# Copyright 2017 VMware, Inc. # All Rights Reserved # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import collections from oslo_log import log from oslo_log import versionutils from vmware_nsxlib._i18n import _ from vmware_nsxlib.v3 import exceptions from vmware_nsxlib.v3 import nsx_constants from vmware_nsxlib.v3 import utils LOG = log.getLogger(__name__) SwitchingProfileTypeId = collections.namedtuple( 'SwitchingProfileTypeId', 'profile_type, profile_id') PacketAddressClassifier = collections.namedtuple( 'PacketAddressClassifier', 'ip_address, mac_address, vlan') class NsxLibPortMirror(utils.NsxLibApiBase): @property def uri_segment(self): return 'mirror-sessions' @property def resource_type(self): return 'PortMirroringSession' def create_session(self, source_ports, dest_ports, direction, description, name, tags): """Create a PortMirror Session on the backend. :param source_ports: List of UUIDs of the ports whose traffic is to be mirrored. :param dest_ports: List of UUIDs of the ports where the mirrored traffic is to be sent. :param direction: String representing the direction of traffic to be mirrored. [INGRESS, EGRESS, BIDIRECTIONAL] :param description: String representing the description of the session. :param name: String representing the name of the session. :param tags: nsx backend specific tags. """ body = {'direction': direction, 'tags': tags, 'display_name': name, 'description': description, 'mirror_sources': source_ports, 'mirror_destination': dest_ports} return self.client.create(self.get_path(), body) def delete_session(self, mirror_session_id): """Delete a PortMirror session on the backend. :param mirror_session_id: string representing the UUID of the port mirror session to be deleted. """ self._delete_with_retry(mirror_session_id) class NsxLibBridgeEndpointProfile(utils.NsxLibApiBase): @property def uri_segment(self): return 'bridge-endpoint-profiles' @property def resource_type(self): return 'BridgeEndpointProfile' def create(self, display_name, edge_cluster_id, tags, edge_cluster_member_indexes=None, failover_mode=None): """Create a bridge endpoint profile on the backend. Create a bridge endpoint profile for a given edge cluster. :param display_name: name of the bridge endpoint profile :param edge_cluster_id: identifier of the edge cluster this profile should be associated with. :param tags: tags for the newly created resource. :param edge_cluster_member_indexes: iterable of integers specifying edge cluster members where the bridge endpoints will be created :param failover_mode: failover mode for the profile. Could be either PREEMPTIVE or NON_PREEMPTIVE. """ tags = tags or [] body = {'display_name': display_name, 'tags': tags} if failover_mode: body['failover_mode'] = failover_mode if edge_cluster_member_indexes: # Test for a list of integers try: member_indexes = [int(member_idx) for member_idx in edge_cluster_member_indexes] body['edge_cluster_member_indexes'] = member_indexes except (TypeError, ValueError) as e: LOG.Error("Invalid values for member indexes: %s", e) raise exceptions.InvalidInput( operation='Create BridgeEndpointProfile', arg_val=edge_cluster_member_indexes, arg_name='edge_cluster_member_indexes') return self.client.create(self.get_path(), body) def delete(self, bridge_endpoint_profile_id): """Delete a bridge endpoint profile on the backend. :param bridge_endpoint_profile_id: string representing the UUID of the bridge endpoint profile to be deleted. """ self._delete_with_retry(bridge_endpoint_profile_id) class NsxLibBridgeEndpoint(utils.NsxLibApiBase): @property def uri_segment(self): return 'bridge-endpoints' @property def resource_type(self): return 'BridgeEndpoint' def create(self, device_name, vlan_transport_zone_id, vlan_id, tags): """Create a bridge endpoint on the backend. Create a bridge endpoint resource on a bridge cluster for the L2 gateway network connection. :param device_name: device_name actually refers to the bridge cluster's UUID. :param vlan_transport_zone_id: identifier of the transport zone id where the endpoint will be created. Mandatory for endpoints on edge clusters. :param vlan_id: integer representing