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# lib/trove
# Functions to control the configuration and operation of the **Trove** service
# Dependencies:
# ``functions`` file
# ``DEST``, ``STACK_USER`` must be defined
# ``SERVICE_{HOST|PROTOCOL|TOKEN}`` must be defined
# ``stack.sh`` calls the entry points in this order:
# install_trove
# install_python_troveclient
# configure_trove
# init_trove
# start_trove
# stop_trove
# cleanup_trove
# Save trace setting
XTRACE=$(set +o | grep xtrace)
set +o xtrace
# Functions
# ---------
# Test if any Trove services are enabled
# is_trove_enabled
function is_trove_enabled {
[[ ,${ENABLED_SERVICES} =~ ,"tr-" ]] && return 0
return 1
# setup_trove_logging() - Adds logging configuration to conf files
function setup_trove_logging {
local CONF=$1
iniset $CONF DEFAULT use_syslog $SYSLOG
if [ "$LOG_COLOR" == "True" ] && [ "$SYSLOG" == "False" ]; then
# Add color to logging output
setup_colorized_logging $CONF DEFAULT tenant user
# create_trove_accounts() - Set up common required trove accounts
# Tenant User Roles
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# service trove admin # if enabled
function create_trove_accounts {
if [[ "$ENABLED_SERVICES" =~ "trove" ]]; then
create_service_user "trove" "admin"
# Add trove user to the clouds.yaml
$PYTHON $TOP_DIR/tools/update_clouds_yaml.py \
--file $CLOUDS_YAML \
--os-cloud trove \
--os-region-name $REGION_NAME \
--os-auth-url $KEYSTONE_SERVICE_URI \
--os-username trove \
--os-password $SERVICE_PASSWORD \
--os-project-name $SERVICE_PROJECT_NAME
local trove_service=$(get_or_create_service "trove" \
"database" "Trove Service")
get_or_create_endpoint $trove_service \
"http://$SERVICE_HOST:8779/v1.0/\$(tenant_id)s" \
"http://$SERVICE_HOST:8779/v1.0/\$(tenant_id)s" \
# Removes all the WSGI related files and restart apache.
function cleanup_trove_apache_wsgi {
sudo rm -rf $TROVE_WSGI_DIR
sudo rm -f $(apache_site_config_for trove-api)
# stack.sh entry points
# ---------------------
# cleanup_trove() - Remove residual data files, anything left over from previous
# runs that a clean run would need to clean up
function cleanup_trove {
# Clean up dirs
rm -fr $TROVE_CONF_DIR/*
if is_service_enabled horizon; then
if [[ "${TROVE_USE_MOD_WSGI}" == "TRUE" ]]; then
echo "Cleaning up Trove's WSGI setup"
# cleanup_trove_dashboard() - Remove Trove dashboard files from Horizon
function cleanup_trove_dashboard {
rm -f $HORIZON_DIR/openstack_dashboard/local/enabled/_17*database*.py
# iniset_conditional() - Sets the value in the inifile, but only if it's
# actually got a value
function iniset_conditional {
local FILE=$1
local SECTION=$2
local OPTION=$3
local VALUE=$4
if [[ -n "$VALUE" ]]; then
iniset ${FILE} ${SECTION} ${OPTION} ${VALUE}
# configure_keystone_token_life() - update the keystone token life to 3h
function configure_keystone_token_life() {
iniset $KEYSTONE_CONF token expiration ${KEYSTONE_TOKEN_LIFE}
echo "configure_keystone_token_life: setting keystone token life to ${KEYSTONE_TOKEN_LIFE}"
echo "configure_keystone_token_life: restarting Keystone"
# configure_nova_kvm() - update the nova hypervisor configuration if possible
function configure_nova_kvm {
if [ -e /sys/module/kvm_*/parameters/nested ]; then
if [ -e /sys/module/kvm_intel/parameters/nested ]; then
if [[ "$(cat /sys/module/kvm_*/parameters/nested)" == "Y" ]]; then
elif [ -e /sys/module/kvm_amd/parameters/nested ]; then
if [[ "$(cat /sys/module/kvm_*/parameters/nested)" == "1" ]]; then
if [ "${reconfigure_nova}" == "Y" ]; then
iniset $NOVA_CONF libvirt cpu_mode "none"
iniset $NOVA_CONF libvirt virt_type "kvm"
virt_type=$(iniget $NOVA_CONF libvirt virt_type)
echo "configure_nova_kvm: using virt_type: ${virt_type} for cpu: ${cpu}."
