Add parameters for the subnets of each network in network_data yaml. Associates the base subnet of each network with the first segment of the network. (All networks have an implicit first network segment when they are created.) Additional segments and subnets defined in the ``subnets`` key of each composable network is created with subnet to segment association. Partial: blueprint tripleo-routed-networks-templates Change-Id: I53559ed1445f66fa50508ac9898cbec07914b3fc
210 lines
8.6 KiB
210 lines
8.6 KiB
heat_template_version: rocky
description: >
{{network.name}} network definition (automatically generated).
# the defaults here work for static IP assignment (IPAM) only
{%- if network.ipv6 or ipv6_override %}
default: "{{network.ipv6_subnet|default(network.ip_subnet|default(""))}}"
{%- else %}
default: "{{network.ip_subnet|default("")}}"
{%- endif %}
description: Cidr for the {{network.name_lower}} network.
type: string
default: {'provider:physical_network': '{{network.name_lower}}', 'provider:network_type': 'flat'}
description: Value specs for the {{network.name_lower}} network.
type: json
{%- if not ":" in network.ip_subnet and not network.ipv6 and not ipv6_override %}
default: false
description: Whether to enable DHCP on the associated subnet (IPv4 only).
type: boolean
{%- endif %}
default: false
description: The admin state of the network.
type: boolean
default: false
description: Whether this network is shared across all tenants.
type: boolean
default: {{network.name_lower}}
description: The name of the {{network.name_lower}} network.
type: string
default: {{network.name_lower}}_subnet
description: The name of the {{network.name_lower}} subnet in Neutron.
type: string
{%- if ":" in network.ip_subnet or network.ipv6 or ipv6_override %}
default: {{network.ipv6_allocation_pools|default(network.allocation_pools|default([]))}}
{%- else %}
default: {{network.allocation_pools|default([])}}
{%- endif %}
description: Ip allocation pool range for the {{network.name_lower}} network.
type: json
{%- if ":" in network.ip_subnet or network.ipv6 or ipv6_override %}
default: dhcpv6-stateful
description: Neutron subnet IPv6 address mode
type: string
default: dhcpv6-stateful
description: Neutron subnet IPv6 router advertisement mode
type: string
{%- endif %}
{%- if network.ipv6 or ipv6_override %}
default: "{{network.gateway_ipv6|default(network.gateway_ip|default(''))}}"
{%- else %}
default: "{{network.gateway_ip|default('')}}"
{%- endif %}
description: default route for the {{network.name_lower}} network
type: string
{%- if network.vlan %}
default: {{network.vlan|default('')}}
description: Vlan ID for the {{network.name_lower}} network traffic.
type: number
{%- endif %}
default: {{network.routes|default([])}}
description: >
Routes for the {{network.name_lower}} network traffic.
JSON route e.g. [{'destination':'', 'nexthop':''}]
Routes are added to the host_routes property on the subnet in neutron
when the network and subnet is created.
type: json
default: {{network.mtu|default('1500')}}
description: The maximum transmission unit (MTU) size(in bytes) that is
guaranteed to pass through the data path of the segments in the
{{network.name}} network.
type: number
{%- for subnet in network.subnets|default({}) if network.subnets[subnet].enabled|default(true) %}
{%- if network.ipv6 or ipv6_override %}
default: "{{network.subnets[subnet]['ipv6_subnet']|default(network.subnets[subnet]['ip_subnet']|default(""))}}"
{%- else %}
default: "{{network.subnets[subnet]['ip_subnet']|default("")}}"
{%- endif %}
description: |
Cidr for the {{network.name_lower}} network's {{subnet}} subnet.
type: string
{%- if ":" in network.subnets[subnet]['ip_subnet'] or network.ipv6 or ipv6_override %}
default: {{network.subnets[subnet]['ipv6_allocation_pools']|default(network.subnets[subnet]['allocation_pools']|default([]))}}
{%- else %}
default: {{network.subnets[subnet]['allocation_pools']|default([])}}
{%- endif %}
description: |
Ip allocation pool range for the {{network.name_lower}} network's {{subnet}} subnet.