the VLAN segmentation ID. :param tags: nsx backend specific tags. """ body = {'bridge_endpoint_profile_id': device_name, 'vlan_transport_zone_id': vlan_transport_zone_id, 'tags': tags, 'vlan': vlan_id} return self.client.create(self.get_path(), body) def delete(self, bridge_endpoint_id): """Delete a bridge endpoint on the backend. :param bridge_endpoint_id: string representing the UUID of the bridge endpoint to be deleted. """ self._delete_with_retry(bridge_endpoint_id) class NsxLibLogicalSwitch(utils.NsxLibApiBase): @property def uri_segment(self): return 'logical-switches' @property def resource_type(self): return 'LogicalSwitch' def create(self, display_name, transport_zone_id, tags, replication_mode=nsx_constants.MTEP, admin_state=True, vlan_id=None, ip_pool_id=None, mac_pool_id=None, description=None, trunk_vlan_range=None): operation = "Create logical switch" if display_name: display_name = utils.escape_display_name(display_name) # TODO(salv-orlando): Validate Replication mode and admin_state # NOTE: These checks might be moved to the API client library if one # that performs such checks in the client is available body = {'transport_zone_id': transport_zone_id, 'replication_mode': replication_mode, 'display_name': display_name, 'tags': tags} if admin_state: body['admin_state'] = nsx_constants.ADMIN_STATE_UP else: body['admin_state'] = nsx_constants.ADMIN_STATE_DOWN if trunk_vlan_range: failed = False if (self.nsxlib and self.nsxlib.feature_supported( nsx_constants.FEATURE_TRUNK_VLAN)): if vlan_id is not None: failed = True LOG.error("Failed to create logical switch %(name)s with " "trunk vlan: vlan id %(vlan)s is used.", {'name': display_name, 'vlan': vlan_id}) elif (len(trunk_vlan_range) != 2 or trunk_vlan_range[0] > trunk_vlan_range[1]): failed = True LOG.error("Failed to create logical switch %(name)s with " "trunk vlan: illegal range (%(trunk)s) is used.", {'name': display_name, 'trunk': trunk_vlan_range}) else: body['vlan_trunk_spec'] = {'vlan_ranges': [ {'start': trunk_vlan_range[0], 'end': trunk_vlan_range[1]}]} else: LOG.error("Failed to create logical switch %s with trunk " "vlan: this feature is not supported.", display_name) failed = True if failed: raise exceptions.InvalidInput( operation=operation, arg_val=trunk_vlan_range, arg_name='trunk_vlan_range') elif vlan_id: body['vlan'] = vlan_id if ip_pool_id: body['ip_pool_id'] = ip_pool_id if mac_pool_id: body['mac_pool_id'] = mac_pool_id if description is not None: body['description'] = description return self.client.create(self.get_path(), body) def delete(self, lswitch_id): resource = '%s?detach=true&cascade=true' % lswitch_id self._delete_with_retry(resource) def update(self, lswitch_id, name=None, admin_state=None, tags=None, description=None): body = {} if name: name = utils.escape_display_name(name) body['display_name'] = name if admin_state is not None: if admin_state: body['admin_state'] = nsx_constants.ADMIN_STATE_UP else: body['admin_state'] = nsx_constants.ADMIN_STATE_DOWN if tags is not None: body['tags'] = tags if description is not None: body['description'] = description return self._update_with_retry(lswitch_id, body) class SwitchingProfileTypes(object): IP_DISCOVERY = 'IpDiscoverySwitchingProfile' MAC_LEARNING = 'MacManagementSwitchingProfile' PORT_MIRRORING = 'PortMirroringSwitchingProfile' QOS = 'QosSwitchingProfile' SPOOF_GUARD = 'SpoofGuardSwitchingProfile' SWITCH_SECURITY = 'SwitchSecuritySwitchingProfile' class WhiteListAddressTypes(object): PORT = 'LPORT_BINDINGS' SWITCH = 'LSWITCH_BINDINGS' class NsxLibSwitchingProfile(utils.NsxLibApiBase): @property def uri_segment(self): return 'switching-profiles' def get_path(self, resource=None, query_params=None): path = super().get_path(resource) if query_params: param_str = "&".join("%s=%s" % (k, v) for (k, v) in query_params.items()) path = '%s?%s' % (path, param_str) return path def list(self): return self.client.list( self.get_path(query_params={'include_system_owned': True})) def create(self, profile_type, display_name=None, description=None, **api_args): body = { 'resource_type': profile_type, 'display_name': display_name or '', 'description': description or '' } body.update(api_args) return self.client.create(self.get_path(), body=body) def update(self, uuid, profile_type, **api_args): body = { 'resource_type': profile_type } body.update(api_args) return self.client.update(self.get_path(uuid), body=body) def create_spoofguard_profile(self, display_name, description, whitelist_ports=False, whitelist_switches=False, tags=None): whitelist_providers = [] if whitelist_ports: whitelist_providers.append(WhiteListAddressTypes.PORT) if whitelist_switches: whitelist_providers.append(WhiteListAddressTypes.SWITCH) return self.create(SwitchingProfileTypes.SPOOF_GUARD, display_name=display_name, description=description, white_list_providers=whitelist_providers, tags=tags or []) def create_dhcp_profile(self, display_name, description, tags=None): dhcp_filter = { 'client_block_enabled': True, 'server_block_enabled': False } rate_limits = { 'enabled': False, 'rx_broadcast': 0, 'tx_broadcast': 0, 'rx_multicast': 0, 'tx_multicast': 0 } bpdu_filter = { 'enabled': True, 'white_list': [] } return self.create(SwitchingProfileTypes.SWITCH_SECURITY, display_name=display_name, description=description, tags=tags or [], dhcp_filter=dhcp_filter, rate_limits=rate_limits, bpdu_filter=bpdu_filter, block_non_ip_traffic=True) def create_mac_learning_profile(self, display_name, description, mac_learning_enabled=True, tags=None): mac_learning = { 'enabled': mac_learning_enabled, 'unicast_flooding_allowed': mac_learning_enabled } return self.create(SwitchingProfileTypes.MAC_LEARNING, display_name=display_name, description=description, tags=tags or [], mac_learning=mac_learning, mac_change_allowed=True) def create_port_mirror_profile(self, display_name, description, direction, destinations, tags=None): return self.create(SwitchingProfileTypes.PORT_MIRRORING, display_name=display_name, description=description, tags=tags or [], direction=direction, destinations=destinations) @classmethod def build_switch_profile_ids(cls, client, *profiles): ids = [] for profile in profiles: if isinstance(profile, str): profile = client.get(profile) if not isinstance(profile, SwitchingProfileTypeId): profile = SwitchingProfileTypeId( profile.get('key', profile.get('resource_type')), profile.get('value', profile.get('id'))) ids.append(profile) return ids class NsxLibQosSwitchingProfile(NsxLibSwitchingProfile): @property def resource_type(self): return 'QosSwitchingProfile' def _build_args(self, tags, name=None, description=None): body = {"resource_type": "QosSwitchingProfile", "tags": tags} return self._update_args( body, name=name, description=description) def _update_args(self, body, name=None, description=None): if name: body["display_name"] = name if description: body["description"] = description return body def _get_resource_type(self, direction): if direction == nsx_constants.EGRESS: return nsx_constants.EGRESS_SHAPING return nsx_constants.INGRESS_SHAPING def _enable_shaping_in_args(self, body, burst_size=None, peak_bandwidth=None, average_bandwidth=None, direction=None): resource_type = self._get_resource_type(direction) for shaper in body["shaper_configuration"]: if shaper["resource_type"] == resource_type: shaper["enabled"] = True if burst_size is not None: shaper["burst_size_bytes"] = burst_size if peak_bandwidth is not None: shaper["peak_bandwidth_mbps"] = peak_bandwidth if average_bandwidth is not None: shaper["average_bandwidth_mbps"] = average_bandwidth break return body def _disable_shaping_in_args(self, body, direction=None): resource_type = self._get_resource_type(direction) for shaper in body["shaper_configuration"]: if shaper["resource_type"] == resource_type: shaper["enabled"] = False shaper["burst_size_bytes"] = 0 shaper["peak_bandwidth_mbps"] = 0 shaper["average_bandwidth_mbps"] = 0 break return body def _update_dscp_in_args(self, body, qos_marking, dscp): body["dscp"] = {} body["dscp"]["mode"] = qos_marking.upper() if dscp: body["dscp"]["priority"] = dscp return body def create(self, tags, name=None, description=None): body = self._build_args(tags, name, description) return self.client.create(self.get_path(), body) def update(self, profile_id, tags, name=None, description=None): # update the relevant fields body = {} body = self._update_args(body, name, description) if tags is not None: body['tags'] = tags return self._update_with_retry(profile_id, body) def update_shaping(self, profile_id, shaping_enabled=False, burst_size=None, peak_bandwidth=None, average_bandwidth=None, qos_marking=None, dscp=None, direction=nsx_constants.INGRESS): versionutils.report_deprecated_feature( LOG, 'NsxLibQosSwitchingProfile.update_shaping is deprecated. ' 'Please use set_profile_shaping instead.') # get the current configuration body = self.get(profile_id) # update the relevant fields if shaping_enabled: body = self._enable_shaping_in_args( body, burst_size=burst_size, peak_bandwidth=peak_bandwidth, average_bandwidth=average_bandwidth, direction=direction) else: body = self._disable_shaping_in_args(body, direction=direction) body = self._update_dscp_in_args(body, qos_marking, dscp) return self._update_with_retry(profile_id, body) def set_profile_shaping(self, profile_id, ingress_bw_enabled=False, ingress_burst_size=None, ingress_peak_bandwidth=None, ingress_average_bandwidth=None, egress_bw_enabled=False, egress_burst_size=None, egress_peak_bandwidth=None, egress_average_bandwidth=None, qos_marking='trusted', dscp=None): """Set all shaping parameters in the QoS switch profile""" # get the current configuration body = self.get(profile_id) # update the ingress shaping if ingress_bw_enabled: body = self._enable_shaping_in_args( body, burst_size=ingress_burst_size, peak_bandwidth=ingress_peak_bandwidth, average_bandwidth=ingress_average_bandwidth, direction=nsx_constants.INGRESS) else: body = self._disable_shaping_in_args( body, direction=nsx_constants.INGRESS) # update the egress shaping if egress_bw_enabled: body = self._enable_shaping_in_args( body, burst_size=egress_burst_size, peak_bandwidth=egress_peak_bandwidth, average_bandwidth=egress_average_bandwidth, direction=nsx_constants.EGRESS) else: body = self._disable_shaping_in_args( body, direction=nsx_constants.EGRESS) # update dscp marking body = self._update_dscp_in_args(body, qos_marking, dscp) # update the profile in the backend return self._update_with_retry(profile_id, body) class NsxLibLogicalRouter(utils.NsxLibApiBase): @property def uri_segment(self): return 'logical-routers' @property def resource_type(self): return 'LogicalRouter' def _delete_resource_by_values(self, resource, skip_not_found=True, strict_mode=True, **kwargs): """Delete resource objects matching the values in kwargs If skip_not_found is True - do not raise an exception if no object was found. If strict_mode is True - warnings will be issued if 0 or >1 objects where deleted. """ resources_list = self.client.list(resource) matched_num = 0 for res in resources_list['results']: if utils.dict_match(kwargs, res): LOG.debug("Deleting %s from resource %s", res, resource) delete_resource = resource + "/" + str(res['id']) self._delete_by_path_with_retry(delete_resource) matched_num = matched_num + 1 if matched_num == 0: if skip_not_found: if strict_mode: LOG.warning("No resource in %(res)s matched for values: " "%(values)s", {'res': resource, 'values': kwargs}) else: err_msg = (_("No resource in %(res)s matched for values: " "%(values)s") % {'res': resource, 'values': kwargs}) raise exceptions.ResourceNotFound( manager=self.client.nsx_api_managers, operation=err_msg) elif matched_num > 1 and strict_mode: LOG.warning("%(num)s resources in %(res)s matched for values: " "%(values)s", {'num': matched_num, 'res': resource, 'values': kwargs}) def _validate_nat_rule_action(self, action): if not action: return if action in ['SNAT', 'DNAT', 'NO_NAT', 'REFLEXIVE']: # legal values for all NSX versions return if (action not in ['NO_SNAT', 'NO_DNAT'] or ( self.nsxlib and not self.nsxlib.feature_supported( nsx_constants.FEATURE_NO_DNAT_NO_SNAT))): raise exceptions.InvalidInput( operation="Create/Update NAT rule", arg_val=action, arg_name='action') def _validate_nat_rule_firewall_match(self, firewall_match): if not firewall_match: return if firewall_match not in nsx_constants.NAT_FIREWALL_MATCH_VALUES: raise exceptions.InvalidInput( operation="Create/Update NAt rule", arg_val=firewall_match, arg_name='firewall_match') def add_nat_rule(self, logical_router_id, action, translated_network, source_net=None, dest_net=None, enabled=True, rule_priority=None, match_ports=None, match_protocol=None, match_resource_type=None, firewall_match=None, bypass_firewall=True, logging=None, tags=None, display_name=None): self._validate_nat_rule_action(action) self._validate_nat_rule_firewall_match(firewall_match) resource = 'logical-routers/%s/nat/rules' % logical_router_id body = {'action': action, 'enabled': enabled, 'translated_network': translated_network} if source_net: body['match_source_network'] = source_net if dest_net: body['match_destination_network'] = dest_net if rule_priority: body['rule_priority'] = rule_priority if match_ports: body['match_service'] = { 'resource_type': (match_resource_type or nsx_constants.L4_PORT_SET_NSSERVICE), 'destination_ports': match_ports, 'l4_protocol': match_protocol or nsx_constants.TCP} # the router firewall feature is implemented with the firewall_match # paramter which has replaced nat_pass if (self.nsxlib and self.nsxlib.feature_supported( nsx_constants.FEATURE_ROUTER_FIREWALL)): # only consider bypass_firewall if firewall_match is not specified if not firewall_match: if bypass_firewall: body['firewall_match'] = ( nsx_constants.NAT_FIREWALL_MATCH_BYPASS) else: body['firewall_match'] = ( nsx_constants.NAT_FIREWALL_MATCH_INTERNAL) else: body['firewall_match'] = firewall_match elif not bypass_firewall or firewall_match: LOG.error("Ignoring bypass_firewall for router %s nat rule: " "this feature is not supported.", logical_router_id) if tags is not None: body['tags'] = tags if display_name: body['display_name'] = display_name if logging is not None: body['logging'] = logging return self.client.create(resource, body) def change_edge_firewall_status(self, logical_router_id, action): resource = 'firewall/status/logical_routers/%s?action=%s' % ( logical_router_id, action) return self.client.create(resource) def add_static_route(self, logical_router_id, dest_cidr, nexthop, tags=None): resource = ('logical-routers/%s/routing/static-routes' % logical_router_id) body = {} if dest_cidr: body['network'] = dest_cidr if nexthop: body['next_hops'] = [{"ip_address": nexthop}] if tags is not None: body['tags'] = tags return self.client.create(resource, body) def delete_static_route(self, logical_router_id, static_route_id): path = 'logical-routers/%s/routing/static-routes/%s' % ( logical_router_id, static_route_id) self._delete_by_path_with_retry(path) def delete_static_route_by_values(self, logical_router_id, dest_cidr=None, nexthop=None): resource = ('logical-routers/%s/routing/static-routes' % logical_router_id) kwargs = {} if dest_cidr: kwargs['network'] = dest_cidr if nexthop: kwargs['next_hops'] = [{"ip_address": nexthop}] return self._delete_resource_by_values(resource, **kwargs) def list_static_routes(self, logical_router_id): resource = ('logical-routers/%s/routing/static-routes' % logical_router_id) return self.client.list(resource) def delete_nat_rule(self, logical_router_id, nat_rule_id): path = 'logical-routers/%s/nat/rules/%s' % (logical_router_id, nat_rule_id) self._delete_by_path_with_retry(path) def delete_nat_rule_by_values(self, logical_router_id, strict_mode=True, skip_not_found=True, **kwargs): resource = 'logical-routers/%s/nat/rules' % logical_router_id return self._delete_resource_by_values( resource, skip_not_found=skip_not_found, strict_mode=strict_mode, **kwargs) def list_nat_rules(self, logical_router_id): resource = 'logical-routers/%s/nat/rules' % logical_router_id return self.client.list(resource) def update_nat_rule(self, logical_router_id, nat_rule_id, **kwargs): if 'action' in kwargs: self._validate_nat_rule_action(kwargs['action']) if 'firewall_match' in kwargs: self._validate_nat_rule_firewall_match(kwargs['firewall_match']) resource = 'logical-routers/%s/nat/rules/%s' % ( logical_router_id, nat_rule_id) return self._update_resource(resource, kwargs, retry=True) def update_advertisement(self, logical_router_id, **kwargs): resource = ('logical-routers/%s/routing/advertisement' % logical_router_id) # ignore load balancing flags if lb is the not supported if (self.nsxlib and not self.nsxlib.feature_supported( nsx_constants.FEATURE_LOAD_BALANCER)): for arg in ('advertise_lb_vip', 'advertise_lb_snat_ip'): if kwargs[arg]: LOG.error("Ignoring %(arg)s for router %(rtr)s " "update_advertisement: This feature is not " "supported.", {'arg': arg, 'rtr': logical_router_id}) del kwargs[arg] return self._update_resource(resource, kwargs, retry=True) def update_advertisement_rules(self, logical_router_id, rules, name_prefix=None, force=False): """Update the router advertisement rules If name_prefix is None, replace the entire list of NSX rules with the new given 'rules'. Else - delete the NSX rules with this name prefix, and add 'rules' to the rest. """ resource = ('logical-routers/%s/routing/advertisement/rules' % logical_router_id) callback = None def update_payload_cbk(revised_payload, requested_payload): # delete rules with this prefix: new_rules = [] for rule in revised_payload['rules']: if (not rule.get('display_name') or not rule['display_name'].startswith(name_prefix)): new_rules.append(rule) # add new rules new_rules.extend(requested_payload['rules']) revised_payload['rules'] = new_rules del requested_payload['rules'] if name_prefix: callback = update_payload_cbk # In case of updating advertisement rule on the logical router # owned by other Principal Entities, need to force the overwrite headers = {'X-Allow-Overwrite': 'true'} if force else None return self._update_resource( resource, {'rules': rules}, retry=True, update_payload_cbk=callback, headers=headers) def get_advertisement_rules(self, logical_router_id): resource = ('logical-routers/%s/routing/advertisement/rules' % logical_router_id) return self.client.get(resource) def get_debug_info(self, logical_router_id): resource = ('logical-routers/%s/debug-info?format=text' % logical_router_id) return self.client.get(resource) def get_transportzone_id(self, logical_router_id): res = self.get_debug_info(logical_router_id) for item in res['componentInfo']: if item['componentType'] in (nsx_constants.ROUTER_TYPE_TIER0_DR, nsx_constants.ROUTER_TYPE_TIER1_DR): if item['transportZoneId']: return item['transportZoneId'][0] LOG.warning('OverlayTransportZone is not yet available on' ' %s.' % (logical_router_id)) def create(self, display_name, tags, edge_cluster_uuid=None, tier_0=False, description=None, transport_zone_id=None, allocation_pool=None, enable_standby_relocation=False, failover_mode=None): # TODO(salv-orlando): If possible do not manage edge clusters # in the main plugin logic. router_type = (nsx_constants.ROUTER_TYPE_TIER0 if tier_0 else nsx_constants.ROUTER_TYPE_TIER1) body = {'display_name': display_name, 'router_type': router_type, 'tags': tags} if edge_cluster_uuid: body['edge_cluster_id'] = edge_cluster_uuid if description: body['description'] = description if transport_zone_id: body['advanced_config'] = { 'transport_zone_id': transport_zone_id} if failover_mode: body['failover_mode'] = failover_mode allocation_profile = {} if allocation_pool: allocation_profile['allocation_pool'] = allocation_pool if (enable_standby_relocation and self.nsxlib and self.nsxlib.feature_supported( nsx_constants.FEATURE_ENABLE_STANDBY_RELOCATION)): allocation_profile[ 'enable_standby_relocation'] = enable_standby_relocation if allocation_profile: body['allocation_profile'] = allocation_profile return self.client.create(self.get_path(), body=body) def delete(self, lrouter_id, force=False): url = lrouter_id if force: url += '?force=%s' % force return self._delete_by_path_with_retry(self.get_path(url)) def update(self, lrouter_id, *args, **kwargs): body = {} for arg in kwargs: # special care for transport_zone_id if arg == 'transport_zone_id': body['advanced_config'] = { 'transport_zone_id': kwargs['transport_zone_id']} elif arg == 'enable_standby_relocation': if (self.nsxlib and self.nsxlib.feature_supported( nsx_constants.FEATURE_ENABLE_STANDBY_RELOCATION)): body['allocation_profile'] = { 'enable_standby_relocation': kwargs['enable_standby_relocation']} else: body[arg] = kwargs[arg] return self._update_with_retry(lrouter_id, body) def get_firewall_section_id(self, lrouter_id, router_body=None): """Return the id of the auto created firewall section of the router If the router was already retrieved from the backend it is possible to give it as an input to avoid another backend call. In case of multiple sections, the first valid one will be returned """ if not router_body: router_body = self.get(lrouter_id) if 'firewall_sections' in router_body: firewall_sections = router_body['firewall_sections'] for sec in firewall_sections: if (sec.get('is_valid') and sec.get('target_type') == "FirewallSection"): return sec.get('target_id') def list(self, router_type=None): """List all/by type logical routers.""" if router_type: resource = '%s?router_type=%s' % (self.get_path(), router_type) else: resource = self.get_path() return self.client.list(resource) def get_redistribution(self, logical_router_id): resource = ('logical-routers/%s/routing/redistribution' % logical_router_id) return self.client.get(resource) def get_redistribution_rules(self, logical_router_id): resource = ('logical-routers/%s/routing/redistribution/rules' % logical_router_id) return self.client.get(resource) def update_redistribution_rules(self, logical_router_id, rules): resource = ('logical-routers/%s/routing/redistribution/rules' % logical_router_id) return self._update_resource(resource, {'rules': rules}, retry=True) def get_bgp_config(self, logical_router_id): resource = ('logical-routers/%s/routing/bgp' % logical_router_id) return self.client.get(resource) def get_bgp_neighbors(self, logical_router_id): resource = ('logical-routers/%s/routing/bgp/neighbors' % logical_router_id) return self.client.get(resource) def get_route_map(self, logical_router_id, route_map_id): resource = ('logical-routers/%s/routing/route-maps/%s' % ( logical_router_id, route_map_id)) return self.client.get(resource) def get_ip_prefix_list(self, logical_router_id, ip_prefix_list_id): resource = ('logical-routers/%s/routing/ip-prefix-lists/%s' % ( logical_router_id, ip_prefix_list_id)) return self.client.get(resource) class NsxLibEdgeCluster(utils.NsxLibApiBase): @property def uri_segment(self): return 'edge-clusters' @property def resource_type(self): return 'EdgeCluster' @property def use_cache_for_get(self): return True def get_transport_nodes(self, uuid): ec = self.get(uuid) members = [] for member in ec.get('members', []): members.append(member.get('transport_node_id')) return members class NsxLibTransportZone(utils.NsxLibApiBase): TRANSPORT_TYPE_VLAN = nsx_constants.TRANSPORT_TYPE_VLAN TRANSPORT_TYPE_OVERLAY = nsx_constants.TRANSPORT_TYPE_OVERLAY HOST_SWITCH_MODE_ENS = nsx_constants.HOST_SWITCH_MODE_ENS HOST_SWITCH_MODE_STANDARD = nsx_constants.HOST_SWITCH_MODE_STANDARD @property def uri_segment(self): return 'transport-zones' @property def resource_type(self): return 'TransportZone' @property def use_cache_for_get(self): return True def get_transport_type(self, uuid): tz = self.get(uuid) return tz['transport_type'] def get_host_switch_mode(self, uuid): tz = self.get(uuid) return tz.get('host_switch_mode', self.HOST_SWITCH_MODE_STANDARD) class NsxLibTransportNode(utils.NsxLibApiBase): @property def uri_segment(self): return 'transport-nodes' @property def resource_type(self): return 'TransportNode' @property def use_cache_for_get(self): return True def get_transport_zones(self, uuid): tn = self.get(uuid) if (self.nsxlib and self.nsxlib.feature_supported( nsx_constants.FEATURE_GET_TZ_FROM_SWITCH)): if (not tn.get('host_switch_spec') or not tn['host_switch_spec'].get('host_switches')): return [] host_switches = tn.get('host_switch_spec').get('host_switches', []) tzs = [] for host_switch in host_switches: tzs.extend([ep.get('transport_zone_id') for ep in host_switch.get('transport_zone_endpoints', [])]) return tzs else: return [ep.get('transport_zone_id') for ep in tn.get('transport_zone_endpoints', [])] class NsxLibDhcpProfile(utils.NsxLibApiBase): @property def uri_segment(self): return 'dhcp/server-profiles' @property def resource_type(self): return 