# Setup WSGI config files for Trove and enable the site
function config_trove_apache_wsgi {
local trove_apache_conf
sudo mkdir -p ${TROVE_WSGI_DIR}
sudo cp $TROVE_DIR/trove/cmd/app.wsgi $TROVE_WSGI_DIR/app.wsgi
trove_apache_conf=$(apache_site_config_for trove-api)
sudo cp $TROVE_DEVSTACK_FILES/apache-trove-api.template ${trove_apache_conf}
sudo sed -e "
" -i ${trove_apache_conf}
enable_apache_site trove-api
tail_log trove-access /var/log/${APACHE_NAME}/trove-api-access.log
tail_log trove-api /var/log/${APACHE_NAME}/trove-api.log
# configure_trove() - Set config files, create data dirs, etc
function configure_trove {
setup_develop $TROVE_DIR
# Temporarily disable re-configuring nova_kvm until
# more nodes in the pool can support it without crashing.
# configure_nova_kvm
# Create the trove conf dir and cache dirs if they don't exist
Fix gate issues Issue 1: The os-testr 1.0.0 release had a couple of required config changes due to it's internal usage of stestr. This change to stestr changed the way tests were discovered by os-testr and as a result the unit test run was picking up tempest tests. A regex is added to the py3base environment call of ostestr because the use of --serial and --blacklist-file together is broken in stestr and adding the regex parameter allows the blacklist-file to be processed. The stestr issue is documented here [1]. Issue 2: Cache dirs for PKI tokens have been removed for all services in devstack under I5680376e70e74882e9fdb87ee1b95d5f40570ad7. We must also remove the use here to pass the right parameters to configure_auth_token_middleware. Issue 3: Keystone V2 APIs have been removed. When creating Nova and Glance clients, the test code was either hard coding v2 Keystone or not providing enough information for the V3 auth. Issue 4: Oslo context has deprecated parameters such as 'tenant', has removed them from its constructor and is using a rename decorator to handle them. As such, the code and test case to check for unrecognized parameters to TroveContext and Context is erroneously removing the tenant parameter. Oslo context has also changed the from_dict method since the original code to remove parameters was introduced into Trove. The new method signature and code should already provide most or all of the protections against incompatibility the original code was attempting to provide. The fix for this issue is to change TroveContext's from_dict method to use the kwargs to handle its own __init__ parameters and be more in line with what Nova is doing in its RequestContext subclass. Issue 5: Jobs run as jenkins on Zuul v2 but run as user zuul on Zuul v3. Issue 6: Ignore one case of pylint E1101 in the Ceilometer notification code base. [1] https://github.com/mtreinish/stestr/issues/103 Change-Id: Ic55187b0d73d4c572d7f8332882b4f455a6177c8
2017-09-25 07:49:32 -05:00
sudo install -d -o $STACK_USER ${TROVE_CONF_DIR}
# Copy api-paste file over to the trove conf dir
# configure apache related files
if [[ "${TROVE_USE_MOD_WSGI}" == "TRUE" ]]; then
echo "Configuring Trove to use mod-wsgi and Apache"
# (Re)create trove conf files
################################################################ trove conf
setup_trove_logging $TROVE_CONF
iniset_conditional $TROVE_CONF DEFAULT max_accepted_volume_size $TROVE_MAX_ACCEPTED_VOLUME_SIZE
iniset_conditional $TROVE_CONF DEFAULT max_instances_per_tenant $TROVE_MAX_INSTANCES_PER_TENANT
iniset_conditional $TROVE_CONF DEFAULT max_volumes_per_tenant $TROVE_MAX_VOLUMES_PER_TENANT
iniset_conditional $TROVE_CONF DEFAULT agent_call_low_timeout $TROVE_AGENT_CALL_LOW_TIMEOUT
iniset_conditional $TROVE_CONF DEFAULT agent_call_high_timeout $TROVE_AGENT_CALL_HIGH_TIMEOUT
iniset_conditional $TROVE_CONF DEFAULT resize_time_out $TROVE_RESIZE_TIME_OUT
iniset_conditional $TROVE_CONF DEFAULT usage_timeout $TROVE_USAGE_TIMEOUT
iniset_conditional $TROVE_CONF DEFAULT state_change_wait_time $TROVE_STATE_CHANGE_WAIT_TIME
iniset_conditional $TROVE_CONF DEFAULT reboot_time_out 300
iniset $TROVE_CONF DEFAULT controller_address ${SERVICE_HOST}
configure_keystone_authtoken_middleware $TROVE_CONF trove
iniset $TROVE_CONF service_credentials username trove
iniset $TROVE_CONF service_credentials user_domain_name Default
iniset $TROVE_CONF service_credentials project_domain_name Default
iniset $TROVE_CONF service_credentials password $SERVICE_PASSWORD
iniset $TROVE_CONF service_credentials project_name $SERVICE_PROJECT_NAME
iniset $TROVE_CONF service_credentials region_name $REGION_NAME
iniset $TROVE_CONF service_credentials auth_url $TROVE_AUTH_ENDPOINT
