Per-subnet vlan id parameters are already rendered in network-environment.yaml. This change uses networks data and roles data so that per-subnet vlan id param is used when passing the relevant NetworkVlanId data to nic-config templates. By using the generic %network%NetworkVlanId (no subnet suffix) in nic-config templates instead of %network%NetworkVlanId_%subnet%, this allow homogeneous computes in multiple sites to use the same nic-config template. Also use type: number for all vlan parameters. Closes-Bug: #1821043 Change-Id: Id8e76ae7c41a562f5c47d911c42aa18001c11be1
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heat_template_version: rocky
description: >
{{network.name}} network definition (automatically generated).
# the defaults here work for static IP assignment (IPAM) only
{%- if network.ipv6 or ipv6_override %}
default: "{{network.ipv6_subnet|default(network.ip_subnet|default(""))}}"
{%- else %}
default: "{{network.ip_subnet|default("")}}"
{%- endif %}
description: Cidr for the {{network.name_lower}} network.
type: string
default: {'provider:physical_network': '{{network.name_lower}}', 'provider:network_type': 'flat'}
description: Value specs for the {{network.name_lower}} network.
type: json
{%- if not ":" in network.ip_subnet and not network.ipv6 and not ipv6_override %}
default: false
description: Whether to enable DHCP on the associated subnet (IPv4 only).
type: boolean
{%- endif %}
default: false
description: The admin state of the network.
type: boolean
default: false
description: Whether this network is shared across all tenants.
type: boolean
default: {{network.name_lower}}
description: The name of the {{network.name_lower}} network.
type: string
default: {{network.name_lower}}_subnet
description: The name of the {{network.name_lower}} subnet in Neutron.
type: string
{%- if ":" in network.ip_subnet or network.ipv6 or ipv6_override %}
default: {{network.ipv6_allocation_pools|default(network.allocation_pools|default([]))}}
{%- else %}
default: {{network.allocation_pools|default([])}}
{%- endif %}
description: Ip allocation pool range for the {{network.name_lower}} network.
type: json
{%- if ":" in network.ip_subnet or network.ipv6 or ipv6_override %}
default: dhcpv6-stateful
description: Neutron subnet IPv6 address mode
type: string
default: dhcpv6-stateful
description: Neutron subnet IPv6 router advertisement mode
type: string
{%- endif %}
{%- if network.ipv6 or ipv6_override %}
default: "{{network.gateway_ipv6|default(network.gateway_ip|default(''))}}"
{%- else %}
default: "{{network.gateway_ip|default('')}}"
{%- endif %}
description: default route for the {{network.name_lower}} network
type: string
{%- if network.vlan %}
default: {{network.vlan|default(1)}}
description: Vlan ID for the {{network.name_lower}} network traffic.
type: number
{%- endif %}
default: {{network.routes|default([])}}
description: >
Routes for the {{network.name_lower}} network traffic.
JSON route e.g. [{'destination':'', 'nexthop':''}]
Routes are added to the host_routes property on the subnet in neutron
when the network and subnet is created.
type: json
default: {{network.mtu|default('1500')}}
description: The maximum transmission unit (MTU) size(in bytes) that is
guaranteed to pass through the data path of the segments in the
{{network.name}} network.
type: number
{%- for subnet in network.subnets|default({}) if network.subnets[subnet].enabled|default(true) %}
{%- if network.ipv6 or ipv6_override %}
default: "{{network.subnets[subnet]['ipv6_subnet']|default(network.subnets[subnet]['ip_subnet']|default(""))}}"
{%- else %}
default: "{{network.subnets[subnet]['ip_subnet']|default("")}}"
{%- endif %}
description: |
Cidr for the {{network.name_lower}} network's {{subnet}} subnet.
type: string
{%- if ":" in network.subnets[subnet]['ip_subnet'] or network.ipv6 or ipv6_override %}
default: {{network.subnets[subnet]['ipv6_allocation_pools']|default(network.subnets[subnet]['allocation_pools']|default([]))}}
{%- else %}
default: {{network.subnets[subnet]['allocation_pools']|default([])}}
{%- endif %}
description: |
Ip allocation pool range for the {{network.name_lower}} network's {{subnet}} subnet.
type: json
{%- if ":" in network.subnets[subnet]['ip_subnet'] or network.ipv6 or ipv6_override %}
default: "{{network.subnets[subnet]['gateway_ipv6']|default(network.subnets[subnet]['gateway_ip']|default([]))}}"
{%- else %}
default: "{{network.subnets[subnet]['gateway_ip']|default([])}}"
{%- endif %}
description: |
default route for the {{network.name_lower}} network's {{subnet}} subnet.
