Adding logger support. The default log file will be nsx_migration.log in the work directory. It can be changed using the --logfile option. In addition, add some minor fixes, and handle the case of 2 dhcp-enabled subnets which is not supported by the v3 plugin. Change-Id: Ie0f1aa2e8b4b23fbbf2036a2df6cc78634b027b3
VMware-NSX package
You have come across the VMware-NSX family of Neutron plugins
External Resources:
The homepage for the VMware-NSX project is on Launchpad.
Use this site for asking for help, and filing bugs. Code is available both git.openstack.org and github.
For help on usage and hacking of VMware-NSX, please send a message to the openstack-dev mailing list.
For information on how to contribute to VMware-NSX, please see the contents of the CONTRIBUTING.rst file.