Installation ============ To use this repository via continuous delivery, first ensure your Zuul is configured to use git repositories from ``. Add the following to ``zuul.conf``: .. code-block:: ini [connection zuul-git] driver=git baseurl= Then add the following to your tenant config file: .. code-block:: yaml - tenant: name: ... source: zuul-git: untrusted-projects: - zuul-jobs Then restart Zuul. When changes merge into the `zuul-jobs` repository, your Zuul will automatically update its configuration. If you would prefer to control when changes to `zuul-jobs` go into production in your Zuul, simply fork your own copy of `zuul-jobs`, and pull changes from upstream according to your own schedule. Subscribe to the `zuul-announce`_ mailing list to receive important notices about changes to the `zuul-jobs` repository. .. _zuul-announce: