This commit upgrades the containernetwork plugins to version 0.9.1 As there is no existing upstream package for this version for StarlingX, it is being built based on the downloaded source and centos7 spec file. Note: previous commit 303ed35 was reverted because of an issue with the centos_tarball-dl.lst and the autosetup command of the spec file. The second parameter of the centos_tarball-dl.lst specifies the top level directory name of the package. If the dl_tarball script detects that this TLD differs from that of the downloaded tarball, the TLD is changed to that of the 2nd parameter. In this case, the TLD of the downloaded package was 'plugins-0.9.1', while the centos_tarball-dl.lst had specified 'containernetworking-plugins-v0.9.1'. The two options to fix this incompatibility are to either change the TLD in the centos_tarball-dl.lst to match the downloaded version, or to modify the .spec file to run the autosetup command against the re-named TLD. This commit chooses the 2nd option, which allows for the package to built against any mirror dl that already has the containernetworking-plugins download present in it. Plugins tested: bridge vlan host-device dhcp host-local static tuning portmap bandwidth Story: 2008972 Task: 42977 Signed-off-by: Steven Webster <steven.webster@windriver.com> Change-Id: Ice12cbeacaeadc8beaa22152ca2a6104d31eec8b
The spec file used here was from the Centos 7 src rpm for containernetworking-plugins. The orig file is included to help show modifications made to that spec file, to help understand which changes were needed and to assist with future upversioning.