Previousy, when shutting down a libvirt domain before evacuation, we would wait until it disappeared from the list of libvirt domains, but we just merrily continued on even if it was still present after 60 seconds. I suspect the domain remained present, and our next steps were to evacuate the instance and start nova-compute back up again, at which point it tried to delete evacuated instances, and fail with the following: File "/opt/stack/nova/nova/compute/", line 839, in _destroy_evacuated_instances <snip> libvirt.libvirtError: Failed to terminate process 55183 with SIGKILL: Device or resource busy This patch makes us wait for the domain to disappear, and raise an error if it doesn't disappear in time. It also refactors the shutdown code slightly to avoid an extra API quey to get the server. Change-Id: I76885987842440f9b690c198e6b8149bdd85f899
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478 lines
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# Copyright 2016 Red Hat
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import six
import time
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from oslo_log import log as logging
from tempest.api.compute import base
from tempest.common import waiters
from tempest import config
from tempest.lib.common.utils import data_utils
from tempest.lib.common.utils import test_utils
from tempest.lib import exceptions as lib_exc
from whitebox_tempest_plugin.common import waiters as wb_waiters
from import clients
if six.PY2:
import contextlib2 as contextlib
import contextlib
CONF = config.CONF
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class BaseWhiteboxComputeTest(base.BaseV2ComputeAdminTest):
def create_test_server(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Whitebox is able to completely fill its compute hosts because it
runs with things like PCI devices and dedicated CPUs. Because of that
we cannot wait for the class cleanup to run after the test *class*
(which is what Tempest does by default), we need to run cleanup after
every test *method* to make sure subsequent tests have enough
resources. This wrapper does that.
def _admin_delete_server(server_id):
"""The server may have been created by an admin client. Use the
admin client to delete it.
self.os_admin.servers_client, server_id)
except Exception:
LOG.exception('Failed to delete server %s', server_id)
server = super(BaseWhiteboxComputeTest, self).create_test_server(
*args, **kwargs)
self.addCleanup(_admin_delete_server, server['id'])
return server
def create_flavor(self, ram=CONF.whitebox.flavor_ram_size, vcpus=2,
disk=CONF.whitebox.flavor_volume_size, name=None,
is_public='True', extra_specs=None, **kwargs):
flavor = super(BaseWhiteboxComputeTest, self).create_flavor(
ram, vcpus, disk, name, is_public, **kwargs)
if extra_specs:
return flavor
def reboot_server(self, server_id, type):
"""Reboot a server and wait for it to be ACTIVE."""
self.servers_client.reboot_server(server_id, type=type)
self.servers_client, server_id, 'ACTIVE')
def copy_default_image(self, **kwargs):
"""Creates a new image by downloading the default image's bits and
uploading them to a new image. Any kwargs are set as image properties
on the new image.
:return image_id: The UUID of the newly created image.
image = self.images_client.show_image(CONF.compute.image_ref)
image_data = self.images_client.show_image_file(
image_file = six.BytesIO(image_data)
create_dict = {
'container_format': image['container_format'],
'disk_format': image['disk_format'],
'min_disk': image['min_disk'],
'min_ram': image['min_ram'],
new_image = self.images_client.create_image(**create_dict)
self.addCleanup(self.images_client.delete_image, new_image['id'])
self.images_client.store_image_file(new_image['id'], image_file)
return new_image['id']
def list_compute_hosts(self):
"""Returns a list of all nova-compute hostnames in the deployment.
Assumes all are up and running.
services = self.os_admin.services_client.list_services(
return [service['host'] for service in services]
def config_all_computes(self, *options):
computes = self.list_compute_hosts()
svc_mgrs = [clients.NovaServiceManager(compute, 'nova-compute',
for compute in computes]
ctxt_mgrs = [mgr.config_options(*options) for mgr in svc_mgrs]
with contextlib.ExitStack() as stack:
yield [stack.enter_context(mgr) for mgr in ctxt_mgrs]
def get_server_xml(self, server_id):
server = self.os_admin.servers_client.show_server(server_id)['server']
host = server['OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:host']
server_instance_name = server['OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:instance_name']
virshxml = clients.VirshXMLClient(host)
xml = virshxml.dumpxml(server_instance_name)
return ET.fromstring(xml)
def shutdown_server_domain(self, server, host):
server_details = \
domain_name = server_details['OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:instance_name']
ssh_client = clients.SSHClient(host)
ssh_client.execute('virsh shutdown %s' % domain_name, sudo=True)
self._wait_for_domain_shutdown(ssh_client, domain_name)
def _wait_for_domain_shutdown(self, ssh_client, domain_name):
start_time = int(time.time())
timeout = CONF.compute.build_timeout
interval = CONF.compute.build_interval
while int(time.time()) - start_time <= timeout:
domains = ssh_client.execute('virsh list --name', sudo=True)
if domain_name in domains:
raise lib_exc.TimeoutException(
'Failed to shutdown domain within the required time.')
def get_server_blockdevice_path(self, server_id, device_name):
host = self.get_host_for_server(server_id)
virshxml = clients.VirshXMLClient(host)
blklist = virshxml.domblklist(server_id).splitlines()
source = None
for line in blklist:
if device_name in line:
target, source = line.split()
return source
def live_migrate(self, clients, server_id, state, target_host=None):
"""Live migrate a server.
