diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
index ce1110ae06..bda47437c8 100644
--- a/requirements.txt
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 # of appearance. Changing the order has an impact on the overall integration
 # process, which may cause wedges in the gate later.
 pbr!=2.1.0,>=2.0.0 # Apache-2.0
+PyYAML>=3.12 # MIT
 Jinja2>=2.10 # BSD License (3 clause)
 six>=1.10.0 # MIT
 tripleo-common>=7.1.0 # Apache-2.0
diff --git a/tools/yaml-validate.py b/tools/yaml-validate.py
index a7e214f813..5dcb6da091 100755
--- a/tools/yaml-validate.py
+++ b/tools/yaml-validate.py
@@ -13,10 +13,14 @@
 import argparse
 import os
+import re
 import sys
 import traceback
 import yaml
+from copy import copy
+from sets import Set
 # Only permit the template alias versions
 # The current template version should be the last element
 valid_heat_template_versions = [
@@ -604,6 +608,181 @@ def validate_service(filename, tpl):
     return 0
+def _rsearch_keys(d, pattern, search_keynames=False, enter_lists=False):
+    """ Deep regex search through a dict for k or v matching a pattern
+    Returns a list of the matched parent keys. Nested keypaths are
+    represented as lists. Looks for either values (default) or keys mathching
+    the search pattern. A key name may also be joined an integer index, when
+    the matched value belongs to a list and enter_lists is enabled.
+    Example:
+    >>> example_dict = { 'key1' : [ 'value1', { 'key1': 'value2' } ],
+                         'key2' : 'value2',
+                         'key3' : { 'key3a': 'value3a' },
+                         'key4' : { 'key4a': { 'key4aa': 'value4aa',
+                                               'key4ab': 'value4ab',
+                                               'key4ac': 'value1'},
+                                    'key4b': 'value4b'} }
+    >>>_rsearch_keys(example_dict, 'value1', search_keynames=False,
+                     enter_lists=True)
+    [['key1', 0], ['key4', 'key4a', 'key4ac']]
+    >>> _rsearch_keys(example_dict, 'key4aa', search_keynames=True)
+    [['key4', 'key4a', 'key4aa']]
+    >>> _rsearch_keys(example_dict, 'key1', True, True)
+    [['key1', 1, 'key1']]
+    """
+    def _rsearch_keys_nested(d, pattern, search_keynames=False,
+                             enter_lists=False, workset=None, path=None):
+        if path is None:
+            path = []
+        # recursively walk through the dict, optionally entering lists
+        if isinstance(d, dict):
+            for k, v in d.iteritems():
+                path.append(k)
+                if (isinstance(v, dict) or enter_lists and
+                    isinstance(v, list)):
+                    # results are accumulated in the upper scope result var
+                    _rsearch_keys_nested(v, pattern, search_keynames,
+                                         enter_lists, result, path)
+                if search_keynames:
+                    target = str(k)
+                else:
+                    target = str(v)
+                if re.search(pattern, target):
+                    present = False
+                    for entry in result:
+                        if Set(path).issubset(Set(entry)):
+                            present = True
+                            break
+                    if not present:
+                        result.append(copy(path))
+                path.pop()
+        if enter_lists and isinstance(d, list):
+            for ind in range(len(d)):
+                path.append(ind)
+                if (isinstance(d[ind], dict) or
+                    enter_lists and isinstance(d[ind], list)):
+                    _rsearch_keys_nested(d[ind], pattern, search_keynames,
+                                         enter_lists, result, path)
+                if re.search(pattern, str(d[ind])):
+                    present = False
+                    for entry in result:
+                        if Set(path).issubset(Set(entry)):
+                            present = True
+                            break
+                    if not present:
+                        result.append(copy(path))
+                path.pop()
+        return result
+    result = []
+    return _rsearch_keys_nested(d, pattern, search_keynames, enter_lists)
+def _get(d, path):
+    """ Get a value (or None) from a dict by path given as a list
+    Integer values represent indexes in lists, string values are for dict keys
+    """
+    if not isinstance(path, list):
+        raise LookupError("The path needs to be a list")
+    for step in path:
+        try:
+            d = d[step]
+        except KeyError:
+            return None
+    return d
+def validate_service_hiera_interpol(f, tpl):
+    """  Validate service templates for hiera interpolation rules
+    Find all {get_param: [ServiceNetMap, ...]} missing hiera
+    interpolation of IP addresses or network ranges vs
+    the names of the networks, which needs no interpolation
+    """
+    def _getindex(lst, element):
+        try:
+            pos = lst.index(element)
+            return pos
+        except ValueError:
+            return None
+    if 'ansible' in f or 'endpoint_map' in f:
+        return 0
+    failed = False
+    search_keynames = False
+    enter_lists = True
+    if 'outputs' in tpl and 'role_data' in tpl['outputs']:
+        values_found = _rsearch_keys(tpl['outputs']['role_data'],
+                                     'ServiceNetMap',
+                                     search_keynames, enter_lists)
+        for path in values_found:
+            # Omit if not a part of {get_param: [ServiceNetMap ...
