In LBaaS legacy mode we use the exclusive router edge as platform for neutron LBaaS. The following patch addresses two issues in this mode: - In the legacy code, LBaaS driver maintained a DFW section which allows traffic between the LB and its members. This code wasn't added when we added the legacy mode. - The original code had a bug which failed to cleanup these DFW rules when a pool or members were deleted. The patch adds an admin utility which cleans up such stale DFW rules. Change-Id: I1c95ec6292e6cf50641581a65cbb4bdf8942aa8f
393 lines
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393 lines
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# Copyright 2015 VMware, Inc.
# All Rights Reserved
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import xml.etree.ElementTree as et
import netaddr
from neutron_lib import constants
from neutron_lib import exceptions as n_exc
from oslo_log import log as logging
from vmware_nsx._i18n import _
from vmware_nsx.common import locking
from vmware_nsx.db import nsxv_db
from vmware_nsx.plugins.nsx_v.vshield import edge_utils
from vmware_nsx.plugins.nsx_v.vshield import vcns as nsxv_api
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
MEMBER_ID_PFX = 'member-'
RESOURCE_ID_PFX = 'lbaas-'
def get_member_id(member_id):
return MEMBER_ID_PFX + member_id
def get_lb_resource_id(lb_id):
return (RESOURCE_ID_PFX + lb_id)[:36]
def get_lbaas_edge_id_for_subnet(context, plugin, subnet_id, tenant_id):
Grab the id of an Edge appliance that is connected to subnet_id.
subnet = plugin.get_subnet(context, subnet_id)
net_id = subnet.get('network_id')
filters = {'network_id': [net_id],
'device_owner': ['network:router_interface'],
'tenant_id': [tenant_id]}
attached_routers = plugin.get_ports(context.elevated(),
for attached_router in attached_routers:
router = plugin.get_router(context, attached_router['device_id'])
if router.get('router_type') == 'exclusive':
rtr_bindings = nsxv_db.get_nsxv_router_binding(context.session,
return rtr_bindings['edge_id']
def get_lb_edge_name(context, lb_id):
"""Look for the resource name of the edge hosting the LB.
For older loadbalancers this may be a router edge
binding = nsxv_db.get_nsxv_lbaas_loadbalancer_binding(
context.session, lb_id)
if binding:
edge_binding = nsxv_db.get_nsxv_router_binding_by_edge(
context.session, binding['edge_id'])
if edge_binding:
return edge_binding['router_id']
# fallback
return get_lb_resource_id(lb_id)
def get_lb_interface(context, plugin, lb_id, subnet_id):
filters = {'fixed_ips': {'subnet_id': [subnet_id]},
'device_id': [lb_id],
'device_owner': [constants.DEVICE_OWNER_NEUTRON_PREFIX + 'LB']}
lb_ports = plugin.get_ports(context.elevated(), filters=filters)
return lb_ports
def create_lb_interface(context, plugin, lb_id, subnet_id, tenant_id,
vip_addr=None, subnet=None):
if not subnet:
subnet = plugin.get_subnet(context, subnet_id)
network_id = subnet.get('network_id')
port_dict = {'name': 'lb_if-' + lb_id,
'admin_state_up': True,
'network_id': network_id,
'tenant_id': tenant_id,
'fixed_ips': [{'subnet_id': subnet['id']}],
'device_owner': constants.DEVICE_OWNER_NEUTRON_PREFIX + 'LB',
'device_id': lb_id,
'mac_address': constants.ATTR_NOT_SPECIFIED
port = plugin.base_create_port(context, {'port': port_dict})
ip_addr = port['fixed_ips'][0]['ip_address']
net = netaddr.IPNetwork(subnet['cidr'])
resource_id = get_lb_edge_name(context, lb_id)
address_groups = [{'primaryAddress': ip_addr,
'subnetPrefixLength': str(net.prefixlen),
'subnetMask': str(net.netmask)}]
if vip_addr:
address_groups[0]['secondaryAddresses'] = {
'type': 'secondary_addresses', 'ipAddress': [vip_addr]}
plugin.nsx_v, context, resource_id,
network_id, address_groups)
def delete_lb_interface(context, plugin, lb_id, subnet_id):
resource_id = get_lb_edge_name(context, lb_id)
subnet = plugin.get_subnet(context, subnet_id)
network_id = subnet.get('network_id')
lb_ports = get_lb_interface(context, plugin, lb_id, subnet_id)
for lb_port in lb_ports:
plugin.delete_port(context, lb_port['id'])
edge_utils.delete_interface(plugin.nsx_v, context, resource_id, network_id,
def get_lbaas_edge_id(context, plugin, lb_id, vip_addr, subnet_id, tenant_id,
subnet = plugin.get_subnet(context, subnet_id)
network_id = subnet.get('network_id')
availability_zone = plugin.get_network_az_by_net_id(context, network_id)
resource_id = get_lb_resource_id(lb_id)
edge_id = plugin.edge_manager.allocate_lb_edge_appliance(
context, resource_id, availability_zone=availability_zone,
create_lb_interface(context, plugin, lb_id, subnet_id, tenant_id,
vip_addr=vip_addr, subnet=subnet)
gw_ip = subnet.get('gateway_ip')
if gw_ip or subnet['host_routes']:
routes = [{'cidr': r['destination'],
'nexthop': r['nexthop']} for r in
plugin.nsx_v.update_routes(edge_id, gw_ip, routes)
return edge_id
def find_address_in_same_subnet(ip_addr, address_groups):
Lookup an address group with a matching subnet to ip_addr.
