2017-07-20 15:04:10 +01:00
# Note the indentation here is required as it's joined
# to create a playbook in deploy-steps.j2
2017-12-04 13:55:10 +00:00
# Step 1 block, write data for subsequent steps
2018-01-30 19:41:35 -05:00
2017-12-04 13:55:10 +00:00
- name: Write config data at the start of step 1
when: step == "1"
become: true
- name: Create /var/lib/tripleo-config directory
file: path=/var/lib/tripleo-config state=directory setype=svirt_sandbox_file_t selevel=s0 recurse=true
2018-01-30 19:41:35 -05:00
2017-12-04 13:55:10 +00:00
# Puppet manifest for baremetal host configuration
2018-02-15 14:36:52 -05:00
- name: Check if puppet step_config.pp manifest exists
delegate_to: localhost
become: false
2018-05-14 11:15:09 -07:00
path: "{{ tripleo_role_name + '/step_config.pp' }}"
2018-02-15 14:36:52 -05:00
register: stat_step_config
2018-01-30 19:41:35 -05:00
2018-02-15 14:36:52 -05:00
- name: Set fact when file existed
2018-04-03 17:43:57 -04:00
no_log: True
2018-02-15 14:36:52 -05:00
2018-05-14 11:15:09 -07:00
role_data_step_config: "{{lookup('file', tripleo_role_name + '/step_config.pp')}}"
2018-02-15 14:36:52 -05:00
when: stat_step_config.stat.exists
2018-01-30 19:41:35 -05:00
2017-12-04 13:55:10 +00:00
- name: Write the puppet step_config manifest
copy: content="{{role_data_step_config}}" dest=/var/lib/tripleo-config/puppet_step_config.pp force=yes mode=0600
2018-01-30 19:41:35 -05:00
2017-12-04 13:55:10 +00:00
# Config file for our docker-puppet.py script, used to generate container configs
- name: Create /var/lib/docker-puppet
file: path=/var/lib/docker-puppet state=directory setype=svirt_sandbox_file_t selevel=s0 recurse=true
2018-01-30 19:41:35 -05:00
2018-02-15 14:36:52 -05:00
- name: Check if docker-puppet puppet_config.yaml configuration file exists
delegate_to: localhost
become: false
2018-05-14 11:15:09 -07:00
path: "{{ tripleo_role_name + '/puppet_config.yaml' }}"
2018-02-15 14:36:52 -05:00
register: stat_puppet_config
2018-01-30 19:41:35 -05:00
2018-02-15 14:36:52 -05:00
- name: Set fact when file existed
2018-04-03 17:43:57 -04:00
no_log: True
2018-02-15 14:36:52 -05:00
2018-05-14 11:15:09 -07:00
role_data_puppet_config: "{{lookup('file', tripleo_role_name + '/puppet_config.yaml') | from_yaml | to_json}}"
2018-02-15 14:36:52 -05:00
when: stat_puppet_config.stat.exists
2018-01-30 19:41:35 -05:00
2018-02-15 14:36:52 -05:00
- name: Write docker-puppet.json file
copy: content="{{role_data_puppet_config}}" dest=/var/lib/docker-puppet/docker-puppet.json force=yes mode=0600
2018-01-30 19:41:35 -05:00
2017-12-04 13:55:10 +00:00
- name: Create /var/lib/docker-config-scripts
file: path=/var/lib/docker-config-scripts state=directory
# The container config files
# /var/lib/docker-container-startup-configs.json is removed as we now write
# per-step files instead
- name: Clean old /var/lib/docker-container-startup-configs.json file
path: /var/lib/docker-container-startup-configs.json
state: absent
2018-01-30 19:41:35 -05:00
2018-02-15 14:36:52 -05:00
- name: Check if docker_config_scripts.yaml file exists
delegate_to: localhost
become: false
2018-05-14 11:15:09 -07:00
path: "{{ tripleo_role_name + '/docker_config_scripts.yaml' }}"
2018-02-15 14:36:52 -05:00
register: stat_docker_config_scripts
2018-01-30 19:41:35 -05:00
2018-02-15 14:36:52 -05:00
- name: Set fact when file existed
2018-04-03 17:43:57 -04:00
no_log: True
2018-02-15 14:36:52 -05:00
2018-05-14 11:15:09 -07:00
role_data_docker_config_scripts: "{{lookup('file', tripleo_role_name + '/docker_config_scripts.yaml') | from_yaml}}"
2018-02-15 14:36:52 -05:00
when: stat_docker_config_scripts.stat.exists
2018-01-30 19:41:35 -05:00
2017-12-04 13:55:10 +00:00
- name: Write docker config scripts
copy: content="{{item.value.content}}" dest="/var/lib/docker-config-scripts/{{item.key}}" force=yes mode="{{item.value.mode|default('0600', true)}}"
with_dict: "{{role_data_docker_config_scripts}}"