:param client: Clients to use when waiting for the server to
reach the specified state.
:param server_id: The UUID of the server to live migrate.
:param state: Wait for the server to reach this state after live
:param target_host: Optional target host for the live migration.
orig_host = self.get_host_for_server(server_id)
waiters.wait_for_server_status(clients.servers_client, server_id,
if target_host:
target_host, self.get_host_for_server(server_id),
'Live migration failed, instance %s is not '
'on target host %s' % (server_id, target_host))
orig_host, self.get_host_for_server(server_id),
'Live migration failed, '
'instance %s has not changed hosts' % server_id)
# TODO(lyarwood): Refactor all of this into a common module between
# tempest.api.{compute,volume} and tempest.scenario.manager where this
# has been copied from to avoid mixing api and scenario classes.
def cleanup_volume_type(self, volume_type):
"""Clean up a given volume type.
Ensuring all volumes associated to a type are first removed before
attempting to remove the type itself. This includes any image volume
cache volumes stored in a separate tenant to the original volumes
created from the type.
volumes = self.os_admin.volumes_client_latest.list_volumes(
detail=True, params={'all_tenants': 1})['volumes']
type_name = volume_type['name']
for volume in [v for v in volumes if v['volume_type'] == type_name]:
# Use the same project client to delete the volume as was used to
# create it and any associated secrets
self.volumes_client.delete_volume, volume['id'])
def create_volume_type(self, client=None, name=None, backend_name=None,
"""Creates volume type
In a multiple-storage back-end configuration,
each back end has a name (volume_backend_name).
The name of the back end is declared as an extra-specification
of a volume type (such as, volume_backend_name=LVM).
When a volume is created, the scheduler chooses an
appropriate back end to handle the request, according
to the volume type specified by the user.
The scheduler uses volume types to explicitly create volumes on
specific back ends.
Before using volume type, a volume type has to be declared
to Block Storage. In addition to that, an extra-specification
has to be created to link the volume type to a back end name.
if not client:
client = self.os_admin.volume_types_client_latest
if not name:
class_name = self.__class__.__name__
name = data_utils.rand_name(class_name + '-volume-type')
randomized_name = data_utils.rand_name('scenario-type-' + name)
LOG.debug("Creating a volume type: %s on backend %s",
randomized_name, backend_name)
extra_specs = kwargs.pop("extra_specs", {})
if backend_name:
extra_specs.update({"volume_backend_name": backend_name})
volume_type_resp = client.create_volume_type(
name=randomized_name, extra_specs=extra_specs, **kwargs)
volume_type = volume_type_resp['volume_type']
self.assertIn('id', volume_type)
self.addCleanup(self.cleanup_volume_type, volume_type)
return volume_type
def create_encryption_type(self, client=None, type_id=None, provider=None,
key_size=None, cipher=None,
"""Creates an encryption type for volume"""
if not client:
client = self.os_admin.encryption_types_client_latest
if not type_id:
volume_type = self.create_volume_type()
type_id = volume_type['id']
LOG.debug("Creating an encryption type for volume type: %s", type_id)
type_id, provider=provider, key_size=key_size, cipher=cipher,
def create_encrypted_volume(self, encryption_provider, volume_type,
key_size=256, cipher='aes-xts-plain64',
"""Creates an encrypted volume"""
volume_type = self.create_volume_type(name=volume_type)
return self.create_volume(volume_type=volume_type['name'])
def _get_expected_xml_interface_type(self, port):
"""Return expected domain xml interface type based on port vnic_type
:param port: dictionary with port details
:return xml_vnic_type: the vnic_type as it is expected to be
represented in a guest's XML
'vdpa': 'vdpa',
'direct': 'hostdev',
'macvtap': 'direct'
vnic_type = port['port']['binding:vnic_type']
# NOTE: SR-IOV Port binding vnic type has been known to cause confusion
# when mapping the value to the underlying instance XML. A vnic_type
# that is direct is a 'hostdev' or Host device assignment that is
# is passing the device directly from the host to the guest. A
# vnic_type that is macvtap or 'direct' in the guest xml, is using the
# macvtap driver to attach a guests NIC directly to a specified
# physical interface on the host.
return VNIC_MAPPING_DICT.get(vnic_type)
def _get_xml_interface_device(self, server_id, port_id):
"""Returns xml interface element that matches provided port mac
and interface type. It is technically possible to have multiple ports
with the same MAC address in an instance, so method functionality may
break in the future.
