diff --git a/api-ref/source/user-management.inc b/api-ref/source/user-management.inc
index 750b7417a2..612464b4ea 100644
--- a/api-ref/source/user-management.inc
+++ b/api-ref/source/user-management.inc
@@ -145,14 +145,6 @@ Delete user
 Deletes a user for a database instance.
-Do not use periods in user names. A bug in a Python library that
-Rackspace uses that can cause incorrect user deletions to occur if
-you use a period (.) in the user name. In this case, the bug in the
-library truncates the user name to the portion from the beginning
-up to the period. For example, for the ``my.userA`` user, the bug
-truncates the user name to ``my``, and if the ``user`` exists, that
-user is incorrectly deleted.
 Error response codes:202,413,405,404,403,401,400,422,503,500,501,