iniset $TROVE_CONF database connection `database_connection_url trove`
iniset $TROVE_CONF DEFAULT rpc_backend "rabbit"
iniset $TROVE_CONF DEFAULT control_exchange trove
iniset $TROVE_CONF DEFAULT trove_api_workers "$API_WORKERS"
iniset $TROVE_CONF DEFAULT taskmanager_manager trove.taskmanager.manager.Manager
iniset $TROVE_CONF cassandra tcp_ports 7000,7001,7199,9042,9160
iniset $TROVE_CONF couchbase tcp_ports 8091,8092,4369,11209-11211,21100-21199
iniset $TROVE_CONF couchdb tcp_ports 5984
iniset $TROVE_CONF db2 tcp_ports 50000
iniset $TROVE_CONF mariadb tcp_ports 3306,4444,4567,4568
iniset $TROVE_CONF mongodb tcp_ports 2500,27017,27019
iniset $TROVE_CONF mysql tcp_ports 3306
iniset $TROVE_CONF percona tcp_ports 3306
iniset $TROVE_CONF postgresql tcp_ports 5432
iniset $TROVE_CONF pxc tcp_ports 3306,4444,4567,4568
iniset $TROVE_CONF redis tcp_ports 6379,16379
iniset $TROVE_CONF vertica tcp_ports 5433,5434,5444,5450,4803
################################################################ trove guest agent conf
setup_trove_logging $TROVE_GUESTAGENT_CONF
iniset_conditional $TROVE_GUESTAGENT_CONF DEFAULT state_change_wait_time $TROVE_STATE_CHANGE_WAIT_TIME
iniset_conditional $TROVE_GUESTAGENT_CONF DEFAULT command_process_timeout $TROVE_COMMAND_PROCESS_TIMEOUT
iniset $TROVE_GUESTAGENT_CONF DEFAULT rpc_backend "rabbit"
iniset $TROVE_GUESTAGENT_CONF DEFAULT control_exchange trove
iniset $TROVE_GUESTAGENT_CONF DEFAULT ignore_users os_admin
iniset $TROVE_GUESTAGENT_CONF DEFAULT log_dir /var/log/trove/
iniset $TROVE_GUESTAGENT_CONF DEFAULT log_file trove-guestagent.log
iniset $TROVE_GUESTAGENT_CONF service_credentials username trove
iniset $TROVE_GUESTAGENT_CONF service_credentials user_domain_name Default
iniset $TROVE_GUESTAGENT_CONF service_credentials project_domain_name Default
iniset $TROVE_GUESTAGENT_CONF service_credentials password $SERVICE_PASSWORD
iniset $TROVE_GUESTAGENT_CONF service_credentials project_name $SERVICE_PROJECT_NAME
iniset $TROVE_GUESTAGENT_CONF service_credentials region_name $REGION_NAME
iniset $TROVE_GUESTAGENT_CONF service_credentials auth_url $TROVE_AUTH_ENDPOINT
# 1. To avoid 'Connection timed out' error of sudo command inside the guest agent
# 2. Config the controller IP address used by guest-agent to download Trove code during initialization (only valid for dev_mode=true).
sudo mkdir -p $(dirname ${common_cloudinit})
sudo touch ${common_cloudinit}
sudo tee ${common_cloudinit} >/dev/null <<EOF
manage_etc_hosts: "localhost"
- path: /etc/trove/controller.conf
content: |
# NOTE(lxkong): Remove this when we support common cloud-init file for all datastores.
for datastore in "mysql" "mariadb" "postgresql"
sudo cp ${common_cloudinit} /etc/trove/cloudinit/${datastore}.cloudinit
# install_trove() - Collect source and prepare
function install_trove {
install_package jq
echo "Changing stack user sudoers"
echo "stack ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL" | sudo tee /etc/sudoers.d/60_stack_sh_allow_all
setup_develop $TROVE_DIR
if [[ "${TROVE_USE_MOD_WSGI}" == "TRUE" ]]; then
echo "Installing apache wsgi"
if is_service_enabled horizon; then
# Fix iptables rules that prevent amqp connections from the devstack box to the guests
sudo iptables -D openstack-INPUT -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-host-prohibited || true
# install_trove_dashboard() - Collect source and prepare
function install_trove_dashboard {
setup_develop $TROVE_DASHBOARD_DIR
cp $TROVE_DASHBOARD_DIR/trove_dashboard/enabled/_17*database*.py $HORIZON_DIR/openstack_dashboard/local/enabled
# install_python_troveclient() - Collect source and prepare
function install_python_troveclient {
if use_library_from_git "python-troveclient"; then
setup_develop $TROVE_CLIENT_DIR
function init_trove_db {
# (Re)Create trove db
recreate_database trove
# Initialize the trove database
function create_mgmt_subnet_v4 {
Create net/subnet for alt_demo tenant Now that devstack uses Neutron by default (and so does the gate) we need to create a private network and subnet in the alt_demo tenant for the int-tests to work. (see https://review.openstack.org/#/c/355492 ) Note that we will not use this network to start as some issues still need to be sorted out. The tcp_ports configuration was also moved to facilitate both network styles. The 'PUBLIC_INTERFACE=eth0' line was also moved to be in just nova networking as it is not necessary for Neutron (and caused the network to become unstable). This should allow it to continue working for backwards compatibility if required. A number of changes to code and/or tests were also required. Since these are