcsdPassword, value]}
DefaultHorizonSecret: {get_attr: [HorizonSecret, value]}
# creates the network architecture
type: OS::TripleO::Network
type: OS::TripleO::Network::Ports::ControlPlaneVipPort
depends_on: Networks
name: control_virtual_ip
network: {get_param: NeutronControlPlaneID}
fixed_ips: {get_param: ControlFixedIPs}
replacement_policy: AUTO
depends_on: Networks
type: OS::TripleO::Network::Ports::RedisVipPort
ControlPlaneIP: {get_attr: [ControlVirtualIP, fixed_ips, 0, ip_address]}
ControlPlaneNetwork: {get_param: NeutronControlPlaneID}
PortName: redis_virtual_ip
NetworkName: {get_attr: [ServiceNetMap, service_net_map, RedisNetwork]}
ServiceName: redis
FixedIPs: {get_param: RedisVirtualFixedIPs}
# The public VIP is on the External net, falls back to ctlplane
depends_on: Networks
type: OS::TripleO::Network::Ports::ExternalVipPort
ControlPlaneIP: {get_attr: [ControlVirtualIP, fixed_ips, 0, ip_address]}
ControlPlaneNetwork: {get_param: NeutronControlPlaneID}
PortName: public_virtual_ip
FixedIPs: {get_param: PublicVirtualFixedIPs}
depends_on: Networks
type: OS::TripleO::Network::Ports::InternalApiVipPort
ControlPlaneIP: {get_attr: [ControlVirtualIP, fixed_ips, 0, ip_address]}
PortName: internal_api_virtual_ip
FixedIPs: {get_param: InternalApiVirtualFixedIPs}
depends_on: Networks
type: OS::TripleO::Network::Ports::StorageVipPort
ControlPlaneIP: {get_attr: [ControlVirtualIP, fixed_ips, 0, ip_address]}
PortName: storage_virtual_ip
FixedIPs: {get_param: StorageVirtualFixedIPs}
depends_on: Networks
type: OS::TripleO::Network::Ports::StorageMgmtVipPort
ControlPlaneIP: {get_attr: [ControlVirtualIP, fixed_ips, 0, ip_address]}
PortName: storage_management_virtual_ip
FixedIPs: {get_param: StorageMgmtVirtualFixedIPs}
type: OS::TripleO::Network::Ports::NetVipMap
ControlPlaneIp: {get_attr: [ControlVirtualIP, fixed_ips, 0, ip_address]}
ExternalIp: {get_attr: [PublicVirtualIP, ip_address]}
Add IPv6 Support to Isolated Networks This change adds a new set of network templates with IPv6 subnets that can be used instead of the existing IPv4 networks. Each network can use either the IPv4 or IPv6 template, and the Neutron subnet will be created with the specified IP version. The default addresses used for the IPv6 networks use the fd00::/8 prefix for the internal isolated networks (this range is reserved for private use similar to, and 2001:db8:fd00:1000::/64 is used as an example default for the External network (2001:db8::/32 are the documentation addresses [RFC3849]), but this would ordinarily be a globally addressable subnet. These parameters may be overridden in an environment file. This change will require updates to the OpenStack Puppet Modules to support IPv6 addresses in some of the hieradata values. Many of the OPM modules already have IPv6 support to support IPv6 deployments in Packstack, but some OPM packages that apply only to Instack/TripleO deployments need to be updated. IPv6 addresses used in URLs need to be surrounded by brackets in order to differentiate IP address from port number. This change adds a new output to the network/ports resources for ip_address_uri, which is an IP address with brackets in the case of IPv6, and a raw IP address without brackets for IPv4 ports. This change also updates some URLs which are constructed in Heat. This has been tested and problems were found with Puppet not accepting IPv6 addresses. This is addressed in the latest Puppet. Additional changes were required to make this work with Ceph. IPv6 tunnel endpoints with Open vSwitch are not yet supported (although support is coming soon), so this review leaves the Tenant network as an isolated IPv4 network for the time being. Change-Id: Ie7a742bdf1db533edda2998a53d28528f80ef8e2
2015-10-15 08:10:44 -07:00
ExternalIpUri: {get_attr: [PublicVirtualIP, ip_address_uri]}
InternalApiIp: {get_attr: [InternalApiVirtualIP, ip_address]}
Add IPv6 Support to Isolated Networks This change adds a new set of network templates with IPv6 subnets that can be used instead of the existing IPv4 networks. Each network can use either the IPv4 or IPv6 template, and the Neutron subnet will be created with the specified IP version. The default addresses used for the IPv6 networks use the fd00::/8 prefix for the internal isolated networks (this range is reserved for private use similar to, and 2001:db8:fd00:1000::/64 is used as an example default for the External network (2001:db8::/32 are the documentation addresses [RFC3849]), but this would ordinarily be a globally addressable subnet. These parameters may be overridden in an environment file. This change will require updates to the OpenStack Puppet Modules to support IPv6 addresses in some of the hieradata values. Many of the OPM