2018-01-30 19:41:35 -05:00
2017-12-04 13:55:10 +00:00
# Here we are dumping all the docker container startup configuration data
# so that we can have access to how they are started outside of heat
# and docker-cmd. This lets us create command line tools to test containers.
# FIXME We need to update the defaults e.g in docker-toool so we can remove the
# docker-container-startup-configs.json and use per-step configs instead
- name: Set docker_config_default fact
2018-04-03 17:43:57 -04:00
no_log: True
2017-12-04 13:55:10 +00:00
docker_config_default: "{{ docker_config_default|default({}) | combine( {'step_'+item: {}} ) }}"
with_sequence: count={{deploy_steps_max}}
2018-01-30 19:41:35 -05:00
2018-02-15 14:36:52 -05:00
- name: Check if docker_config.yaml file exists
delegate_to: localhost
become: false
2018-05-14 11:15:09 -07:00
path: "{{ tripleo_role_name + '/docker_config.yaml' }}"
2018-02-15 14:36:52 -05:00
register: stat_docker_config
2018-01-30 19:41:35 -05:00
2018-02-15 14:36:52 -05:00
- name: Set fact when file existed
2018-04-03 17:43:57 -04:00
no_log: True
2018-02-15 14:36:52 -05:00
2018-05-14 11:15:09 -07:00
role_data_docker_config: "{{lookup('file', tripleo_role_name + '/docker_config.yaml') | from_yaml}}"
2018-02-15 14:36:52 -05:00
when: stat_docker_config.stat.exists
2018-01-30 19:41:35 -05:00
2017-12-04 13:55:10 +00:00
- name: Set docker_startup_configs_with_default fact
2018-04-03 17:43:57 -04:00
no_log: True
2017-12-04 13:55:10 +00:00
docker_config_with_default: "{{docker_config_default | combine(role_data_docker_config)}}"
2018-01-30 19:41:35 -05:00
2017-12-04 13:55:10 +00:00
- name: Write docker-container-startup-configs
copy: content="{{docker_config_with_default | to_json }}" dest=/var/lib/docker-container-startup-configs.json force=yes mode=0600
2018-01-30 19:41:35 -05:00
2017-12-04 13:55:10 +00:00
- name: Write per-step docker-container-startup-configs
copy: content="{{item.value|to_json}}" dest="/var/lib/tripleo-config/docker-container-startup-config-{{item.key}}.json" force=yes mode=0600
with_dict: "{{docker_config_with_default}}"
2018-01-30 19:41:35 -05:00
2017-12-04 13:55:10 +00:00
- name: Create /var/lib/kolla/config_files directory
file: path=/var/lib/kolla/config_files state=directory setype=svirt_sandbox_file_t selevel=s0 recurse=true
2018-01-30 19:41:35 -05:00
2018-02-15 14:36:52 -05:00
- name: Check if kolla_config.yaml file exists
delegate_to: localhost
become: false
2018-05-14 11:15:09 -07:00
path: "{{ tripleo_role_name + '/kolla_config.yaml' }}"
2018-02-15 14:36:52 -05:00
register: stat_kolla_config
2018-01-30 19:41:35 -05:00
2018-02-15 14:36:52 -05:00
- name: Set fact when file existed
2018-04-03 17:43:57 -04:00
no_log: True
2018-02-15 14:36:52 -05:00
2018-05-14 11:15:09 -07:00
role_data_kolla_config: "{{lookup('file', tripleo_role_name + '/kolla_config.yaml') | from_yaml}}"
2018-02-15 14:36:52 -05:00
when: stat_kolla_config.stat.exists
2018-01-30 19:41:35 -05:00
2017-12-04 13:55:10 +00:00
- name: Write kolla config json files
copy: content="{{item.value|to_json}}" dest="{{item.key}}" force=yes mode=0600
with_dict: "{{role_data_kolla_config}}"
2018-01-30 19:41:35 -05:00
2017-12-04 13:55:10 +00:00
# Bootstrap tasks, only performed on bootstrap_server_id
2018-01-30 19:41:35 -05:00
2017-12-04 13:55:10 +00:00
- name: Clean /var/lib/docker-puppet/docker-puppet-tasks*.json files
path: "{{item}}"
state: absent
- /var/lib/docker-puppet/docker-puppet-tasks*.json