specifically tied to the switch to neutron (as they are equally valid for nova-net) they have been made separately and referenced below in the 'dependencies' list. This should also facilitate easier reviews and make it possible to backport any of the fixes if required. The cluster tests for PXC and Redis were turned off until the networking issues with these two datastores can be sorted out. Merged dependencies: I136141b3db78b7a0a1804bb5e3d4ca5cf4bc3bb3 I47cbe9e899cb0767c377d184f123e38eda5b6a05 I2ede074eb9bdf26420750f19f3aa4b8d057c5d7d I6aff776680c9c0632d8965c3ed70ed26db0a63f2 I54edc4acac09ca2278f525c08ad0d87576f0549e Iab530fe503336c83e9b948c2c008d371a8030a1e I6464c0031ba5b504ff103d8f62093d252deb87bb We need to have the new variable IPV4_ADDRS_SAFE_TO_USE defined: Depends-On: Ic6720677a4a496d246a8f9be5ede1a53821f56dc Change-Id: I5c1714b7839b2736c50f2daa2f4506c4006815a1 Closes-Bug: #1613889
2016-08-16 21:50:46 +00:00
local project_id=$1
local net_id=$2
local name=$3
local ip_range=$4
Create net/subnet for alt_demo tenant Now that devstack uses Neutron by default (and so does the gate) we need to create a private network and subnet in the alt_demo tenant for the int-tests to work. (see https://review.openstack.org/#/c/355492 ) Note that we will not use this network to start as some issues still need to be sorted out. The tcp_ports configuration was also moved to facilitate both network styles. The 'PUBLIC_INTERFACE=eth0' line was also moved to be in just nova networking as it is not necessary for Neutron (and caused the network to become unstable). This should allow it to continue working for backwards compatibility if required. A number of changes to code and/or tests were also required. Since these are specifically tied to the switch to neutron (as they are equally valid for nova-net) they have been made separately and referenced below in the 'dependencies' list. This should also facilitate easier reviews and make it possible to backport any of the fixes if required. The cluster tests for PXC and Redis were turned off until the networking issues with these two datastores can be sorted out. Merged dependencies: I136141b3db78b7a0a1804bb5e3d4ca5cf4bc3bb3 I47cbe9e899cb0767c377d184f123e38eda5b6a05 I2ede074eb9bdf26420750f19f3aa4b8d057c5d7d I6aff776680c9c0632d8965c3ed70ed26db0a63f2 I54edc4acac09ca2278f525c08ad0d87576f0549e Iab530fe503336c83e9b948c2c008d371a8030a1e I6464c0031ba5b504ff103d8f62093d252deb87bb We need to have the new variable IPV4_ADDRS_SAFE_TO_USE defined: Depends-On: Ic6720677a4a496d246a8f9be5ede1a53821f56dc Change-Id: I5c1714b7839b2736c50f2daa2f4506c4006815a1 Closes-Bug: #1613889
2016-08-16 21:50:46 +00:00
subnet_id=$(openstack subnet create --project ${project_id} --ip-version 4 --subnet-range ${ip_range} --gateway none --dns-nameserver --network ${net_id} $name -c id -f value)
die_if_not_set $LINENO subnet_id "Failed to create private IPv4 subnet for network: ${net_id}, project: ${project_id}"
Create net/subnet for alt_demo tenant Now that devstack uses Neutron by default (and so does the gate) we need to create a private network and subnet in the alt_demo tenant for the int-tests to work. (see https://review.openstack.org/#/c/355492 ) Note that we will not use this network to start as some issues still need to be sorted out. The tcp_ports configuration was also moved to facilitate both network styles. The 'PUBLIC_INTERFACE=eth0' line was also moved to be in just nova networking as it is not necessary for Neutron (and caused the network to become unstable). This should allow it to continue working for backwards compatibility if required. A number of changes to code and/or tests were also required. Since these are specifically tied to the switch to neutron (as they are equally valid for nova-net) they have been made separately and referenced below in the 'dependencies' list. This should also facilitate easier reviews and make it possible to backport any of the fixes if required. The cluster tests for PXC and Redis were turned off until the networking issues with these two datastores can be sorted out. Merged dependencies: I136141b3db78b7a0a1804bb5e3d4ca5cf4bc3bb3 I47cbe9e899cb0767c377d184f123e38eda5b6a05 I2ede074eb9bdf26420750f19f3aa4b8d057c5d7d I6aff776680c9c0632d8965c3ed70ed26db0a63f2 I54edc4acac09ca2278f525c08ad0d87576f0549e Iab530fe503336c83e9b948c2c008d371a8030a1e I6464c0031ba5b504ff103d8f62093d252deb87bb We need to have the new variable IPV4_ADDRS_SAFE_TO_USE defined: Depends-On: Ic6720677a4a496d246a8f9be5ede1a53821f56dc Change-Id: I5c1714b7839b2736c50f2daa2f4506c4006815a1 Closes-Bug: #1613889