+            if not enter_lists and path[-1] != 'get_param':
+                continue
+            if enter_lists and path[-1] != 0 and path[-2] != 'get_param':
+                continue
+            path_str = ';'.join(str(x) for x in path)
+            # NOTE(bogdando): Omit foo_network keys looking like a network
+            # name. The only exception is allow anything under
+            # str_replace['params'] ('str_replace;params' in the str notation).
+            # We need to escape because of '$' char may be in templated params.
+            query = re.compile(r'\\;str\\_replace\\;params\\;\S*?net',
+                               re.IGNORECASE)
+            if not query.search(re.escape(path_str)):
+                # Keep parsing, if foo_vip_network, or anything
+                # else that looks like a keystore for an IP address value.
+                query = re.compile(r'(?!ip|cidr|addr|bind|host)([^;]\S)*?net',
+                                   re.IGNORECASE)
+                if query.search(re.escape(path_str)):
+                    continue
+            # Omit mappings in tht, like:
+            # [NetXxxMap, <... ,> {get_param: [ServiceNetMap, ...
+            if re.search(r'Map.*get\\_param', re.escape(path_str)):
+                continue
+            # For the remaining cases, verify if there is a template
+            # (like str_replace) with the expected format, which is
+            # containing hiera(param_name) interpolation
+            str_replace_pos = _getindex(path, 'str_replace')
+            params_pos = _getindex(path, 'params')
+            if str_replace_pos is None or params_pos is None:
+                print("ERROR: Missed hiera interpolation via str_replace "
+                      "in %s, role_data: %s"
+                      % (f, path))
+                failed = True
+                continue
+            # Get the name of the templated param, like NETWORK or $NETWORK
+            param_name = path[params_pos + 1]
+            str_replace = _get(tpl['outputs']['role_data'],
+                               path[:(str_replace_pos + 1)])
+            match_interp = re.search("%%\{hiera\(\S+%s\S+\)\}" %
+                                     re.escape(param_name),
+                                     str_replace['template'])
+            if str_replace['template'] is None or match_interp is None:
+                print("ERROR: Missed %%{hiera('... %s ...')} interpolation "
+                      "in str_replace['template'] "
+                      "in %s, role_data: %s" % (param_name, f, path))
+                failed = True
+                continue
+            # end processing this path and go for the next one
+    if failed:
+        return 1
+    else:
+        return 0
 def validate_upgrade_tasks_duplicate_whens(filename):
     """Take a heat template and starting at the upgrade_tasks
@@ -619,8 +798,8 @@ def validate_upgrade_tasks_duplicate_whens(filename):
             if '  when:' in line:
                 count += 1
                 if count > 1:
-                    print ("ERROR: found duplicate when statements in %s "
-                           "upgrade_task: %s %s" % (filename, line, duplicate))
+                    print("ERROR: found duplicate when statements in %s "
+                          "upgrade_task: %s %s" % (filename, line, duplicate))
                     return 1
                 duplicate = line
             elif ' -' in line:
@@ -690,6 +869,8 @@ def validate(filename, param_map):
                 VALIDATE_PUPPET_OVERRIDE.get(filename, True)):
             retval = validate_service(filename, tpl)
+        if re.search(r'(puppet|docker)\/services', filename):
+            retval = validate_service_hiera_interpol(filename, tpl)
         if filename.startswith('./docker/services/logging/'):
             retval = validate_docker_logging_template(filename, tpl)