when: deploy_server_id == bootstrap_server_id
2018-01-30 19:41:35 -05:00
2018-02-15 14:36:52 -05:00
- name: Check if docker_puppet_tasks.yaml file exists
delegate_to: localhost
become: false
2018-05-14 11:15:09 -07:00
path: "{{ tripleo_role_name + '/docker_puppet_tasks.yaml' }}"
2018-02-15 14:36:52 -05:00
register: stat_docker_puppet_tasks
2018-01-30 19:41:35 -05:00
2018-02-15 14:36:52 -05:00
- name: Set fact when file existed
2018-04-03 17:43:57 -04:00
no_log: True
2018-02-15 14:36:52 -05:00
2018-05-14 11:15:09 -07:00
role_data_docker_puppet_tasks: "{{lookup('file', tripleo_role_name + '/docker_puppet_tasks.yaml') | from_yaml}}"
2018-02-15 14:36:52 -05:00
when: stat_docker_puppet_tasks.stat.exists
2018-01-30 19:41:35 -05:00
2017-12-04 13:55:10 +00:00
- name: Write docker-puppet-tasks json files
copy: content="{{item.value|to_json}}" dest=/var/lib/docker-puppet/docker-puppet-tasks{{item.key.replace("step_", "")}}.json force=yes mode=0600
with_dict: "{{role_data_docker_puppet_tasks}}"
when: deploy_server_id == bootstrap_server_id
2017-05-03 17:12:55 +01:00
# Per step puppet configuration of the baremetal host
2018-01-30 19:41:35 -05:00
Fix ConfigDebug for puppet host runs
Before pike we used to be able to add -e environments/config-debug.yaml
and that would give us debug logs for puppet. With the move to ansible
running puppet we lost this feature.
Let's make sure that the old ConfigDebug variable still works with
the ansible playbook-based deploy steps. With this patch and ConfigDebug
set to true, we correctly get the puppet debug logs:
TASK [debug] *******************************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
"(outputs.stderr|default('')).split('\n')|union(outputs.stdout_lines|default([]))": [
"Warning: Undefined variable 'deploy_config_name'; ",
" (file & line not available)",
"Warning: This method is deprecated, please use the stdlib validate_legacy function, with Stdlib::Compat::Bool. There is further documentation for validate_legacy function in the README. at [\"/etc/puppet/modules/ntp/manifests/init.pp\", 54]:[\"/etc/puppet/modules/tripleo/manifests/profile/base/time/ntp.pp\", 29]",
" (at /etc/puppet/modules/stdlib/lib/puppet/functions/deprecation.rb:25:in `deprecation')",
"Debug: Runtime environment: puppet_version=4.8.2, ruby_version=2.0.0, run_mode=user, default_encoding=UTF-8",
"Debug: Loading external facts from /etc/puppet/modules/openstacklib/facts.d",
"Debug: Loading external facts from /var/lib/puppet/facts.d",
Change-Id: Ia726fb8ca4a6f7bbbd7a1284d76ff42df6825d01
Closes-Bug: #1722752
2017-10-11 12:47:01 +02:00
- name: Set host puppet debugging fact string
host_puppet_config_debug: "--debug --verbose"
2018-03-06 13:43:07 -05:00
- enable_puppet|default(true)|bool
- enable_debug|default(false)|bool
2018-01-30 19:41:35 -05:00
2017-05-03 17:12:55 +01:00
- name: Write the config_step hieradata
2017-09-04 13:53:04 +01:00
copy: content="{{dict(step=step|int)|to_json}}" dest=/etc/puppet/hieradata/config_step.json force=true mode=0600
2017-09-14 10:08:07 -06:00
become: true
2018-01-30 19:41:35 -05:00
2017-05-03 17:12:55 +01:00
- name: Run puppet host configuration for step {{step}}
2018-03-06 13:43:07 -05:00
when: enable_puppet|default(true)|bool
2017-06-09 18:03:50 +02:00
command: >-
Fix ConfigDebug for puppet host runs
Before pike we used to be able to add -e environments/config-debug.yaml
and that would give us debug logs for puppet. With the move to ansible
running puppet we lost this feature.