2016-08-16 21:50:46 +00:00
echo $subnet_id
# Create private IPv6 subnet
# Note: Trove is not fully tested in IPv6.
function create_subnet_v6 {
Create net/subnet for alt_demo tenant Now that devstack uses Neutron by default (and so does the gate) we need to create a private network and subnet in the alt_demo tenant for the int-tests to work. (see https://review.openstack.org/#/c/355492 ) Note that we will not use this network to start as some issues still need to be sorted out. The tcp_ports configuration was also moved to facilitate both network styles. The 'PUBLIC_INTERFACE=eth0' line was also moved to be in just nova networking as it is not necessary for Neutron (and caused the network to become unstable). This should allow it to continue working for backwards compatibility if required. A number of changes to code and/or tests were also required. Since these are specifically tied to the switch to neutron (as they are equally valid for nova-net) they have been made separately and referenced below in the 'dependencies' list. This should also facilitate easier reviews and make it possible to backport any of the fixes if required. The cluster tests for PXC and Redis were turned off until the networking issues with these two datastores can be sorted out. Merged dependencies: I136141b3db78b7a0a1804bb5e3d4ca5cf4bc3bb3 I47cbe9e899cb0767c377d184f123e38eda5b6a05 I2ede074eb9bdf26420750f19f3aa4b8d057c5d7d I6aff776680c9c0632d8965c3ed70ed26db0a63f2 I54edc4acac09ca2278f525c08ad0d87576f0549e Iab530fe503336c83e9b948c2c008d371a8030a1e I6464c0031ba5b504ff103d8f62093d252deb87bb We need to have the new variable IPV4_ADDRS_SAFE_TO_USE defined: Depends-On: Ic6720677a4a496d246a8f9be5ede1a53821f56dc Change-Id: I5c1714b7839b2736c50f2daa2f4506c4006815a1 Closes-Bug: #1613889
2016-08-16 21:50:46 +00:00
local project_id=$1
local net_id=$2
local name=$3
local subnet_params="--ip-version 6 "
Create net/subnet for alt_demo tenant Now that devstack uses Neutron by default (and so does the gate) we need to create a private network and subnet in the alt_demo tenant for the int-tests to work. (see https://review.openstack.org/#/c/355492 ) Note that we will not use this network to start as some issues still need to be sorted out. The tcp_ports configuration was also moved to facilitate both network styles. The 'PUBLIC_INTERFACE=eth0' line was also moved to be in just nova networking as it is not necessary for Neutron (and caused the network to become unstable). This should allow it to continue working for backwards compatibility if required. A number of changes to code and/or tests were also required. Since these are specifically tied to the switch to neutron (as they are equally valid for nova-net) they have been made separately and referenced below in the 'dependencies' list. This should also facilitate easier reviews and make it possible to backport any of the fixes if required. The cluster tests for PXC and Redis were turned off until the networking issues with these two datastores can be sorted out. Merged dependencies: I136141b3db78b7a0a1804bb5e3d4ca5cf4bc3bb3 I47cbe9e899cb0767c377d184f123e38eda5b6a05 I2ede074eb9bdf26420750f19f3aa4b8d057c5d7d I6aff776680c9c0632d8965c3ed70ed26db0a63f2 I54edc4acac09ca2278f525c08ad0d87576f0549e Iab530fe503336c83e9b948c2c008d371a8030a1e I6464c0031ba5b504ff103d8f62093d252deb87bb We need to have the new variable IPV4_ADDRS_SAFE_TO_USE defined: Depends-On: Ic6720677a4a496d246a8f9be5ede1a53821f56dc Change-Id: I5c1714b7839b2736c50f2daa2f4506c4006815a1 Closes-Bug: #1613889
2016-08-16 21:50:46 +00:00
die_if_not_set $LINENO IPV6_RA_MODE "IPV6 RA Mode not set"
die_if_not_set $LINENO IPV6_ADDRESS_MODE "IPV6 Address Mode not set"
local ipv6_modes="--ipv6-ra-mode $IPV6_RA_MODE --ipv6-address-mode $IPV6_ADDRESS_MODE"
Create net/subnet for alt_demo tenant Now that devstack uses Neutron by default (and so does the gate) we need to create a private network and subnet in the alt_demo tenant for the int-tests to work. (see https://review.openstack.org/#/c/355492 ) Note that we will not use this network to start as some issues still need to be sorted out. The tcp_ports configuration was also moved to facilitate both network styles. The 'PUBLIC_INTERFACE=eth0' line was also moved to be in just nova networking as it is not necessary for Neutron (and caused the network to become unstable). This should allow it to continue working for backwards compatibility if required. A number of changes to code and/or tests were also required. Since these are specifically tied to the switch to neutron (as they are equally valid for nova-net) they have been made separately and referenced below in the 'dependencies' list. This should also facilitate easier reviews and make it possible to backport any of the fixes if required. The cluster tests for PXC and Redis were turned off until the networking issues with these two datastores can be sorted out. Merged dependencies: I136141b3db78b7a0a1804bb5e3d4ca5cf4bc3bb3 I47cbe9e899cb0767c377d184f123e38eda5b6a05 I2ede074eb9bdf26420750f19f3aa4b8d057c5d7d I6aff776680c9c0632d8965c3ed70ed26db0a63f2 I54edc4acac09ca2278f525c08ad0d87576f0549e Iab530fe503336c83e9b948c2c008d371a8030a1e I6464c0031ba5b504ff103d8f62093d252deb87bb We need to have the new variable IPV4_ADDRS_SAFE_TO_USE defined: Depends-On: Ic6720677a4a496d246a8f9be5ede1a53821f56dc Change-Id: I5c1714b7839b2736c50f2daa2f4506c4006815a1 Closes-Bug: #1613889
