Dan Sneddon 1dec175241 Render NIC config templates with jinja2
This change converts the existing NIC templates to jinja2 in
order to dynamically render the ports and networks according
to the network_data.yaml. If networks are added to the
network_data.yaml file, parameters will be added to all
NIC templates. The YAML files (as output from jinja with
the default network_data.yaml) are present as an example.

The roles in roles_data.yaml are used to produce NIC configs
for the standard and custom composable roles. In order to
keep the ordering of NICs the same in the multiple-nics
templates, the order of networks was changed in the
network_data.yaml file. This is reflected in the network
templates, and in some of the files that is the only

The roles and roles_data.yaml were modified to include
a legacy name for the NIC config templates for the
built-in roles Controller, Compute, Object Storage,
Block Storage, Ceph Storage, Compute-DPDK, and
Networker roles. There will now be a file produced
with the legacy name, but also one produced with the
<role>-role.j2.yaml format (along with environment
files to help use the new filenames).

Note this change also fixes some typos as well as
a number of templates that had VLANs with device:
entries which were ignored.

Closes-Bug: 1737041
Depends-On: I49c0245c36de3103671080fd1c8cfb3432856f35
Change-Id: I3bdb7d00dab5a023dd8b9c94c0f89f84357ae7a4
2018-02-13 00:19:37 -08:00

106 lines
3.8 KiB

heat_template_version: queens
description: >
{{network.name}} network definition (automatically generated).
# the defaults here work for static IP assignment (IPAM) only
{%- if network.ipv6 or ipv6_override %}
default: "{{network.ipv6_subnet|default(network.ip_subnet|default(""))}}"
{%- else %}
default: "{{network.ip_subnet|default("")}}"
{%- endif %}
description: Cidr for the {{network.name_lower}} network.
type: string
default: {'provider:physical_network': '{{network.name_lower}}', 'provider:network_type': 'flat'}
description: Value specs for the {{network.name_lower}} network.
type: json
{%- if not ":" in network.ip_subnet and not network.ipv6 and not ipv6_override %}
default: false
description: Whether to enable DHCP on the associated subnet (IPv4 only).
type: boolean
{%- endif %}
default: false
description: The admin state of the network.
type: boolean
default: false
description: Whether this network is shared across all tenants.
type: boolean
default: {{network.name_lower}}
description: The name of the {{network.name_lower}} network.
type: string
default: {{network.name_lower}}_subnet
description: The name of the {{network.name_lower}} subnet in Neutron.
type: string
{%- if ":" in network.ip_subnet or network.ipv6 or ipv6_override %}
default: {{network.ipv6_allocation_pools|default(network.allocation_pools|default([]))}}
{%- else %}
default: {{network.allocation_pools|default([])}}
{%- endif %}
description: Ip allocation pool range for the {{network.name_lower}} network.
type: json
{%- if ":" in network.ip_subnet or network.ipv6 or ipv6_override %}
default: dhcpv6-stateful
description: Neutron subnet IPv6 address mode
type: string
default: dhcpv6-stateful
description: Neutron subnet IPv6 router advertisement mode
type: string
{%- endif %}
{%- if network.ipv6 or ipv6_override %}
default: "{{network.gateway_ipv6|default(network.gateway_ip|default(''))}}"
{%- else %}
default: "{{network.gateway_ip|default('')}}"
{%- endif %}
description: default route for the {{network.name_lower}} network
type: string
{%- if network.vlan %}
default: {{network.vlan|default('')}}
description: Vlan ID for the {{network.name_lower}} network traffic.
type: number
{%- endif %}
type: OS::Neutron::Net
admin_state_up: {get_param: {{network.name}}NetAdminStateUp}
name: {get_param: {{network.name}}NetName}
shared: {get_param: {{network.name}}NetShared}
value_specs: {get_param: {{network.name}}NetValueSpecs}
type: OS::Neutron::Subnet
{%- if ":" in network.ip_subnet or network.ipv6 or ipv6_override %}
ip_version: 6
ipv6_address_mode: {get_param: IPv6AddressMode}
ipv6_ra_mode: {get_param: IPv6RAMode}
{%- else %}
enable_dhcp: {get_param: {{network.name}}NetEnableDHCP}
{%- endif %}
cidr: {get_param: {{network.name}}NetCidr}
name: {get_param: {{network.name}}SubnetName}
network: {get_resource: {{network.name}}Network}
allocation_pools: {get_param: {{network.name}}AllocationPools}
gateway_ip: {get_param: {{network.name}}InterfaceDefaultRoute}
description: {{network.name_lower}} network
value: {get_resource: {{network.name}}Network}
value: {get_attr: [{{network.name}}Subnet, cidr]}