If found, return address_group.
for address_group in address_groups['addressGroups']:
net_addr = '%(primaryAddress)s/%(subnetPrefixLength)s' % address_group
if netaddr.IPAddress(ip_addr) in netaddr.IPNetwork(net_addr):
return address_group
def add_address_to_address_groups(ip_addr, address_groups):
Add ip_addr as a secondary IP address to an address group which belongs to
the same subnet.
address_group = find_address_in_same_subnet(
ip_addr, address_groups)
if address_group:
sec_addr = address_group.get('secondaryAddresses')
if not sec_addr:
sec_addr = {
'type': 'secondary_addresses',
'ipAddress': [ip_addr]}
address_group['secondaryAddresses'] = sec_addr
return True
return False
def del_address_from_address_groups(ip_addr, address_groups):
Delete ip_addr from secondary address list in address groups.
address_group = find_address_in_same_subnet(ip_addr, address_groups)
if address_group:
sec_addr = address_group.get('secondaryAddresses')
if sec_addr and ip_addr in sec_addr['ipAddress']:
return True
return False
def vip_as_secondary_ip(vcns, edge_id, vip, handler):
with locking.LockManager.get_lock(edge_id):
r = vcns.get_interfaces(edge_id)[1]
vnics = r.get('vnics', [])
for vnic in vnics:
if vnic['type'] == 'trunk':
for sub_interface in vnic.get('subInterfaces', {}).get(
'subInterfaces', []):
address_groups = sub_interface.get('addressGroups')
if handler(vip, address_groups):
vcns.update_interface(edge_id, vnic)
return True
address_groups = vnic.get('addressGroups')
if handler(vip, address_groups):
vcns.update_interface(edge_id, vnic)
return True
return False
def add_vip_as_secondary_ip(vcns, edge_id, vip):
Edge appliance requires that a VIP will be configured as a primary
or a secondary IP address on an interface.
To do so, we locate an interface which is connected to the same subnet
that vip belongs to.
This can be a regular interface, on a sub-interface on a trunk.
if not vip_as_secondary_ip(vcns, edge_id, vip,
msg = _('Failed to add VIP %(vip)s as secondary IP on '
'Edge %(edge_id)s') % {'vip': vip, 'edge_id': edge_id}
raise n_exc.BadRequest(resource='edge-lbaas', msg=msg)
def del_vip_as_secondary_ip(vcns, edge_id, vip):
While removing vip, delete the secondary interface from Edge config.
if not vip_as_secondary_ip(vcns, edge_id, vip,
msg = _('Failed to delete VIP %(vip)s as secondary IP on '
'Edge %(edge_id)s') % {'vip': vip, 'edge_id': edge_id}
raise n_exc.BadRequest(resource='edge-lbaas', msg=msg)
def extract_resource_id(location_uri):
Edge assigns an ID for each resource that is being created:
it is postfixes the uri specified in the Location header.
