#!/usr/bin/env python """ Sets up a VM with hardcoded paths to multiple source trees. Creates a script for use with VMWare or a Vagrantfile. Uses a configuration file (in JSON format) that stores the paths to checked-out copies of OpenStack projects on the host machine. If the path is None then it lets devstack download them. """ import json class Config(object): """ Very simple configuration file thats just some JSON. """ vm_paths = { 'devstack':"/devstack", 'glance': '/opt/stack/glance', 'horizon': '/opt/stack/horizon', 'keystone': "/opt/stack/keystone", 'nova': "/opt/stack/nova", 'python_openstackclient': "/opt/stack/python-openstackclient", 'python_novaclient': "/opt/stack/python-novaclient", 'trove':"/opt/stack/trove", 'python_troveclient':"/opt/stack/python-troveclient", 'tempest':"/opt/stack/tempest" } def __init__(self, **kwargs): for name in Config.vm_paths.keys(): if name not in kwargs: raise RuntimeError('Missing configuration value "%s".' % name) value = kwargs[name] if value is not None and type(value) is not str \ and type(value) is not unicode: raise RuntimeError('Path "%s" must be a string or None but is ' 'of type %s.' % (name, type(value))) setattr(self, name, kwargs[name]) self.vagrant_path = kwargs.get("vagrant_path", "Vagrantfile") @staticmethod def load(file_path): file_contents = open(file_path, "r").read() dict = json.loads(file_contents); return Config(**dict) def write_vagrant_file(self): with open(self.vagrant_path, 'w') as file: file.write(""" Vagrant::Config.run do |global_config| # Host config global_config.vm.define :host do |config| config.vm.network "" config.vm.box = "precise" config.vm.host_name = "host" config.ssh.timeout = 3600 config.vm.customize do |vm| vm.memory_size = 2048 end config.vm.share_folder "integration", "/integration", "../" """) for key in Config.vm_paths.keys(): local_path = getattr(self, key) vm_path = Config.vm_paths[key] if local_path is not None: file.write('\tconfig.vm.share_folder "%s", "%s", "%s" \n' % (key, vm_path, local_path)) file.write(""" end end """) if __name__=="__main__": conf = Config.load("conf.json") conf.write_vagrant_file()