Rafael Fayan 778d67dc6b Remove env variable from RBAC tests
Since the env option and fixtures depending on it were not in use
by any RBAC test anymore, they were removed from code.

Fixtures removed:
- env

Story: 2009156
Task: 43128

Signed-off-by: Rafael Fayan <RafaelShibana.Fayan@windriver.com>
Change-Id: I15c3758263c3ec00385e063cad03f82f92fbd21d
2021-10-04 17:43:27 +00:00

1092 lines
40 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2021 Wind River Systems, Inc.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# All Rights Reserved.
import pytest
from openstack import exceptions
from novaclient import exceptions as ncExceptions
from pprint import pprint
from tests.fv_rbac import debug
from tests.fv_rbac import OpenStackRouterInterface
from tests.test_nova.rbac_nova import OpenStackComputeTesting
@pytest.fixture(scope='class', autouse=True)
def networking_setup(request, network_admin_setup):
cfg = network_admin_setup
request.cls.os_sdk_admin_conn = cfg.os_sdk_admin_conn
request.cls.users = cfg.users
request.cls.user02 = cfg.user02
request.cls.user11 = cfg.user11
request.cls.user12 = cfg.user12
request.cls.user13 = cfg.user13
request.cls.user21 = cfg.user21
request.cls.user22 = cfg.user22
request.cls.user23 = cfg.user23
class TestVM(OpenStackComputeTesting):
# TC-1
# Description:
# - The following user and roles are defined: user11, admin of project1; user12, member of project1; user13, read only of project1.
# - Users 11/12 can lunch server from image or volume, with either predefined network, or predefined port; while user13 can NOT;
# - Users 11/12 can access server logs, while user13 can NOT;
# - Users 11/12 can access server console, while user13 can NOT.
def test_uc_nova_1(self, tc_teardown):
# 1. user11 can create an instance
# 2. user11 can get the console log of the instance
# 3. user11 can access the VNC console of the instance
# 4. user13 can NOT get the console log or access the VNC console
# 5. user12 create an instance
# 6. user12 can get the console log of the instance
# 7. user12 can access the VNC console of the instance
# 8. user13 can NOT get the console log or access the VNC console
# 1.1. user11 can create an instance
print ("\nTC-1.1")
vm11 = self._create_server("vm11-project1", "cirros", "m1.tiny")
if debug: print(vm11.name)
if debug: print(vm11.status)
assert vm11.name == "vm11-project1"
assert vm11.status == "ACTIVE"
assert "vm11-project1" in [s.name for s in self._list_servers()]
# 1.2. user11 can get the console log of the instance
print ("TC-1.2")
data = self._get_server_console_output("vm11-project1")
if debug: pprint(data, indent=4)
assert data is not None
# 1.3. user11 can access the VNC console of the instance
print ("TC-1.3")
data = self._get_vnc_console("vm11-project1", 'novnc')
if debug: pprint(data, indent=4)
assert data is not None
# 1.4. user13 can NOT get the console log or access the VNC console
print ("TC-1.4")
#Note: openstack.exceptions
with pytest.raises(exceptions.HttpException) as err:
assert self._get_server_console_output("vm11-project1")
assert err.match("Policy doesn't allow os_compute_api:os-console-output to be performed")
#Note: novaclient.exceptions
with pytest.raises(ncExceptions.Forbidden) as err:
assert self._get_vnc_console("vm11-project1", 'novnc')
assert err.match("Policy doesn't allow os_compute_api:os-remote-consoles to be performed")
# 1.5. user12 can create an instance
print ("TC-1.5")
vm12 = self._create_server("vm12-project1", "cirros", "m1.tiny")
if debug: print(vm12.name)
if debug: print(vm12.status)
assert vm12.name == "vm12-project1"
assert vm12.status == "ACTIVE"
assert "vm12-project1" in [s.name for s in self._list_servers()]
# 1.6. user12 can get the console log of the instance
print ("TC-1.6")
data = self._get_server_console_output("vm12-project1")
if debug: pprint(data, indent=4)
assert data is not None
# 1.7.user12 can access the VNC console of the instance
print ("TC-1.7")
data = self._get_vnc_console("vm12-project1", 'novnc')
if debug: pprint(data, indent=4)
assert data is not None
# 1.8. user13 can NOT get the console log or access the VNC console
print ("TC-1.8")
#Note: openstack.exceptions
with pytest.raises(exceptions.HttpException) as err:
assert self._get_server_console_output("vm12-project1")
assert err.match("Policy doesn't allow os_compute_api:os-console-output to be performed")
#Note: novaclient.exceptions
with pytest.raises(ncExceptions.Forbidden) as err:
assert self._get_vnc_console("vm12-project1", 'novnc')
assert err.match("Policy doesn't allow os_compute_api:os-remote-consoles to be performed")
# TC-2
# Description:
# user11 can manage server: associate floatingip/de-associate floatingip/edit instance/
# attach volume/detach volume/update metadata/edit security group/pause instance/resume instance /
# suspend instance/resize instance/lock instance/unlock instance/shelve instance/unshelve instance/
# soft reboot instance/hard reboot instance/shut off instance/rebuild instance/delete instance,
# while user12/13 can NOT
def test_uc_nova_2(self, create_external_network, create_router_vr11, tc_teardown):
01. user11 can create a floating IP
02. user11 can start a instance
03. user11 can associate/disassociate the floating IP to the instance
04. users 12/13 can NOT associate/disassociate the floating IP to the instance
05. user11 can update the name of the instance
06. users 12/13 can NOT update the instance
07. user11 can attache/detach a volume to the instance
08. user12 can attach/detach a volume to the instance, but user13 CAN NOT
09. user11 can update the metadata of the instance
10. users 12/13 can NOT update the metadata of the instance
11. user11 can add a security group the the instance
12. users 12/13 can NOT add a security group to the instance
13. user11 can pause/unpause the instance
14. users 12/13 can NOT pause/unpause the instance
15. user11 can resize the instance
16. users 12/13 can NOT resize the instance
17. user11 can lock/unlock the instance.
18. users 12/13 can NOT lock/unlock the instance.
19. user11 can stop the instance
20. users 12/13 can NOT stop the instance
21. user11 can soft reboot the instance
22. users 12/13 can NOT soft reboot the instance
23. user11 can hard reboot the instance
24. users 12/13 can NOT hard reboot the instance
25. user11 can rebuild the instance
26. users 12/13 can NOT rebuild the instance
27. user11 can shelve/unshelve the instance
28. users 12/13 can NOT shelve the instance
29. users 12/13 can NOT delete the instance
30. user11 can delete the instance
# 2.1. user11 can create a floating IP
print ("\nTC-2.1")
#Test setup
extnet, extsubnet = create_external_network
network11 = self._create_network("network11")
assert network11 is not None
subnet11 = self._create_subnet("subnet11", "network11", cidr="", gateway_ip="")
assert subnet11 is not None
vr11 = create_router_vr11
vr11 = self._add_interface_to_router(OpenStackRouterInterface("vr11", "subnet11"))
assert subnet11.id in vr11.get("subnet_ids")
vm11 = self._create_server("vm11", "cirros", "m1.tiny", network_name="network11")
vm11 = self._get_server("vm11")
if debug: print(vm11.status)
assert vm11.status == "ACTIVE"
network = self._get_network("network11")
vm11_port = [p for p in self._list_ports(device_id=vm11.id)][0]
assert vm11_port.network_id == network.id
#Create action succeeds for the project admin
fip11 = self._create_floatingip(subnet_id=extsubnet.id, floating_network_id=extnet.id, port_id=vm11_port.id)
if debug: print(fip11.floating_ip_address)
assert fip11.floating_ip_address is not None
# 2.2. user11 can stop/start a instance
print ("TC-2.2")
#Test setup
vm11 = self._get_server("vm11")
assert vm11.status == "ACTIVE"
#Stop action succeeds for the project admin
vm11 = self._stop_server("vm11")
if debug: print(vm11.status)
assert vm11.status == "SHUTOFF"
#Start action succeeds for the project admin
vm11 = self._start_server("vm11")
if debug: print(vm11.status)
assert vm11.status == "ACTIVE"
# 2.3. user11 can associate/disassociate the floating IP to the instance
print ("TC-2.3")
#Test setup
vm11 = self._get_server("vm11")
assert vm11.name == "vm11"
if debug: print(fip11.floating_ip_address)
assert fip11.floating_ip_address is not None
#Associate action succeeds for the project admin
self._add_floating_ip_to_server("vm11", fip11)
vm11 = self._get_server("vm11")
if debug: print([ip['addr'] for ip in vm11.addresses['network11'] if ip['OS-EXT-IPS:type'] == 'floating'][0])
assert fip11.floating_ip_address == [ip['addr'] for ip in vm11.addresses['network11'] if ip['OS-EXT-IPS:type'] == 'floating'][0]
#Disassociate action succeeds for the project admin
self._remove_floating_ip_from_server("vm11", fip11)
vm11 = self._get_server("vm11")
if debug: print([ip['addr'] for ip in vm11.addresses['network11'] if ip['OS-EXT-IPS:type'] == 'floating'][0])
assert fip11.floating_ip_address not in [ip['addr'] for ip in vm11.addresses['network11'] if ip['OS-EXT-IPS:type'] == 'floating']
# 2.4. users 12/13 can NOT associate/disassociate the floating IP to the instance
print ("TC-2.4")
#Test setup
vm11 = self._get_server("vm11")
assert vm11.name == "vm11"
if debug: print(fip11.floating_ip_address)
assert fip11.floating_ip_address is not None
#Associate attempt fails for project members
for user in (self.user12, self.user13):
#Exception occurs
with pytest.raises(exceptions.HttpException) as err:
assert self._add_floating_ip_to_server("vm11", fip11)
assert err.match("rule:update_floatingip is disallowed by policy")
vm11 = self._get_server("vm11")
if debug: print([ip['addr'] for ip in vm11.addresses['network11'] if ip['OS-EXT-IPS:type'] == 'floating'])
assert fip11.floating_ip_address not in [ip['addr'] for ip in vm11.addresses['network11'] if ip['OS-EXT-IPS:type'] == 'floating']
#Test setup
self._add_floating_ip_to_server("vm11", fip11)
vm11 = self._get_server("vm11")
if debug: print([ip['addr'] for ip in vm11.addresses['network11'] if ip['OS-EXT-IPS:type'] == 'floating'])
assert fip11.floating_ip_address in [ip['addr'] for ip in vm11.addresses['network11'] if ip['OS-EXT-IPS:type'] == 'floating']
#Disassociate attempt fails for project members
for user in (self.user12, self.user13):
#Exception occurs
with pytest.raises(exceptions.HttpException) as err:
assert self._remove_floating_ip_from_server("vm11", fip11)
assert err.match("Access was denied to this resource")
vm11 = self._get_server("vm11")
if debug: print([ip['addr'] for ip in vm11.addresses['network11'] if ip['OS-EXT-IPS:type'] == 'floating'])
assert fip11.floating_ip_address in [ip['addr'] for ip in vm11.addresses['network11'] if ip['OS-EXT-IPS:type'] == 'floating']
# 2.5. user11 can update the name of the instance
print ("TC-2.5")
#Test setup
vm11 = self._get_server("vm11")
assert vm11.name == "vm11"
#Update action succeeds for the project admin
vm11 = self._update_server("vm11", name="vm11-project1")
if debug: print([s.name for s in self._list_servers()])
assert "vm11-project1" in [s.name for s in self._list_servers()]
#Test restore
vm11 = self._update_server("vm11-project1", name="vm11")
if debug: print([s.name for s in self._list_servers()])
assert "vm11" in [s.name for s in self._list_servers()]
# 2.6. users 12/13 can NOT update the instance
print ("TC-2.6")
#Update attempt fails for project members
for user in (self.user12, self.user13):
#Test setup
if debug: print([s.name for s in self._list_servers()])
assert "vm11" in [s.name for s in self._list_servers()]
#Exception occurs
with pytest.raises(exceptions.HttpException) as err:
assert self._update_server("vm11", name="Instance11-Project1")
assert err.match("Policy doesn't allow os_compute_api:servers:update to be performed")
assert "Instance11-Project1" not in [s.name for s in self._list_servers()]
assert "vm11" in [s.name for s in self._list_servers()]
# 2.7. user11 can attach/detach a volume to the instance
print ("TC-2.7")
#Test setup
vm11 = self._get_server("vm11")
assert vm11.attached_volumes == []
volume11 = self._create_volume("volume11")
volumes = self._list_volumes()
assert "volume11" in [v.name for v in volumes]
#Attach action succeeds for the project admin
self._add_volume_to_server("vm11", "volume11")
vm11 = self._get_server("vm11")
assert volume11.id in [v.get("id") for v in vm11.attached_volumes]
#Detach action succeeds for the project admin
self._remove_volume_from_server("vm11", "volume11")
vm11 = self._get_server("vm11")
assert vm11.attached_volumes == []
# 2.8. user12 can attach/detach a volume to the instance, but user13 CAN NOT
print ("TC-2.8")
#Test setup for user 12
vm11 = self._get_server("vm11")
assert vm11.attached_volumes == []
#Attach action succeeds for user12 (project member)
self._add_volume_to_server("vm11", "volume11")
vm11 = self._get_server("vm11")
assert volume11.id in [v.get("id") for v in vm11.attached_volumes]
#Detach action succeeds for user12 (project member)
self._remove_volume_from_server("vm11", "volume11")
vm11 = self._get_server("vm11")
assert vm11.attached_volumes == []
#Test setup for user 13
vm11 = self._get_server("vm11")
assert vm11.attached_volumes == []
#Attach attempt fails for user13 (read only)
with pytest.raises(exceptions.HttpException) as err:
assert self._add_volume_to_server("vm11", "volume11")
assert err.match("Policy doesn't allow os_compute_api:os-volumes-attachments:create to be performed")
vm11 = self._get_server("vm11")
assert vm11.attached_volumes == []
#Test setup for user 13
self._add_volume_to_server("vm11", "volume11")
vm11 = self._get_server("vm11")
assert volume11.id in [v.get("id") for v in vm11.attached_volumes]
#Detach attempt fails for user13 (read only)
with pytest.raises(exceptions.HttpException) as err:
assert self._remove_volume_from_server("vm11", "volume11")
assert err.match("Policy doesn't allow os_compute_api:os-volumes-attachments:delete to be performed")
vm11 = self._get_server("vm11")
assert volume11.id in [v.get("id") for v in vm11.attached_volumes]
# 2.9. user11 can update (set/modify/delete) the metadata of the instance
print ("TC-2.9")
#Test setup
vm11 = self._get_server("vm11")
if debug: print(vm11.metadata)
assert "mykey" not in vm11.metadata
#Set metadata
vm11 = self._set_server_metadata("vm11", mykey="myvalue")
if debug: print(vm11.metadata)
assert "mykey" in vm11.metadata
assert vm11.metadata.get("mykey") == "myvalue"
#Modify metadata
vm11 = self._set_server_metadata("vm11", mykey="updated-value")
if debug: print(vm11.metadata)
assert "mykey" in vm11.metadata
assert vm11.metadata.get("mykey") == "updated-value"
#Get metadata
vm11 = self._get_server_metadata("vm11")
if debug: print(vm11.metadata)
assert "mykey" in vm11.metadata
assert vm11.metadata.get("mykey") == "updated-value"
#Delete metadata
self._delete_server_metadata("vm11", ['mykey'])
vm11 = self._get_server_metadata("vm11")
if debug: print(vm11.metadata)
assert "mykey" not in vm11.metadata
vm11 = self._get_server("vm11")
if debug: print(vm11.metadata)
assert "mykey" not in vm11.metadata
# 2.10. users 12/13 can NOT update the metadata of the instance
print ("TC-2.10")
#Test setup
vm11 = self._get_server("vm11")
assert vm11.name == "vm11"
assert vm11.status == "ACTIVE"
if debug: print(vm11.metadata)
assert "mykey" not in vm11.metadata
#Metadata update (set) attempt fails for project members
for user in (self.user12, self.user13):
#Test setup
vm11 = self._get_server("vm11")
if debug: print(vm11.metadata)
assert "mykey" not in vm11.metadata
#Exception occurs
with pytest.raises(exceptions.HttpException) as err:
assert self._set_server_metadata("vm11", mykey="myvalue")
assert err.match("Policy doesn't allow os_compute_api:server-metadata:create to be performed")
assert "mykey" not in vm11.metadata
#Test setup
vm11 = self._set_server_metadata("vm11", mykey="myvalue")
if debug: print(vm11.metadata)
assert "mykey" in vm11.metadata
assert vm11.metadata.get("mykey") == "myvalue"
#Metadata update (modify) attempt fails for project members
for user in (self.user12, self.user13):
#Test setup
vm11 = self._get_server("vm11")
if debug: print(vm11.metadata)
assert vm11.metadata.get("mykey") == "myvalue"
#Exception occurs
with pytest.raises(exceptions.HttpException) as err:
assert self._set_server_metadata("vm11", mykey="modified-value")
assert err.match("Policy doesn't allow os_compute_api:server-metadata:create to be performed")
assert vm11.metadata.get("mykey") == "myvalue"
#Metadata update (delete) attempt fails for project members
for user in (self.user12, self.user13):
#Test setup
vm11 = self._get_server("vm11")
if debug: print(vm11.metadata)
assert vm11.metadata.get("mykey") == "myvalue"
#Exception occurs
with pytest.raises(exceptions.HttpException) as err:
assert self._delete_server_metadata("vm11", ['mykey'])
assert err.match("Policy doesn't allow os_compute_api:server-metadata:delete to be performed")
assert vm11.metadata.get("mykey") == "myvalue"
# 2.11. user11 can add/remove a security group to/from the instance
print ("TC-2.11")
#Test setup
vm11 = self._get_server("vm11")
assert vm11.name == "vm11"
assert vm11.status == "ACTIVE"
assert "sg11" not in [sg.name for sg in self._list_security_groups()]
sg11 = self._create_security_group("sg11")
if debug: print(sg11.name)
assert sg11.name is not None
assert self._get_security_group("sg11") is not None
assert "sg11" in [sg.name for sg in self._list_security_groups()]
vm11 = self._fetch_server_security_groups("vm11")
assert "sg11" not in [sg['name'] for sg in vm11.security_groups]
#Add security group action succeeds for the project admin
self._add_security_group_to_server("vm11", "sg11")
vm11 = self._fetch_server_security_groups("vm11")
if debug: print([sg['name'] for sg in vm11.security_groups])
assert "sg11" in [sg['name'] for sg in vm11.security_groups]
#Remove security group action succeeds for the project admin
self._remove_security_group_from_server("vm11", "sg11")
vm11 = self._fetch_server_security_groups("vm11")
if debug: print([sg['name'] for sg in vm11.security_groups])
assert "sg11" not in [sg['name'] for sg in vm11.security_groups]
# 2.12. users 12/13 can NOT add/remove a security group to the instance
print ("TC-2.12")
#Test setup
vm11 = self._get_server("vm11")
assert vm11.name == "vm11"
assert vm11.status == "ACTIVE"
self._add_security_group_to_server("vm11", "sg11")
assert "sg12" not in [sg.name for sg in self._list_security_groups()]
sg12 = self._create_security_group("sg12")
if debug: print(sg12.name)
assert sg12.name is not None
assert self._get_security_group("sg12") is not None
vm11 = self._fetch_server_security_groups("vm11")
assert "sg11" in [sg['name'] for sg in vm11.security_groups]
assert "sg12" not in [sg['name'] for sg in vm11.security_groups]
#Add/remove security group attempt fails for project members
for user in (self.user12, self.user13):
with pytest.raises(exceptions.HttpException) as err:
assert self._fetch_server_security_groups("vm11")
assert err.match("Policy doesn't allow os_compute_api:os-security-groups:list to be performed")
with pytest.raises(exceptions.HttpException) as err:
assert self._add_security_group_to_server("vm11", "sg12")
assert err.match("Policy doesn't allow os_compute_api:os-security-groups:add to be performed")
with pytest.raises(exceptions.HttpException) as err:
assert self._remove_security_group_from_server("vm11", "sg11")
assert err.match("Policy doesn't allow os_compute_api:os-security-groups:remove to be performed")
vm11 = self._fetch_server_security_groups("vm11")
assert "sg11" in [sg['name'] for sg in vm11.security_groups]
assert "sg12" not in [sg['name'] for sg in vm11.security_groups]
# 2.13. user11 can pause/unpause the instance
print ("TC-2.13")
#Test setup
vm11 = self._get_server("vm11")
assert vm11.name == "vm11"
assert vm11.status == "ACTIVE"
#Pause action succeeds for the project admin
vm11 = self._get_server("vm11")
if debug: print(vm11.status)
assert vm11.status == "PAUSED"
#Unause action succeeds for the project admin
vm11 = self._get_server("vm11")
if debug: print(vm11.status)
assert vm11.status == "ACTIVE"
# 2.14. users 12/13 can NOT pause/unpause the instance
print ("TC-2.14")
#Test setup
vm11 = self._get_server("vm11")
assert vm11.name == "vm11"
assert vm11.status == "ACTIVE"
#Pause attempt fails for project members
for user in (self.user12, self.user13):
#Exception occurs
with pytest.raises(exceptions.HttpException) as err:
assert self._pause_server("vm11")
assert err.match("Policy doesn't allow os_compute_api:os-pause-server:pause to be performed")
vm11 = self._get_server("vm11")
if debug: print(vm11.status)
assert vm11.status == "ACTIVE"
# Test setup
vm11 = self._get_server("vm11")
if debug: print(vm11.status)
assert vm11.status == "PAUSED"
#Unause attempt fails for project members
for user in (self.user12, self.user13):
#Exception occurs
with pytest.raises(exceptions.HttpException) as err:
assert self._unpause_server("vm11")
assert err.match("Policy doesn't allow os_compute_api:os-pause-server:unpause to be performed")
vm11 = self._get_server("vm11")
if debug: print(vm11.status)
assert vm11.status == "PAUSED"
# Test restore
vm11 = self._get_server("vm11")
if debug: print(vm11.status)
assert vm11.status == "ACTIVE"
# 2.15 user11 can resize the instance and revert or confirm resize
print ("TC-2.15")
#Test setup
vm11 = self._get_server("vm11")
assert vm11.name == "vm11"
assert vm11.status == "ACTIVE"
assert vm11.flavor['original_name'] == 'm1.tiny'
#Resize and revert resize
vm11 = self._resize_server("vm11", "m1.small")
if debug: print(vm11.status)
assert vm11.status == "VERIFY_RESIZE"
if debug: print(vm11.flavor['original_name'])
assert vm11.flavor['original_name'] == 'm1.small'
vm11 = self._revert_server_resize("vm11")
if debug: print(vm11.status)
assert vm11.status == "ACTIVE"
if debug: print(vm11.flavor['original_name'])
assert vm11.flavor['original_name'] == 'm1.tiny'
#Resize and confim resize
vm11 = self._resize_server("vm11", "m1.small")
if debug: print(vm11.status)
assert vm11.status == "VERIFY_RESIZE"
if debug: print(vm11.flavor['original_name'])
assert vm11.flavor['original_name'] == 'm1.small'
vm11 = self._confirm_server_resize("vm11")
if debug: print(vm11.status)
assert vm11.status == "ACTIVE"
if debug: print(vm11.flavor['original_name'])
assert vm11.flavor['original_name'] == 'm1.small'
# 2.16. users 12/13 can NOT resize the instance
print ("TC-2.16")
#Test setup
vm11 = self._get_server("vm11")
assert vm11.name == "vm11"
assert vm11.status == "ACTIVE"
assert vm11.flavor['original_name'] == 'm1.small'
#Resize attempt fails for project members
for user in (self.user12, self.user13):
#Exception occurs
with pytest.raises(exceptions.HttpException) as err:
assert self._resize_server("vm11", "m1.tiny")
assert err.match("Policy doesn't allow os_compute_api:servers:resize to be performed")
vm11 = self._get_server("vm11")
if debug: print(vm11.flavor['original_name'])
assert vm11.flavor['original_name'] == 'm1.small'
# 2.17. user11 can lock/unlock the instance.
print ("TC-2.17")
#Test setup
vm11 = self._get_server("vm11")
assert vm11.name == "vm11"
assert vm11.status == "ACTIVE"
if debug: print(vm11)
vm11 = self._lock_server("vm11")
if debug: print(vm11.status)
assert vm11.status == "ACTIVE"
if debug: print(vm11)
vm11 = self._unlock_server("vm11")
if debug: print(vm11.status)
assert vm11.status == "ACTIVE"
if debug: print(vm11)
# 2.18. users 12/13 can NOT lock/unlock the instance.
print ("TC-2.18")
#Test setup
vm11 = self._get_server("vm11")
assert vm11.name == "vm11"
assert vm11.status == "ACTIVE"
if debug: print(vm11)
#Lock attempt fails for project members
for user in (self.user12, self.user13):
#Exception occurs
with pytest.raises(exceptions.HttpException) as err:
assert self._lock_server("vm11")
assert err.match("Policy doesn't allow os_compute_api:os-lock-server:lock to be performed")
vm11 = self._get_server("vm11")
if debug: print(vm11.status)
assert vm11.status == "ACTIVE"
if debug: print(vm11)
#Test setup
vm11 = self._lock_server("vm11")
assert vm11.status == "ACTIVE"
if debug: print(vm11)
#Unlock attempt fails for project members
for user in (self.user12, self.user13):
#Exception occurs
with pytest.raises(exceptions.HttpException) as err:
assert self._unlock_server("vm11")
assert err.match("Policy doesn't allow os_compute_api:os-lock-server:unlock to be performed")
vm11 = self._get_server("vm11")
if debug: print(vm11.status)
assert vm11.status == "ACTIVE"
if debug: print(vm11)
#Test restore
vm11 = self._unlock_server("vm11")
if debug: print(vm11.status)
assert vm11.status == "ACTIVE"
if debug: print(vm11)
# 2.19. user11 can stop the instance
print ("TC-2.19")
#Test setup
vm11 = self._get_server("vm11")
assert vm11.name == "vm11"
assert vm11.status == "ACTIVE"
#Stop action succeeds for the project admin
vm11 = self._stop_server("vm11")
if debug: print(vm11.status)
assert vm11.status == "SHUTOFF"
#Test restore
vm11 = self._start_server("vm11")
if debug: print(vm11.status)
assert vm11.status == "ACTIVE"
# 2.20. users 12/13 can NOT stop the instance
print ("TC-2.20")
#Test setup
vm11 = self._get_server("vm11")
if debug: print(vm11.status)
assert vm11.status == "ACTIVE"
#Stop attempt fails for project members
for user in (self.user12, self.user13):
#Exception occurs
with pytest.raises(exceptions.HttpException) as err:
assert self._stop_server("vm11")
assert err.match("Policy doesn't allow os_compute_api:servers:stop to be performed")
vm11 = self._get_server("vm11")
if debug: print(vm11.status)
assert vm11.status == "ACTIVE"
# 2.21. user11 can soft reboot the instance
print ("TC-2.21")
#Test setup
vm11 = self._get_server("vm11")
assert vm11.name == "vm11"
assert vm11.status == "ACTIVE"
#Soft reboot action succeeds for the project admin
vm11 = self._reboot_server("vm11", 'soft')
if debug: print(vm11.status)
assert vm11.status == "ACTIVE"
# 2.22. users 12/13 can NOT soft reboot the instance
print ("TC-2.22")
#Test setup
vm11 = self._get_server("vm11")
if debug: print(vm11.status)
assert vm11.status == "ACTIVE"
for user in (self.user12, self.user13):
#Soft reboot attempt fails for project members
with pytest.raises(exceptions.HttpException) as err:
assert self._reboot_server("vm11", 'soft')
assert err.match("Policy doesn't allow os_compute_api:servers:reboot to be performed")
vm11 = self._get_server("vm11")
if debug: print(vm11.status)
assert vm11.status == "ACTIVE"
# 2.23.user11 can hard reboot the instance
print ("TC-2.23")
#Hard reboot action succeeds for the project admin
vm11 = self._reboot_server("vm11", 'hard')
if debug: print(vm11.status)
assert vm11.status == "ACTIVE"
# 2.24. users 12/13 can NOT hard reboot the instance
print ("TC-2.24")
#Test setup
vm11 = self._get_server("vm11")
if debug: print(vm11.status)
assert vm11.status == "ACTIVE"
for user in (self.user12, self.user13):
#Hard reboot attempt fails for project members
with pytest.raises(exceptions.HttpException) as err:
assert self._reboot_server("vm11", 'hard')
assert err.match("Policy doesn't allow os_compute_api:servers:reboot to be performed")
vm11 = self._get_server("vm11")
if debug: print(vm11.status)
assert vm11.status == "ACTIVE"
# 2.25. user11 can rebuild the instance
print ("TC-2.25")
#Rebuild action succeeds for the project admin
vm11 = self._rebuild_server("vm11", "vm11", self.user11.get("password"), "cirros")
assert vm11.status == "ACTIVE"
# 2.26. users 12/13 can NOT rebuild the instance
print ("TC-2.26")
for user in (self.user12, self.user13):
#Rebuild attempt fails for project members
with pytest.raises(exceptions.HttpException) as err:
assert self._rebuild_server("vm11", "vm11", user.get("password"), "cirros")
assert err.match("Policy doesn't allow os_compute_api:servers:rebuild to be performed")
vm11 = self._get_server("vm11")
if debug: print(vm11.status)
assert vm11.status == "ACTIVE"
# 2.27. user11 can shelve/unshelve the instance
print ("TC-2.27")
#Test setup
vm11 = self._get_server("vm11")
assert vm11.name == "vm11"
assert vm11.status == "ACTIVE"
#Shelve action succeeds for the project admin
vm11 = self._shelve_server("vm11")
if debug: print(vm11.status)
assert vm11.status == "SHELVED_OFFLOADED"
#Test restore
vm11 = self._unshelve_server("vm11")
if debug: print(vm11.status)
assert vm11.status == "ACTIVE"
# 2.28. users 12/13 can NOT shelve the instance
print ("TC-2.28")
#Shelve attempt fails for project members
for user in (self.user12, self.user13):
with pytest.raises(exceptions.HttpException) as err:
assert self._shelve_server("vm11")
assert err.match("Policy doesn't allow os_compute_api:os-shelve:shelve to be performed")
vm11 = self._get_server("vm11")
if debug: print(vm11.status)
assert vm11.status == "ACTIVE"
#Test setup
vm11 = self._shelve_server("vm11")
if debug: print(vm11.status)
assert vm11.status == "SHELVED_OFFLOADED"
#Unshelve attempt fails for project members
for user in (self.user12, self.user13):
with pytest.raises(exceptions.HttpException) as err:
assert self._unshelve_server("vm11")
assert err.match("Policy doesn't allow os_compute_api:os-shelve:unshelve to be performed")
vm11 = self._get_server("vm11")
if debug: print(vm11.status)
assert vm11.status == "SHELVED_OFFLOADED"
#Test restore
vm11 = self._unshelve_server("vm11")
if debug: print(vm11.status)
assert vm11.status == "ACTIVE"
# 2.29. users 12/13 can NOT delete the instance
print ("TC-2.29")
#Delete attempt fails for project members
for user in (self.user12, self.user13):
assert "vm11" in [s.name for s in self._list_servers()]
with pytest.raises(exceptions.HttpException) as err:
assert self._delete_server("vm11")
assert err.match("Policy doesn't allow os_compute_api:servers:delete to be performed")
assert "vm11" in [s.name for s in self._list_servers()]
# 2.30. user11 can delete the instance
print ("TC-2.30")
#Delete action succeeds for the project admin
assert "vm11" not in [s.name for s in self._list_servers()]
# TC-3
# Description:
# users 11/12/13 can retrieve list and detail server of project1
def test_uc_nova_3(self, create_external_network, create_router_vr11, tc_teardown):
1. user11 can create an instance of project1
2. users 11/12/13 can list/detail the server of project1
# 3.1. user11 can create an instance of project1
print ("\nTC-3.1")
#Test Setup
extnet, extsubnet = create_external_network
network11 = self._create_network("network11")
assert network11 is not None
subnet11 = self._create_subnet("subnet11", "network11", cidr="", gateway_ip="")
assert subnet11 is not None
vr11 = create_router_vr11
vm11 = self._create_server("vm-instance-11", "cirros", "m1.tiny", network_name="network11")
if debug: print(vm11.name)
assert vm11.name == "vm-instance-11"
if debug: print(vm11.status)
assert vm11.status == "ACTIVE"
vm11 = self._get_server("vm-instance-11")
assert vm11.name == "vm-instance-11"
assert "vm-instance-11" in [s.name for s in self._list_servers()]
# 3.2. users 11/12/13 can list/detail the server of project1
print ("TC-3.2")
for user in (self.user11, self.user12, self.user13):
assert "vm-instance-11" in [s.name for s in self._list_servers()]
vm11 = self._get_server("vm-instance-11")
assert vm11.name == "vm-instance-11"
vm11 = self._get_server("vm-instance-11")
if debug: print(vm11.name)
assert vm11.name == "vm-instance-11"