This ID should be used while updating/deleting this resource.
uri_elements = location_uri.split('/')
return uri_elements[-1]
def set_lb_firewall_default_rule(vcns, edge_id, action):
with locking.LockManager.get_lock(edge_id):
vcns.update_firewall_default_policy(edge_id, {'action': action})
def add_vip_fw_rule(vcns, edge_id, vip_id, ip_address):
fw_rule = {
'firewallRules': [
{'action': 'accept', 'destination': {
'ipAddress': [ip_address]},
'enabled': True,
'name': vip_id}]}
with locking.LockManager.get_lock(edge_id):
h = vcns.add_firewall_rule(edge_id, fw_rule)[0]
fw_rule_id = extract_resource_id(h['location'])
return fw_rule_id
def del_vip_fw_rule(vcns, edge_id, vip_fw_rule_id):
with locking.LockManager.get_lock(edge_id):
vcns.delete_firewall_rule(edge_id, vip_fw_rule_id)
def get_edge_ip_addresses(vcns, edge_id):
edge_ips = []
r = vcns.get_interfaces(edge_id)[1]
vnics = r.get('vnics', [])
for vnic in vnics:
if vnic['type'] == 'trunk':
for sub_interface in vnic.get('subInterfaces', {}).get(
'subInterfaces', []):
address_groups = sub_interface.get('addressGroups')
for address_group in address_groups['addressGroups']:
address_groups = vnic.get('addressGroups')
for address_group in address_groups['addressGroups']:
return edge_ips
def update_pool_fw_rule(vcns, pool_id, edge_id, section_id, member_ips):
edge_ips = get_edge_ip_addresses(vcns, edge_id)
with locking.LockManager.get_lock('lbaas-fw-section'):
section_uri = '%s/%s/%s' % (nsxv_api.FIREWALL_PREFIX,
xml_section = vcns.get_section(section_uri)[1]
section = et.fromstring(xml_section)
pool_rule = None
for rule in section.iter('rule'):
if rule.find('name').text == pool_id:
pool_rule = rule
if member_ips:
'value').text = (','.join(edge_ips))
'destination').find('value').text = ','.join(
if member_ips and pool_rule is None:
pool_rule = et.SubElement(section, 'rule')
et.SubElement(pool_rule, 'name').text = pool_id
et.SubElement(pool_rule, 'action').text = 'allow'
sources = et.SubElement(pool_rule, 'sources')
sources.attrib['excluded'] = 'false'
source = et.SubElement(sources, 'source')
et.SubElement(source, 'type').text = 'Ipv4Address'
et.SubElement(source, 'value').text = ','.join(edge_ips)
destinations = et.SubElement(pool_rule, 'destinations')
destinations.attrib['excluded'] = 'false'
destination = et.SubElement(destinations, 'destination')
et.SubElement(destination, 'type').text = 'Ipv4Address'
et.SubElement(destination, 'value').text = ','.join(member_ips)
et.tostring(section, encoding="us-ascii"),
def get_lbaas_fw_section_id(vcns):
# Avoid concurrent creation of section by multiple neutron
# instances
with locking.LockManager.get_lock('lbaas-fw-section'):
fw_section_id = vcns.get_section_id(LBAAS_FW_SECTION_NAME)
if not fw_section_id:
section = et.Element('section')
section.attrib['name'] = LBAAS_FW_SECTION_NAME
sect = vcns.create_section('ip', et.tostring(section))[1]
fw_section_id = et.fromstring(sect).attrib['id']
return fw_section_id
def enable_edge_acceleration(vcns, edge_id):
with locking.LockManager.get_lock(edge_id):
# Query the existing load balancer config in case metadata lb is set
_, config = vcns.get_loadbalancer_config(edge_id)
config['accelerationEnabled'] = True
config['enabled'] = True
config['featureType'] = 'loadbalancer_4.0'
vcns.enable_service_loadbalancer(edge_id, config)
def is_lb_on_router_edge(context, core_plugin, edge_id):
binding = nsxv_db.get_nsxv_router_binding_by_edge(
context.session, edge_id)
router_id = binding['router_id']
if router_id.startswith(RESOURCE_ID_PFX):
# New lbaas edge
return False
# verify that this is a router (and an exclusive one)
router = core_plugin.get_router(context, router_id)
if router.get('router_type') == 'exclusive':
return True
except Exception:
LOG.error("Edge %(edge)s router %(rtr)s is not an lbaas edge, but also "
"not an exclusive router",
{'edge': edge_id, 'rtr': router_id})
return False