From f1720b349194d958022d27fd0c5c07e407f55478 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Giulio Fidente <>
Date: Wed, 2 Dec 2015 15:07:22 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Add pcmk constraints against haproxy-clone only if applicable

When the Overcloud does not host an instance of haproxy, pcmk will
not have any resource named haproxy-clone so we should not add
any constraint relying on it.

Change-Id: I801f07b7570f3805aa71c22998fec6b6f192b350
 extraconfig/tasks/ | 96 +++++++++++++++++----------------
 1 file changed, 49 insertions(+), 47 deletions(-)

diff --git a/extraconfig/tasks/ b/extraconfig/tasks/
index e3e9545d7d..ae34207e94 100755
--- a/extraconfig/tasks/
+++ b/extraconfig/tasks/
@@ -45,53 +45,7 @@ pacemaker_status=$(systemctl is-active pacemaker)
 if [[ "$pacemaker_status" == "active" ]] ; then
-    echo "Dumping Pacemaker config"
-    pcs cluster cib $pacemaker_dumpfile
-    echo "Checking for missing constraints"
-    if ! pcs constraint order show | grep "start openstack-nova-novncproxy-clone then start openstack-nova-api-clone"; then
-        pcs -f $pacemaker_dumpfile constraint order start openstack-nova-novncproxy-clone then openstack-nova-api-clone
-    fi
-    if ! pcs constraint order show | grep "start rabbitmq-clone then start openstack-keystone-clone"; then
-        pcs -f $pacemaker_dumpfile constraint order start rabbitmq-clone then openstack-keystone-clone
-    fi
-    if ! pcs constraint order show | grep "promote galera-master then start openstack-keystone-clone"; then
-        pcs -f $pacemaker_dumpfile constraint order promote galera-master then openstack-keystone-clone
-    fi
-    if ! pcs constraint order show | grep "start haproxy-clone then start openstack-keystone-clone"; then
-        pcs -f $pacemaker_dumpfile constraint order start haproxy-clone then openstack-keystone-clone
-    fi
-    if ! pcs constraint order show | grep "start memcached-clone then start openstack-keystone-clone"; then
-        pcs -f $pacemaker_dumpfile constraint order start memcached-clone then openstack-keystone-clone
-    fi
-    if ! pcs constraint order show | grep "promote redis-master then start openstack-ceilometer-central-clone"; then
-        pcs -f $pacemaker_dumpfile constraint order promote redis-master then start openstack-ceilometer-central-clone require-all=false
-    fi
-    # ensure neutron constraints
-    # remove ovs-cleanup after server and add openvswitch-agent instead
-    if  pcs constraint order show  | grep "start neutron-server-clone then start neutron-ovs-cleanup-clone"; then
-        pcs -f $pacemaker_dumpfile constraint remove order-neutron-server-clone-neutron-ovs-cleanup-clone-mandatory
-    fi
-    if ! pcs constraint order show | grep "start neutron-server-clone then start neutron-openvswitch-agent-clone"; then
-        pcs -f $pacemaker_dumpfile constraint order start neutron-server-clone then neutron-openvswitch-agent-clone
-    fi
-    if ! pcs resource defaults | grep "resource-stickiness: INFINITY"; then
-        pcs -f $pacemaker_dumpfile resource defaults resource-stickiness=INFINITY
-    fi
-    echo "Setting resource start/stop timeouts"
@@ -119,6 +73,54 @@ openstack-nova-conductor
+    echo "Dumping Pacemaker config"
+    pcs cluster cib $pacemaker_dumpfile
+    echo "Checking for missing constraints"
+    if ! pcs constraint order show | grep "start openstack-nova-novncproxy-clone then start openstack-nova-api-clone"; then
+        pcs -f $pacemaker_dumpfile constraint order start openstack-nova-novncproxy-clone then openstack-nova-api-clone
+    fi
+    if ! pcs constraint order show | grep "start rabbitmq-clone then start openstack-keystone-clone"; then
+        pcs -f $pacemaker_dumpfile constraint order start rabbitmq-clone then openstack-keystone-clone
+    fi
+    if ! pcs constraint order show | grep "promote galera-master then start openstack-keystone-clone"; then
+        pcs -f $pacemaker_dumpfile constraint order promote galera-master then openstack-keystone-clone
+    fi
+    if pcs resource | grep "haproxy-clone"; then
+        SERVICES="$SERVICES haproxy"
+        if ! pcs constraint order show | grep "start haproxy-clone then start openstack-keystone-clone"; then
+            pcs -f $pacemaker_dumpfile constraint order start haproxy-clone then openstack-keystone-clone
+        fi
+    fi
+    if ! pcs constraint order show | grep "start memcached-clone then start openstack-keystone-clone"; then
+        pcs -f $pacemaker_dumpfile constraint order start memcached-clone then openstack-keystone-clone
+    fi
+    if ! pcs constraint order show | grep "promote redis-master then start openstack-ceilometer-central-clone"; then
+        pcs -f $pacemaker_dumpfile constraint order promote redis-master then start openstack-ceilometer-central-clone require-all=false
+    fi
+    # ensure neutron constraints
+    # remove ovs-cleanup after server and add openvswitch-agent instead
+    if  pcs constraint order show  | grep "start neutron-server-clone then start neutron-ovs-cleanup-clone"; then
+        pcs -f $pacemaker_dumpfile constraint remove order-neutron-server-clone-neutron-ovs-cleanup-clone-mandatory
+    fi
+    if ! pcs constraint order show | grep "start neutron-server-clone then start neutron-openvswitch-agent-clone"; then
+        pcs -f $pacemaker_dumpfile constraint order start neutron-server-clone then neutron-openvswitch-agent-clone
+    fi
+    if ! pcs resource defaults | grep "resource-stickiness: INFINITY"; then
+        pcs -f $pacemaker_dumpfile resource defaults resource-stickiness=INFINITY
+    fi
+    echo "Setting resource start/stop timeouts"
     for service in $SERVICES; do
         pcs -f $pacemaker_dumpfile resource update $service op start timeout=100s op stop timeout=100s