2016-08-16 21:50:46 +00:00
if [[ -n "$IPV6_PRIVATE_NETWORK_GATEWAY" ]]; then
subnet_params+="--gateway $IPV6_PRIVATE_NETWORK_GATEWAY "
if [[ -n $SUBNETPOOL_V6_ID ]]; then
Create net/subnet for alt_demo tenant Now that devstack uses Neutron by default (and so does the gate) we need to create a private network and subnet in the alt_demo tenant for the int-tests to work. (see https://review.openstack.org/#/c/355492 ) Note that we will not use this network to start as some issues still need to be sorted out. The tcp_ports configuration was also moved to facilitate both network styles. The 'PUBLIC_INTERFACE=eth0' line was also moved to be in just nova networking as it is not necessary for Neutron (and caused the network to become unstable). This should allow it to continue working for backwards compatibility if required. A number of changes to code and/or tests were also required. Since these are specifically tied to the switch to neutron (as they are equally valid for nova-net) they have been made separately and referenced below in the 'dependencies' list. This should also facilitate easier reviews and make it possible to backport any of the fixes if required. The cluster tests for PXC and Redis were turned off until the networking issues with these two datastores can be sorted out. Merged dependencies: I136141b3db78b7a0a1804bb5e3d4ca5cf4bc3bb3 I47cbe9e899cb0767c377d184f123e38eda5b6a05 I2ede074eb9bdf26420750f19f3aa4b8d057c5d7d I6aff776680c9c0632d8965c3ed70ed26db0a63f2 I54edc4acac09ca2278f525c08ad0d87576f0549e Iab530fe503336c83e9b948c2c008d371a8030a1e I6464c0031ba5b504ff103d8f62093d252deb87bb We need to have the new variable IPV4_ADDRS_SAFE_TO_USE defined: Depends-On: Ic6720677a4a496d246a8f9be5ede1a53821f56dc Change-Id: I5c1714b7839b2736c50f2daa2f4506c4006815a1 Closes-Bug: #1613889
2016-08-16 21:50:46 +00:00
subnet_params+="--subnet-pool $SUBNETPOOL_V6_ID "
subnet_params+="--subnet-range $FIXED_RANGE_V6 $ipv6_modes} "
subnet_params+="--network $net_id $name "
ipv6_subnet_id=$(openstack --project ${project_id} subnet create $subnet_params | grep ' id ' | get_field 2)
die_if_not_set $LINENO ipv6_subnet_id "Failed to create private IPv6 subnet for network: ${net_id}, project: ${project_id}"
Create net/subnet for alt_demo tenant Now that devstack uses Neutron by default (and so does the gate) we need to create a private network and subnet in the alt_demo tenant for the int-tests to work. (see https://review.openstack.org/#/c/355492 ) Note that we will not use this network to start as some issues still need to be sorted out. The tcp_ports configuration was also moved to facilitate both network styles. The 'PUBLIC_INTERFACE=eth0' line was also moved to be in just nova networking as it is not necessary for Neutron (and caused the network to become unstable). This should allow it to continue working for backwards compatibility if required. A number of changes to code and/or tests were also required. Since these are specifically tied to the switch to neutron (as they are equally valid for nova-net) they have been made separately and referenced below in the 'dependencies' list. This should also facilitate easier reviews and make it possible to backport any of the fixes if required. The cluster tests for PXC and Redis were turned off until the networking issues with these two datastores can be sorted out. Merged dependencies: I136141b3db78b7a0a1804bb5e3d4ca5cf4bc3bb3 I47cbe9e899cb0767c377d184f123e38eda5b6a05 I2ede074eb9bdf26420750f19f3aa4b8d057c5d7d I6aff776680c9c0632d8965c3ed70ed26db0a63f2 I54edc4acac09ca2278f525c08ad0d87576f0549e Iab530fe503336c83e9b948c2c008d371a8030a1e I6464c0031ba5b504ff103d8f62093d252deb87bb We need to have the new variable IPV4_ADDRS_SAFE_TO_USE defined: Depends-On: Ic6720677a4a496d246a8f9be5ede1a53821f56dc Change-Id: I5c1714b7839b2736c50f2daa2f4506c4006815a1 Closes-Bug: #1613889
2016-08-16 21:50:46 +00:00
echo $ipv6_subnet_id
function setup_mgmt_network() {
local PROJECT_ID=$1
local NET_NAME=$2
local SUBNET_NAME=$3
local SHARED=$5
local share_flag=""
if [[ "${SHARED}" == "TRUE" ]]; then
network_id=$(openstack network create --project ${PROJECT_ID} ${share_flag} $NET_NAME -c id -f value)
die_if_not_set $LINENO network_id "Failed to create network: $NET_NAME, project: ${PROJECT_ID}"
if [[ "$IP_VERSION" =~ 4.* ]]; then
net_subnet_id=$(create_mgmt_subnet_v4 ${PROJECT_ID} ${network_id} ${SUBNET_NAME} ${SUBNET_RANGE})