modules already have IPv6 support to support IPv6 deployments in Packstack, but some OPM packages that apply only to Instack/TripleO deployments need to be updated. IPv6 addresses used in URLs need to be surrounded by brackets in order to differentiate IP address from port number. This change adds a new output to the network/ports resources for ip_address_uri, which is an IP address with brackets in the case of IPv6, and a raw IP address without brackets for IPv4 ports. This change also updates some URLs which are constructed in Heat. This has been tested and problems were found with Puppet not accepting IPv6 addresses. This is addressed in the latest Puppet. Additional changes were required to make this work with Ceph. IPv6 tunnel endpoints with Open vSwitch are not yet supported (although support is coming soon), so this review leaves the Tenant network as an isolated IPv4 network for the time being. Change-Id: Ie7a742bdf1db533edda2998a53d28528f80ef8e2
2015-10-15 08:10:44 -07:00
InternalApiIpUri: {get_attr: [InternalApiVirtualIP, ip_address_uri]}
StorageIp: {get_attr: [StorageVirtualIP, ip_address]}
Add IPv6 Support to Isolated Networks This change adds a new set of network templates with IPv6 subnets that can be used instead of the existing IPv4 networks. Each network can use either the IPv4 or IPv6 template, and the Neutron subnet will be created with the specified IP version. The default addresses used for the IPv6 networks use the fd00::/8 prefix for the internal isolated networks (this range is reserved for private use similar to, and 2001:db8:fd00:1000::/64 is used as an example default for the External network (2001:db8::/32 are the documentation addresses [RFC3849]), but this would ordinarily be a globally addressable subnet. These parameters may be overridden in an environment file. This change will require updates to the OpenStack Puppet Modules to support IPv6 addresses in some of the hieradata values. Many of the OPM modules already have IPv6 support to support IPv6 deployments in Packstack, but some OPM packages that apply only to Instack/TripleO deployments need to be updated. IPv6 addresses used in URLs need to be surrounded by brackets in order to differentiate IP address from port number. This change adds a new output to the network/ports resources for ip_address_uri, which is an IP address with brackets in the case of IPv6, and a raw IP address without brackets for IPv4 ports. This change also updates some URLs which are constructed in Heat. This has been tested and problems were found with Puppet not accepting IPv6 addresses. This is addressed in the latest Puppet. Additional changes were required to make this work with Ceph. IPv6 tunnel endpoints with Open vSwitch are not yet supported (although support is coming soon), so this review leaves the Tenant network as an isolated IPv4 network for the time being. Change-Id: Ie7a742bdf1db533edda2998a53d28528f80ef8e2
2015-10-15 08:10:44 -07:00
StorageIpUri: {get_attr: [StorageVirtualIP, ip_address_uri]}
StorageMgmtIp: {get_attr: [StorageMgmtVirtualIP, ip_address]}
Add IPv6 Support to Isolated Networks This change adds a new set of network templates with IPv6 subnets that can be used instead of the existing IPv4 networks. Each network can use either the IPv4 or IPv6 template, and the Neutron subnet will be created with the specified IP version. The default addresses used for the IPv6 networks use the fd00::/8 prefix for the internal isolated networks (this range is reserved for private use similar to, and 2001:db8:fd00:1000::/64 is used as an example default for the External network (2001:db8::/32 are the documentation addresses [RFC3849]), but this would ordinarily be a globally addressable subnet. These parameters may be overridden in an environment file. This change will require updates to the OpenStack Puppet Modules to support IPv6 addresses in some of the hieradata values. Many of the OPM modules already have IPv6 support to support IPv6 deployments in Packstack, but some OPM packages that apply only to Instack/TripleO deployments need to be updated. IPv6 addresses used in URLs need to be surrounded by brackets in order to differentiate IP address from port number. This change adds a new output to the network/ports resources for ip_address_uri, which is an IP address with brackets in the case of IPv6, and a raw IP address without brackets for IPv4 ports. This change also updates some URLs which are constructed in Heat. This has been tested and problems were found with Puppet not accepting IPv6 addresses. This is addressed in the latest Puppet. Additional changes were required to make this work with Ceph. IPv6 tunnel endpoints with Open vSwitch are not yet supported (although support is coming soon), so this review leaves the Tenant network as an isolated IPv4 network for the time being. Change-Id: Ie7a742bdf1db533edda2998a53d28528f80ef8e2