Let's make sure that the old ConfigDebug variable still works with
the ansible playbook-based deploy steps. With this patch and ConfigDebug
set to true, we correctly get the puppet debug logs:
TASK [debug] *******************************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
"(outputs.stderr|default('')).split('\n')|union(outputs.stdout_lines|default([]))": [
"Warning: Undefined variable 'deploy_config_name'; ",
" (file & line not available)",
"Warning: This method is deprecated, please use the stdlib validate_legacy function, with Stdlib::Compat::Bool. There is further documentation for validate_legacy function in the README. at [\"/etc/puppet/modules/ntp/manifests/init.pp\", 54]:[\"/etc/puppet/modules/tripleo/manifests/profile/base/time/ntp.pp\", 29]",
" (at /etc/puppet/modules/stdlib/lib/puppet/functions/deprecation.rb:25:in `deprecation')",
"Debug: Runtime environment: puppet_version=4.8.2, ruby_version=2.0.0, run_mode=user, default_encoding=UTF-8",
"Debug: Loading external facts from /etc/puppet/modules/openstacklib/facts.d",
"Debug: Loading external facts from /var/lib/puppet/facts.d",
Change-Id: Ia726fb8ca4a6f7bbbd7a1284d76ff42df6825d01
Closes-Bug: #1722752
2017-10-11 12:47:01 +02:00
puppet apply {{ host_puppet_config_debug|default('') }}
2017-06-09 18:03:50 +02:00
2017-10-12 17:37:50 +02:00
2018-01-03 12:55:55 -08:00
2017-07-27 13:59:04 -04:00
--logdest syslog --logdest console --color=false
2017-06-09 18:03:50 +02:00
2017-10-12 17:37:50 +02:00
changed_when: outputs.rc == 2
2017-06-09 18:03:50 +02:00
check_mode: no
register: outputs
failed_when: false
no_log: true
2017-09-14 10:08:07 -06:00
become: true
2018-01-30 19:41:35 -05:00
2018-02-09 13:18:49 +00:00
- name: "Debug output for task which failed: Run puppet host configuration for step {{step}}"
debug: var=outputs.stdout_lines|default([])|union(outputs.stderr_lines|default([]))
2018-03-06 13:43:07 -05:00
- enable_puppet|default(true)|bool
- outputs.rc is defined
2017-10-12 17:37:50 +02:00
failed_when: outputs.rc not in [0, 2]
2018-01-30 19:41:35 -05:00
2017-05-03 17:12:55 +01:00
# Generate config via docker-puppet.py
2018-01-30 19:41:35 -05:00
2018-01-25 16:42:07 -05:00
- name: Run docker-puppet tasks (generate config) during step {{step}}
2017-05-03 17:12:55 +01:00
shell: python /var/lib/docker-puppet/docker-puppet.py
NET_HOST: 'true'
2017-07-21 11:21:09 +01:00
DEBUG: '{{docker_puppet_debug|default(false)}}'
2017-08-25 23:01:24 -04:00
PROCESS_COUNT: '{{docker_puppet_process_count|default(3)}}'
2017-05-03 17:12:55 +01:00
when: step == "1"
changed_when: false
check_mode: no
2017-06-09 18:03:50 +02:00
register: outputs
failed_when: false
no_log: true
2017-09-14 10:08:07 -06:00
become: true
2018-01-30 19:41:35 -05:00
2018-02-09 13:18:49 +00:00