# 'openstack router add' has a bug that cound't show the error message
# openstack router add subnet ${ROUTER_ID} ${net_subnet_id} --debug
# Trove doesn't support IPv6 for now.
# if [[ "$IP_VERSION" =~ .*6 ]]; then
# NEW_IPV6_SUBNET_ID=$(create_subnet_v6 ${PROJECT_ID} ${network_id} ${IPV6_SUBNET_NAME})
# openstack router add subnet $ROUTER_ID $NEW_IPV6_SUBNET_ID
# fi
# start_trove() - Start running processes, including screen
function start_trove {
if [[ ${TROVE_USE_MOD_WSGI}" == TRUE" ]]; then
echo "Restarting Apache server ..."
enable_apache_site trove-api
run_process tr-api "$TROVE_BIN_DIR/trove-api --config-file=$TROVE_CONF"
run_process tr-tmgr "$TROVE_BIN_DIR/trove-taskmanager --config-file=$TROVE_CONF"
run_process tr-cond "$TROVE_BIN_DIR/trove-conductor --config-file=$TROVE_CONF"
# stop_trove() - Stop running processes
function stop_trove {
# Kill the trove screen windows
local serv
if [[ ${TROVE_USE_MOD_WSGI} == "TRUE" ]]; then
echo "Disabling Trove API in Apache"
disable_apache_site trove-api
stop_process tr-api
for serv in tr-tmgr tr-cond; do
stop_process $serv
# configure_tempest_for_trove() - Set Trove related setting on Tempest
# NOTE (gmann): Configure all the Tempest setting for Trove service in
# this function.
function configure_tempest_for_trove {
if is_service_enabled tempest; then
iniset $TEMPEST_CONFIG service_available trove True
# Use trovestack to create guest image and register the image in the datastore.
function create_guest_image {
if [[ ${TROVE_ENABLE_IMAGE_BUILD} == "false" ]]; then
echo "Skip creating guest image."
return 0
mkdir -p $HOME/images
if [[ -n ${TROVE_NON_DEV_IMAGE_URL} ]]; then
echo "Downloading guest image from ${TROVE_NON_DEV_IMAGE_URL}"
curl -sSL ${TROVE_NON_DEV_IMAGE_URL} -o ${image_file}
echo "Starting to create guest image"
$DEST/trove/integration/scripts/trovestack \
build-image \
true \
if [[ ! -f ${image_file} ]]; then
echo "Image file was not found at ${image_file}"
exit 1
echo "Add the image to glance"
glance_image_id=$(openstack --os-region-name RegionOne --os-password ${SERVICE_PASSWORD} \
--os-project-name service --os-username trove \
image create ${image_name} \
--disk-format qcow2 --container-format bare --property hw_rng_model='virtio' --file ${image_file} \
-c id -f value)
echo "Register the image in datastore"
echo "Add parameter validation rules if available"
if [[ -f $DEST/trove/trove/templates/$TROVE_DATASTORE_TYPE/validation-rules.json ]]; then
$TROVE_MANAGE db_load_datastore_config_parameters "$TROVE_DATASTORE_TYPE" "$TROVE_DATASTORE_VERSION" \
# Set up Trove management network and make configuration change.
function config_trove_network {
echo "Finalizing Neutron networking for Trove"
echo "Dumping current network parameters:"
# Save xtrace setting
local orig_xtrace
orig_xtrace=$(set +o | grep xtrace)
set -x
echo "Creating Trove management network/subnet for Trove service project."
trove_service_project_id=$(openstack project show $SERVICE_PROJECT_NAME -c id -f value)
setup_mgmt_network ${trove_service_project_id} ${TROVE_MGMT_NETWORK_NAME} ${TROVE_MGMT_SUBNET_NAME} ${TROVE_MGMT_SUBNET_RANGE}
mgmt_net_id=$(openstack network show ${TROVE_MGMT_NETWORK_NAME} -c id -f value)
echo "Created Trove management network ${TROVE_MGMT_NETWORK_NAME}(${mgmt_net_id})"
# Share the private network to other projects for testing purpose. We make
# the private network accessible to control plane below so that we could
# reach the private network for integration tests without floating ips
# associated, no matter which user the tests are using.
shared=$(openstack network show ${PRIVATE_NETWORK_NAME} -c shared -f value)