:param server_id: str, id of the instance to analyze
:param port_id: str, port id to request from the ports client
:return xml_network_deivce: The xml network device delement that match
the port search criteria
port_info = self.os_admin.ports_client.show_port(port_id)
interface_type = self._get_expected_xml_interface_type(port_info)
root = self.get_server_xml(server_id)
mac = port_info['port']['mac_address']
interface_list = root.findall(
% (interface_type, mac)
self.assertEqual(len(interface_list), 1, 'Expect to find one '
'and only one instance of interface but '
'instead found %d instances' %
return interface_list[0]
def _get_port_attribute(self, port_id, attribute):
"""Get a specific attribute for provided port id
:param port_id: str the port id to search for
:param attribute: str the attribute or key to check from the returned
port dictionary
:return port_attribute: the requested port attribute value
body = self.os_admin.ports_client.show_port(port_id)
port = body['port']
return port.get(attribute)
def _create_net_from_physical_network(self, vlan_id, physical_net):
"""Create an IPv4 L2 vlan network. Physical network provider comes
from sriov_physnet provided in tempest config
:return net A dictionary describing details about the created network
name_net = data_utils.rand_name(self.__class__.__name__)
net_dict = {
'provider:network_type': 'vlan',
'provider:physical_network': physical_net,
'provider:segmentation_id': vlan_id,
'shared': True
net = self.os_admin.networks_client.create_network(
return net
def _create_subnet(self, network_id):
"""Create an IPv4 L2 vlan network. Physical network provider comes
from sriov_physnet provided in tempest config
:param network_id: str, network id subnet will be associated with
:return net A dictionary describing details about the created network
name_subnet = data_utils.rand_name(self.__class__.__name__)
subnet = self.os_admin.subnets_client.create_subnet(
return subnet
def _create_port_from_vnic_type(self, net, vnic_type,
"""Create an sr-iov port based on the provided vnic type
:param net: dictionary with network details
:param vnic_type: str, representing the vnic type to use with creating
the sriov port, e.g. direct, macvtap, etc.
:return port: dictionary with details about newly created port provided
by neutron ports client
vnic_params = {'binding:vnic_type': vnic_type}
if numa_affinity_policy:
vnic_params['numa_affinity_policy'] = numa_affinity_policy
port = self.os_primary.ports_client.create_port(
return port
def _search_pci_devices(self, column, value):
"""Returns all pci_device's address, status, and dev_type that match
query criteria.
:param column: str, the column in the pci_devices table to search
:param value: str, the specific value in the column to query for
return query_match: json, all pci_devices that match specified query
db_client = clients.DatabaseClient()
db = CONF.whitebox_database.nova_cell1_db_name
with db_client.cursor(db) as cursor:
'SELECT address,status,dev_type FROM '
'pci_devices WHERE %s = "%s"' % (column, value))
data = cursor.fetchall()
return data
def _verify_neutron_port_binding(self, server_id, port_id):
"""Verifies db metrics are accurate for the state of the provided
:param port_id str, the port id to request from the ports client
:param server_id str, the guest id to check
binding_profile = self._get_port_attribute(port_id, 'binding:profile')
pci_info = self._search_pci_devices('instance_uuid', server_id)
vnic_type = self._get_port_attribute(port_id, 'binding:vnic_type')
for pci_device in pci_info:
"allocated", pci_device['status'], 'PCI function %s is '
'status %s and not status allocated' %
(pci_device['address'], pci_device['status']))
binding_profile['pci_slot'], 'PCI device '
'information in Nova and and Binding profile information in '
'Neutron mismatch')
if vnic_type == 'vdpa':
self.assertEqual(pci_device['dev_type'], 'vdpa')
elif vnic_type == 'direct-physical':
self.assertEqual(pci_device['dev_type'], 'type-PF')
# vnic_type direct, macvtap or virtio-forwarder can use VF or
# type pci devices.
self.assertIn(pci_device['dev_type'], ['type-VF', 'type-PCI'])
def _get_pci_status_count(self, status):
"""Return the number of pci devices that match the status argument
:param status: str, value to query from the pci_devices table
return int, the number of rows that match the provided status
db_client = clients.DatabaseClient()
db = CONF.whitebox_database.nova_cell1_db_name
with db_client.cursor(db) as cursor:
cursor.execute('select COUNT(*) from pci_devices WHERE '
'status = "%s"' % status)
data = cursor.fetchall()
return data[0]['COUNT(*)']
def _get_hugepage_xml_element(self, server_id):
"""Gather and return all instances of the page element from XML element
'memoryBacking/hugepages' in a given server's domain.
root = self.get_server_xml(server_id)
huge_pages = root.findall('.memoryBacking/hugepages/page')
return huge_pages
def evacuate_server(self, server_id, **kwargs):
"""Evacuate server and wait for server migration to complete.
self.admin_servers_client.evacuate_server(server_id, **kwargs)
wb_waiters.wait_for_server_migration_complete(self.os_admin, server_id)