type: json
{%- if ":" in network.subnets[subnet]['ip_subnet'] or network.ipv6 or ipv6_override %}
default: "{{network.subnets[subnet]['gateway_ipv6']|default(network.subnets[subnet]['gateway_ip']|default([]))}}"
{%- else %}
default: "{{network.subnets[subnet]['gateway_ip']|default([])}}"
{%- endif %}
description: |
default route for the {{network.name_lower}} network's {{subnet}} subnet.
type: string
default: {{network.subnets[subnet]['vlan']|default('')}}
description: |
Vlan ID for the {{network.name_lower}} network's {{subnet}} subnet.
type: string
default: {{network.subnets[subnet]['routes']|default([])}}
description: >
Routes for the {{subnet}} subnet on {{network.name_lower}} network
traffic. JSON route e.g. [{'destination':'', 'nexthop':''}]
Routes are added to the host_routes property on the subnet in neutron
when the subnet is created.
type: json
{%- endfor %}
type: OS::Neutron::Net
admin_state_up: {get_param: {{network.name}}NetAdminStateUp}
name: {get_param: {{network.name}}NetName}
shared: {get_param: {{network.name}}NetShared}
- {get_param: {{network.name}}NetValueSpecs}
- {'mtu': {get_param: {{network.name}}Mtu}}
type: OS::Neutron::Subnet
{%- if ":" in network.ip_subnet or network.ipv6 or ipv6_override %}
ip_version: 6
ipv6_address_mode: {get_param: IPv6AddressMode}
ipv6_ra_mode: {get_param: IPv6RAMode}
{%- else %}
enable_dhcp: {get_param: {{network.name}}NetEnableDHCP}
{%- endif %}
cidr: {get_param: {{network.name}}NetCidr}
name: {get_param: {{network.name}}SubnetName}
network: {get_resource: {{network.name}}Network}
allocation_pools: {get_param: {{network.name}}AllocationPools}
gateway_ip: {get_param: {{network.name}}InterfaceDefaultRoute}
host_routes: {get_param: {{network.name}}Routes}
{%- if network.subnets|default({}) %}
# All networks have an implicit network segment when created, map this subnet to that segment.
segment: {get_attr: [{{network.name}}Network, segments, 0, id]}
{%- endif %}
{% for subnet in network.subnets|default({}) if network.subnets[subnet].enabled|default(true) %}
type: OS::Neutron::Segment
# NOTE(hjensas): Depends-On here to ensure we always create the base subnet
# first. We can only set the segment for existing subnet if there is only
# one segment and only one existing subnet on the network.
depends_on: {{network.name}}Subnet
name: {{network.name_lower}}_{{subnet}}
network: {get_resource: {{network.name}}Network}
network_type: flat
physical_network: {{network.name_lower}}_{{subnet}}
type: OS::Neutron::Subnet
{%- if ":" in network.ip_subnet or network.ipv6 or ipv6_override %}
ip_version: 6
ipv6_address_mode: {get_param: IPv6AddressMode}
ipv6_ra_mode: {get_param: IPv6RAMode}
{%- else %}
enable_dhcp: {get_param: {{network.name}}NetEnableDHCP}
{%- endif %}
cidr: {get_param: {{network.name}}SubnetCidr_{{subnet}}}
name: {{subnet}}
network: {get_resource: {{network.name}}Network}
allocation_pools: {get_param: {{network.name}}AllocationPools_{{subnet}}}
gateway_ip: {get_param: {{network.name}}InterfaceDefaultRoute_{{subnet}}}
host_routes: {get_param: {{network.name}}Routes_{{subnet}}}
segment: {get_resource: {{network.name}}Segment_{{subnet}}}
{% endfor %}
description: {{network.name_lower}} network
value: {get_resource: {{network.name}}Network}
description: The {{network.name}} networks base subnet in CIDR notation.
value: {get_attr: [{{network.name}}Subnet, cidr]}
description: List of {{network.name}} network's subnets in CIDR notation.
- - {get_attr: [{{network.name}}Subnet, cidr]}
{%- for subnet in network.subnets|default({}) if network.subnets[subnet].enabled|default(true) %}
- {get_attr: [{{network.name}}Subnet_{{subnet}}, cidr]}
{%- endfor %}