- name: "Debug output for task which failed: Run docker-puppet tasks (generate config) during step {{step}}"
debug: var=outputs.stdout_lines|default([])|union(outputs.stderr_lines|default([]))
2017-11-20 20:48:50 +01:00
when: outputs.rc is defined
failed_when: outputs.rc != 0
2018-01-30 19:41:35 -05:00
2017-05-03 17:12:55 +01:00
# Per step starting of the containers using paunch
2018-01-30 19:41:35 -05:00
2017-05-19 16:38:56 +01:00
# Note docker-puppet.py generates the hashed-*.json file, which is a copy of
# the *step_n.json with a hash of the generated external config added
# This acts as a salt to enable restarting the container if config changes
2017-05-03 17:12:55 +01:00
- name: Start containers for step {{step}}
2017-06-09 18:03:50 +02:00
command: >-
paunch --debug apply
--file /var/lib/tripleo-config/hashed-docker-container-startup-config-step_{{step}}.json
2018-05-14 11:15:09 -07:00
--config-id tripleo_step{{step}} --managed-by tripleo-{{tripleo_role_name}}
2017-05-03 17:12:55 +01:00
changed_when: false
check_mode: no
2017-06-09 18:03:50 +02:00
register: outputs
failed_when: false
no_log: true
2017-09-14 10:08:07 -06:00
become: true
2018-01-30 19:41:35 -05:00
2018-02-09 13:18:49 +00:00
- name: "Debug output for task which failed: Start containers for step {{step}}"
debug: var=outputs.stdout_lines|default([])|union(outputs.stderr_lines|default([]))
2017-11-20 20:48:50 +01:00
when: outputs.rc is defined
failed_when: outputs.rc != 0
2018-01-30 19:41:35 -05:00
2017-05-03 17:12:55 +01:00
# Bootstrap tasks, only performed on bootstrap_server_id
2018-01-30 19:41:35 -05:00
2017-07-19 20:36:11 +01:00
- name: Check if /var/lib/docker-puppet/docker-puppet-tasks{{step}}.json exists
path: /var/lib/docker-puppet/docker-puppet-tasks{{step}}.json
register: docker_puppet_tasks_json
2017-09-14 10:08:07 -06:00
become: true
2018-01-30 19:41:35 -05:00
2018-01-25 16:42:07 -05:00
- name: Run docker-puppet tasks (bootstrap tasks) for step {{step}}
2017-05-03 17:12:55 +01:00
shell: python /var/lib/docker-puppet/docker-puppet.py
CONFIG: /var/lib/docker-puppet/docker-puppet-tasks{{step}}.json
NET_HOST: "true"
NO_ARCHIVE: "true"
STEP: "{{step}}"
2017-07-19 20:36:11 +01:00
when: deploy_server_id == bootstrap_server_id and docker_puppet_tasks_json.stat.exists
2017-05-03 17:12:55 +01:00
changed_when: false
check_mode: no
2017-06-09 18:03:50 +02:00
register: outputs
failed_when: false
no_log: true
2017-09-14 10:08:07 -06:00
become: true
2018-01-30 19:41:35 -05:00
2018-02-09 13:18:49 +00:00
- name: "Debug output for task which failed: Run docker-puppet tasks (bootstrap tasks) for step {{step}}"
debug: var=outputs.stdout_lines|default([])|union(outputs.stderr_lines|default([]))
2017-11-20 20:48:50 +01:00
when: outputs.rc is defined
failed_when: outputs.rc != 0
2018-01-30 19:41:35 -05:00