.. Copyright 2016 OpenStack Foundation All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. Policies ======== .. warning:: JSON formatted policy file is deprecated since Watcher 6.0.0 (Wallaby). This `oslopolicy-convert-json-to-yaml`__ tool will migrate your existing JSON-formatted policy file to YAML in a backward-compatible way. .. __: https://docs.openstack.org/oslo.policy/latest/cli/oslopolicy-convert-json-to-yaml.html Watcher's public API calls may be restricted to certain sets of users using a policy configuration file. This document explains exactly how policies are configured and what they apply to. A policy is composed of a set of rules that are used in determining if a particular action may be performed by the authorized tenant. Constructing a Policy Configuration File ---------------------------------------- A policy configuration file is a simply JSON object that contain sets of rules. Each top-level key is the name of a rule. Each rule is a string that describes an action that may be performed in the Watcher API. The actions that may have a rule enforced on them are: * ``strategy:get_all``, ``strategy:detail`` - List available strategies * ``GET /v1/strategies`` * ``GET /v1/strategies/detail`` * ``strategy:get`` - Retrieve a specific strategy entity * ``GET /v1/strategies/`` * ``GET /v1/strategies/`` * ``goal:get_all``, ``goal:detail`` - List available goals * ``GET /v1/goals`` * ``GET /v1/goals/detail`` * ``goal:get`` - Retrieve a specific goal entity * ``GET /v1/goals/`` * ``GET /v1/goals/`` * ``audit_template:get_all``, ``audit_template:detail`` - List available audit_templates * ``GET /v1/audit_templates`` * ``GET /v1/audit_templates/detail`` * ``audit_template:get`` - Retrieve a specific audit template entity * ``GET /v1/audit_templates/`` * ``GET /v1/audit_templates/`` * ``audit_template:create`` - Create an audit template entity * ``POST /v1/audit_templates`` * ``audit_template:delete`` - Delete an audit template entity * ``DELETE /v1/audit_templates/`` * ``DELETE /v1/audit_templates/`` * ``audit_template:update`` - Update an audit template entity * ``PATCH /v1/audit_templates/`` * ``PATCH /v1/audit_templates/`` * ``audit:get_all``, ``audit:detail`` - List available audits * ``GET /v1/audits`` * ``GET /v1/audits/detail`` * ``audit:get`` - Retrieve a specific audit entity * ``GET /v1/audits/`` * ``audit:create`` - Create an audit entity * ``POST /v1/audits`` * ``audit:delete`` - Delete an audit entity * ``DELETE /v1/audits/`` * ``audit:update`` - Update an audit entity * ``PATCH /v1/audits/`` * ``action_plan:get_all``, ``action_plan:detail`` - List available action plans * ``GET /v1/action_plans`` * ``GET /v1/action_plans/detail`` * ``action_plan:get`` - Retrieve a specific action plan entity * ``GET /v1/action_plans/`` * ``action_plan:delete`` - Delete an action plan entity * ``DELETE /v1/action_plans/`` * ``action_plan:update`` - Update an action plan entity * ``PATCH /v1/audits/`` * ``action:get_all``, ``action:detail`` - List available action * ``GET /v1/actions`` * ``GET /v1/actions/detail`` * ``action:get`` - Retrieve a specific action plan entity * ``GET /v1/actions/`` * ``service:get_all``, ``service:detail`` - List available Watcher services * ``GET /v1/services`` * ``GET /v1/services/detail`` * ``service:get`` - Retrieve a specific Watcher service entity * ``GET /v1/services/`` To limit an action to a particular role or roles, you list the roles like so :: { "audit:create": ["role:admin", "role:superuser"] } The above would add a rule that only allowed users that had roles of either "admin" or "superuser" to launch an audit.