- Change systems_list to systems_dict["<index>"] .
The systems_dict will contain system objects, <index> is
the redfish <index> as reported inside url.
- set_parameter(parameter_name, value): change parameter_name to value. Restart is required to apply the changes.
- set_parameter_json(json): update System with the json. Restart is required to apply the changes.
New tests were added to simple-proliat file to update boot value.
- Uses tortilla lib to wrap the REST API (dep)
- Uses python requests to manage login/logout (dep)
- Provides 2 functional working examples with Redfish simulator and
ProLiant server or Moonshot Server
- Remove OpenStack deps as this code has to be usable outside of
- Provides a configuration file to handle credentials and connection
- Provides a mapping class to handle multiple versions of Redfish
(in this version, 0.95.0 for ProLiant and 1.0.0 for mockup)
- Provides a first action reset_server to ... reset system
The action is commented into simple-proliant.py to not do
unexpected reset.
- Provides a first retrieving function get_bios_version to get the
BIOS version of a system.
- Add basic logging capability
- Clean up to meet pep8 and doc strings (in progress).
Some big changes here:
Rename connection.py to server.py
Refactor about half of server.py into a new types.py module which builds
classes for each resource type, and auto-builds links to fetch
sub-resources from each type.
Add examples/walk-chassis.py to demonstrate how to use the Root and
Chassis classes to walk all the objects returned from /rest/v1/chassis/
Import oslo_log and start using it (more to do here, it's not working
quite yet).