'DhcpProfile' class NsxLibDhcpRelayService(utils.NsxLibApiBase): @property def uri_segment(self): return 'dhcp/relays' @property def resource_type(self): return 'DhcpRelayService' @property def use_cache_for_get(self): return True def get_server_ips(self, uuid): # Return the server ips of the relay profile attached to this service service = self.get(uuid) profile_id = service.get('dhcp_relay_profile_id') if profile_id and self.nsxlib: return self.nsxlib.relay_profile.get_server_ips(profile_id) class NsxLibDhcpRelayProfile(utils.NsxLibApiBase): @property def uri_segment(self): return 'dhcp/relay-profiles' @property def resource_type(self): return 'DhcpRelayProfile' @property def use_cache_for_get(self): return True def get_server_ips(self, uuid): profile = self.get(uuid) return profile.get('server_addresses') class NsxLibMetadataProxy(utils.NsxLibApiBase): @property def uri_segment(self): return 'md-proxies' @property def resource_type(self): return 'MetadataProxy' @property def use_cache_for_get(self): return True def update(self, uuid, server_url=None, secret=None, edge_cluster_id=None): body = {} # update the relevant fields if server_url is not None: body['metadata_server_url'] = server_url if secret is not None: body['secret'] = secret if edge_cluster_id is not None: body['edge_cluster_id'] = edge_cluster_id return self._update_with_retry(uuid, body) def get_md_proxy_status(self, attachment_id, logical_switch_id): """Return all matching logical port statuses""" url_suffix = ('/%s/%s/status' % (attachment_id, logical_switch_id)) return self.client.get(self.get_path(url_suffix)) class NsxLibBridgeCluster(utils.NsxLibApiBase): @property def uri_segment(self): return 'bridge-clusters' @property def resource_type(self): return 'BridgeCluster' class NsxLibIpBlockSubnet(utils.NsxLibApiBase): @property def uri_segment(self): return 'pools/ip-subnets' @property def resource_type(self): return 'IpBlockSubnet' def create(self, ip_block_id, subnet_size, allow_overwrite=False): """Create a IP block subnet on the backend.""" body = {'size': subnet_size, 'block_id': ip_block_id} headers = None if allow_overwrite: # In case of manager to policy API resources imports, # a Policy owned Manager IpBlock resource might be needed # to allocate subnet using Manager APIs. headers = {'X-Allow-Overwrite': 'true'} return self.client.create(self.get_path(), body, headers=headers) def delete(self, subnet_id, allow_overwrite=False): """Delete a IP block subnet on the backend.""" headers = None if allow_overwrite: # Need to force delete subnet if IpBlock is created by Policy API headers = {'X-Allow-Overwrite': 'true'} self._delete_with_retry(subnet_id, headers=headers) def list(self, ip_block_id): resource = '%s?block_id=%s' % (self.get_path(), ip_block_id) return self.client.get(resource) class NsxLibIpBlock(utils.NsxLibApiBase): @property def uri_segment(self): return 'pools/ip-blocks' @property def resource_type(self): return 'IpBlock' class NsxLibFabricVirtualMachine(utils.NsxLibApiBase): @property def uri_segment(self): return 'fabric/virtual-machines' @property def resource_type(self): return 'VirtualMachine' def get_by_display_name(self, display_name): url = '%s?display_name=%s' % (self.get_path(), display_name) return self.client.get(url) class NsxLibFabricVirtualInterface(utils.NsxLibApiBase): @property def uri_segment(self): return 'fabric/vifs' @property def resource_type(self): return 'VirtualNetworkInterface' def get_by_owner_vm_id(self, owner_vm_id): url = '%s?owner_vm_id=%s' % (self.get_path(), owner_vm_id) return self.client.get(url) class NsxLibGlobalRoutingConfig(utils.NsxLibApiBase): @property def uri_segment(self): return 'global-configs/RoutingGlobalConfig' @property def resource_type(self): return 'RoutingGlobalConfig' def set_l3_forwarding_mode(self, mode): config = self.client.get(self.get_path()) if config['l3_forwarding_mode'] != mode: config['l3_forwarding_mode'] = mode self.client.update(self.get_path(), config) def enable_ipv6(self): return self.set_l3_forwarding_mode('IPV4_AND_IPV6') def disable_ipv6(self): return self.set_l3_forwarding_mode('IPV4_ONLY')