Runs a docker registry for the use of this buildset. This may be used for a single job running on a single node, or it may be used at the root of a job graph so that multiple jobs running for a single change can share the registry. Two registry endpoints are provided -- one is a local registry, the second is an upstream proxy. **Role Variables** .. zuul:rolevar:: buildset_registry_root :default: {{ ansible_user_dir }}/buildset_registry Path for the registry volumes. **Return Values** .. zuul:rolevar:: buildset_registry Information about the registry. .. zuul:rolevar:: host The host (IP address) of the registry. .. zuul:rolevar:: port The port on which the registry is listening. .. zuul:rolevar:: proxy_port The port on which the proxy is listening. .. zuul:rolevar:: username The username used to access the registry via HTTP basic auth. .. zuul:rolevar:: password The password used to access the registry via HTTP basic auth. .. zuul:rolevar:: cert The (self-signed) certificate used by the registry.