if [[ "$shared" == "False" ]]; then
openstack network set ${PRIVATE_NETWORK_NAME} --share
sudo ip route replace ${IPV4_ADDRS_SAFE_TO_USE} via $ROUTER_GW_IP
# Make sure we can reach the management port of the service VM, this
# configuration is only for testing purpose. In production, it's
# recommended to config the router in the cloud infrastructure for the
# communication between Trove control plane and service VMs.
MGMT_PORT_ID=$(openstack port create --project ${trove_service_project_id} --security-group ${TROVE_MGMT_SECURITY_GROUP} --device-owner trove --network ${TROVE_MGMT_NETWORK_NAME} --host=$(hostname) -c id -f value ${INTERFACE}-port)
MGMT_PORT_MAC=$(openstack port show -c mac_address -f value $MGMT_PORT_ID)
MGMT_PORT_IP=$(openstack port show -f value -c fixed_ips $MGMT_PORT_ID)
MGMT_PORT_IP=$(echo ${MGMT_PORT_IP//\'/\"} | jq -r '.[0].ip_address')
sudo ovs-vsctl -- --may-exist add-port ${OVS_BRIDGE:-br-int} $INTERFACE -- set Interface $INTERFACE type=internal -- set Interface $INTERFACE external-ids:iface-status=active -- set Interface $INTERFACE external-ids:attached-mac=$MGMT_PORT_MAC -- set Interface $INTERFACE external-ids:iface-id=$MGMT_PORT_ID -- set Interface $INTERFACE external-ids:skip_cleanup=true
sudo ip link set dev $INTERFACE address $MGMT_PORT_MAC
mask=$(echo ${TROVE_MGMT_SUBNET_RANGE} | awk -F'/' '{print $2}')
sudo ip addr add ${MGMT_PORT_IP}/${mask} dev $INTERFACE
sudo ip link set $INTERFACE up
echo "Neutron network list:"
openstack network list
echo "Neutron subnet list:"
openstack subnet list
echo "Neutron router:"
openstack router show ${ROUTER_ID} -f yaml
echo "ip route:"
sudo ip route
# Now make sure the conf settings are right
iniset $TROVE_CONF DEFAULT ip_regex ""
iniset $TROVE_CONF DEFAULT black_list_regex ""
iniset $TROVE_CONF DEFAULT management_networks ${mgmt_net_id}
iniset $TROVE_CONF DEFAULT network_driver trove.network.neutron.NeutronDriver
# Restore xtrace setting
function config_nova_keypair {
export SSH_DIR=${SSH_DIR:-"$HOME/.ssh"}
if [[ ! -f ${SSH_DIR}/id_rsa.pub ]]; then
mkdir -p ${SSH_DIR}
/usr/bin/ssh-keygen -f ${SSH_DIR}/id_rsa -q -N ""
# This is to allow guest agent ssh into the controller in dev mode.
cat ${SSH_DIR}/id_rsa.pub >> ${SSH_DIR}/authorized_keys
# This is to allow guest agent ssh into the controller in dev mode.
cat ${SSH_DIR}/id_rsa.pub >> ${SSH_DIR}/authorized_keys
sort ${SSH_DIR}/authorized_keys | uniq > ${SSH_DIR}/authorized_keys.uniq
mv ${SSH_DIR}/authorized_keys.uniq ${SSH_DIR}/authorized_keys
chmod 600 ${SSH_DIR}/authorized_keys
echo "Creating Trove management keypair ${TROVE_MGMT_KEYPAIR_NAME}"
openstack --os-region-name RegionOne --os-password ${SERVICE_PASSWORD} --os-project-name service --os-username trove \
keypair create --public-key ${SSH_DIR}/id_rsa.pub ${TROVE_MGMT_KEYPAIR_NAME}
function config_cinder_volume_type {
volume_type=$(openstack --os-region-name RegionOne --os-password ${SERVICE_PASSWORD} \
--os-project-name service --os-username trove \
volume type list -c Name -f value | awk 'NR==1 {print}')
iniset $TROVE_CONF DEFAULT cinder_volume_type ${volume_type}
function config_mgmt_security_group {
local sgid
echo "Creating Trove management security group."
sgid=$(openstack --os-region-name RegionOne --os-password ${SERVICE_PASSWORD} --os-project-name service --os-username trove security group create ${TROVE_MGMT_SECURITY_GROUP} -f value -c id)
# Allow ICMP
openstack --os-region-name RegionOne --os-password ${SERVICE_PASSWORD} --os-project-name service --os-username trove \
security group rule create --proto icmp $sgid
# Allow SSH
openstack --os-region-name RegionOne --os-password ${SERVICE_PASSWORD} --os-project-name service --os-username trove \
security group rule create --protocol tcp --dst-port 22 $sgid
iniset $TROVE_CONF DEFAULT management_security_groups $sgid
# Dispatcher for trove plugin
if is_service_enabled trove; then
if [[ "$1" == "stack" && "$2" == "install" ]]; then
echo_summary "Installing Trove"
elif [[ "$1" == "stack" && "$2" == "post-config" ]]; then
if is_service_enabled key; then
echo_summary "Configuring Trove"
elif [[ "$1" == "stack" && "$2" == "extra" ]]; then
echo_summary "Starting Trove"
# Guarantee the file permission in the trove code repo in order to
# download trove code from trove-guestagent.
sudo chown -R $STACK_USER:$STACK_USER "$DEST/trove"
elif [[ "$1" == "stack" && "$2" == "test-config" ]]; then
echo_summary "Configuring Tempest for Trove"
if [[ "$1" == "unstack" ]]; then
# Restore xtrace
# Tell emacs to use shell-script-mode
## Local variables:
## mode: shell-script
## End: