These instructions are for setting up the DB for the test automation results dashboard 1) Install postgres 16.2 database 2) Install pgadmin4 version 8.4 3) Right click on 'Servers' then select Create -> Server Groups. Create a new Server group called 'Automation' 4) Expand Automation folder and right click the Login/Group Roles folder and select Create -> Login/Group Role - Name user automation_user - From Privileges tab, enable all permissions 5) From pgadmin4, connect to the postgres db - From Databases folder, Right click -> Create -> Database with name automation_central - Right click on created db (automation_central) and select Restore - Set format to Custom or tar - Select the /framework/resource/db/automation_central_backup.sql file - Select automation_user for Role name - From Data Options -> Select Pre-data, Data, and Post-data - Click Restore button 4) -- config steps once created go here --