type: string
default: {{network.subnets[subnet]['vlan']|default(1)}}
description: |
Vlan ID for the {{network.name_lower}} network's {{subnet}} subnet.
type: number
default: {{network.subnets[subnet]['routes']|default([])}}
description: >
Routes for the {{subnet}} subnet on {{network.name_lower}} network
traffic. JSON route e.g. [{'destination':'', 'nexthop':''}]
Routes are added to the host_routes property on the subnet in neutron
when the subnet is created.
type: json
{%- endfor %}
type: OS::Neutron::Net
{%- if network.external_resource_network_id|default('') %}
external_id: {{ network.external_resource_network_id }}
{%- endif %}
admin_state_up: {get_param: {{network.name}}NetAdminStateUp}
name: {get_param: {{network.name}}NetName}
shared: {get_param: {{network.name}}NetShared}
- {get_param: {{network.name}}NetValueSpecs}
- {'mtu': {get_param: {{network.name}}Mtu}}
type: OS::Neutron::Subnet
{%- if network.external_resource_subnet_id|default('') %}
external_id: {{ network.external_resource_subnet_id }}
{%- endif %}
{%- if ":" in network.ip_subnet or network.ipv6 or ipv6_override %}
ip_version: 6
ipv6_address_mode: {get_param: IPv6AddressMode}
ipv6_ra_mode: {get_param: IPv6RAMode}
{%- else %}
enable_dhcp: {get_param: {{network.name}}NetEnableDHCP}
{%- endif %}
cidr: {get_param: {{network.name}}NetCidr}
name: {get_param: {{network.name}}SubnetName}
network: {get_resource: {{network.name}}Network}
allocation_pools: {get_param: {{network.name}}AllocationPools}
gateway_ip: {get_param: {{network.name}}InterfaceDefaultRoute}
host_routes: {get_param: {{network.name}}Routes}
{%- if network.subnets|default({}) %}
# All networks have an implicit network segment when created, map this subnet to that segment.
segment: {get_attr: [{{network.name}}Network, segments, 0, id]}
{%- endif %}
{% for subnet in network.subnets|default({}) if network.subnets[subnet].enabled|default(true) %}
type: OS::Neutron::Segment
# NOTE(hjensas): Depends-On here to ensure we always create the base subnet
# first. We can only set the segment for existing subnet if there is only
# one segment and only one existing subnet on the network.
{%- if subnet.external_resource_segment_id|default('') %}
external_id: {{ subnet.external_resource_segment_id }}
{%- else %}
depends_on: {{network.name}}Subnet
{%- endif %}
name: {{network.name_lower}}_{{subnet}}
network: {get_resource: {{network.name}}Network}
network_type: flat
physical_network: {{network.name_lower}}_{{subnet}}
type: OS::Neutron::Subnet
{%- if subnet.external_resource_subnet_id|default('') %}
external_id: {{ subnet.external_resource_subnet_id }}
{%- endif %}
{%- if ":" in network.ip_subnet or network.ipv6 or ipv6_override %}
ip_version: 6
ipv6_address_mode: {get_param: IPv6AddressMode}
ipv6_ra_mode: {get_param: IPv6RAMode}
{%- else %}
enable_dhcp: {get_param: {{network.name}}NetEnableDHCP}
{%- endif %}
cidr: {get_param: {{network.name}}SubnetCidr_{{subnet}}}
name: {{subnet}}
network: {get_resource: {{network.name}}Network}
allocation_pools: {get_param: {{network.name}}AllocationPools_{{subnet}}}
gateway_ip: {get_param: {{network.name}}InterfaceDefaultRoute_{{subnet}}}
host_routes: {get_param: {{network.name}}Routes_{{subnet}}}
segment: {get_resource: {{network.name}}Segment_{{subnet}}}
{% endfor %}
description: {{network.name_lower}} network
value: {get_resource: {{network.name}}Network}
description: List of {{network.name}} network's subnets in CIDR notation.
- - {get_attr: [{{network.name}}Subnet, cidr]}
{%- for subnet in network.subnets|default({}) if network.subnets[subnet].enabled|default(true) %}
- {get_attr: [{{network.name}}Subnet_{{subnet}}, cidr]}
{%- endfor %}