2015-10-15 08:10:44 -07:00
StorageMgmtIpUri: {get_attr: [StorageMgmtVirtualIP, ip_address_uri]}
# No tenant or management VIP required
# All Nodes Validations
type: OS::TripleO::AllNodes::Validation
- ' '
- - {get_attr: [{{primary_role_name}}, resource.0.external_ip_address]}
- {get_attr: [{{primary_role_name}}, resource.0.internal_api_ip_address]}
- {get_attr: [{{primary_role_name}}, resource.0.storage_ip_address]}
- {get_attr: [{{primary_role_name}}, resource.0.storage_mgmt_ip_address]}
- {get_attr: [{{primary_role_name}}, resource.0.tenant_ip_address]}
- {get_attr: [{{primary_role_name}}, resource.0.management_ip_address]}
type: OS::TripleO::Tasks::UpdateWorkflow
{% for role in roles %}
- {{role.name}}AllNodesDeployment
{% endfor %}
{% for role in roles %}
{{role.name}}: {get_attr: [{{role.name}}, attributes, nova_server_resource]}
{% endfor %}
deploy_identifier: {get_param: DeployIdentifier}
update_identifier: {get_param: UpdateIdentifier}
# Optional ExtraConfig for all nodes - all roles are passed in here, but
# the nested template may configure each role differently (or not at all)
type: OS::TripleO::AllNodesExtraConfig
- UpdateWorkflow
{% for role in roles %}
- {{role.name}}AllNodesValidationDeployment
{% endfor %}
{% for role in roles %}
{{role.name}}: {get_attr: [{{role.name}}, attributes, nova_server_resource]}
{% endfor %}
# Post deployment steps for all roles
type: OS::TripleO::PostDeploySteps
{% for role in roles %}
- {{role.name}}AllNodesDeployment
{% endfor %}
{% for role in roles %}
{{role.name}}: {get_attr: [{{role.name}}, attributes, nova_server_resource]}
{% endfor %}
EndpointMap: {get_attr: [EndpointMap, endpoint_map]}
{% for role in roles %}
{{role.name}}: {get_attr: [{{role.name}}ServiceChain, role_data]}
{% endfor %}
description: Asserts that the keystone endpoints have been provisioned.
value: true
description: URL for the Overcloud Keystone service
value: {get_attr: [EndpointMapData, value, KeystonePublic, uri]}
description: Keystone Admin VIP endpoint
value: {get_attr: [VipMap, net_ip_map, {get_attr: [ServiceNetMap, service_net_map, KeystoneAdminApiNetwork]}]}
description: |
Mapping of the resources with the needed info for their endpoints.
This includes the protocol used, the IP, port and also a full
representation of the URI.
value: {get_attr: [EndpointMapData, value]}
description: |
The content that should be appended to your /etc/hosts if you want to get
hostname-based access to the deployed nodes (useful for testing without
setting up a DNS).
- "\n"
- - {get_attr: [hostsConfig, hosts_entries]}
- - {get_attr: [VipHosts, value]}
description: The services enabled on each role
{% for role in roles %}
docker: new hybrid deployment architecture and configuration This patch implements a new docker deployment architecture that should us to install docker services in a stepwise manner alongside of baremetal puppet services. This works by using Yaql to select docker specific services (docker/services/*.yaml) vs the puppet specific ones and then applying the selected Json to relevant Heat software deployments for docker and baremetal puppet in a stepwise fashion. Additionally the new architecture leverages new composable services interfaces from Newton to allow configuration of per-service container configuration sets (directories that are bind mounted into kolla containers) by using the Kolla containers themselves. It does this by spinning up a throw away "configuration only" version of the container being configured itself, then running the puppet apply in that container and copying the generated config files into /var/lib/config-data. This avoids having to install all of the OpenStack dependency packages in the heat-agent-container itself (our previous approach) and should allow us to configure a much wider variety of container config files that would otherwise be impossible with the previous shared approach. The new approach (combined) should allow us to configure containers in both the undercloud and overcloud and incrementally add CI coverage to services as we containerize them. Co-Authored-By: Martin André <m.andre@redhat.com> Co-Authored-By: Ian Main <imain@redhat.com> Co-Authored-By: Flavio Percoco <flavio@redhat.com> Change-Id: Ibcff99f03e6751fbf3197adefd5d344178b71fc2
2017-01-03 22:21:44 -05:00
{{role.name}}: {get_attr: [{{role.name}}ServiceNames, value]}
{% endfor %}
description: The configuration data associated with each role
{% for role in roles %}
{{role.name}}: {get_attr: [{{role.name}}ServiceChain, role_data]}
{% endfor %}