This patch fixes the incorrect Redis VIP declaration in
fixed-ip-vips-v6.yaml. The file incorrectly has vip.yaml
for the RedisVipPort instead of vip_v6.yaml, although the
fixed IP is an IPv6 address. This causes an error, and
conflicts with network-isolation-v6.yaml, so the deployment
works if network-isolation-v6.yaml is included after the
fixed-ip-vips-v6.yaml, but fails if it is included before.
Change-Id: Iffabbedfda77bc5cc4793700c459fb51b14f62d9
Closes-bug: 1778120
This change adds two files which demonstrate manipulation of the
VIP IP addresses without using an external load balancer. This
allows the configuration of DNS, or allows for continuity when
replacing an existing environment.
The fixed IPs for the virtual IPs are set using the new parameters,
and this change also adds a RedisVirtualFixedIPs parameter for
setting the Redis VIP.
Change-Id: I4e926f1c6b30d4009d24a307bc21e07e1731b387