- job: name: unittests description: | Perform setup common to all unit test jobs. This performs basic host and general project setup tasks common to all types of unit test jobs. roles: - zuul: openstack-infra/zuul-jobs pre-run: playbooks/unittests/pre post-run: playbooks/unittests/post - job: name: tox parent: unittests description: | Base job containing setup and teardown for tox-based test jobs. This performs basic host and general project setup tasks common to all tox unit test jobs. Responds to these variables: .. zuul:jobvar:: tox_envlist Use the specified tox environments (``ALL`` selects all). .. zuul:jobvar:: tox_environment List of user defined environmental variables to pass to bash shell. .. zuul:jobvar:: tox_command_line An optional command line. run: playbooks/tox/run pre-run: playbooks/tox/pre post-run: playbooks/tox/post vars: tox_environment_defaults: NOSE_WITH_HTML_OUTPUT: 1 NOSE_HTML_OUT_FILE: nose_results.html NOSE_WITH_XUNIT: 1 - job: name: tox-py27 parent: tox description: | Run unit tests for a Python project under cPython version 2.7. Uses tox with the ``py27`` environment. vars: tox_envlist: py27 - job: name: tox-py34 parent: tox description: | Run unit tests for a Python project under cPython version 3.4. Uses tox with the ``py34`` environment. vars: tox_envlist: py34 - job: name: tox-py35 parent: tox description: | Run unit tests for a Python project under cPython version 3.5. Uses tox with the ``py35`` environment. vars: tox_envlist: py35 - job: name: tox-docs parent: tox # NOTE: This is not the OpenStack docs job, this is a job to run a tox # environment called "docs". OpenStack will want a different job # in openstack-infra/zuul-jobs description: | Run documentation unit tests. Uses tox with the ``docs`` environment. vars: tox_envlist: docs post-run: playbooks/tox/docs-post success-url: html/ - job: name: tox-linters parent: tox description: | Runs code linting tests. Uses tox with the ``linters`` environment. vars: tox_envlist: linters - job: name: tox-pep8 parent: tox description: | Runs code pep8 tests. Uses tox with the ``pep8`` environment. vars: tox_envlist: pep8 - job: name: tox-cover parent: tox description: | Run code coverage tests. Uses tox with the ``cover`` environment. vars: tox_envlist: cover - job: name: tox-tarball parent: tox description: | Generate a python source tarball and a binary wheel Uses tox with the ``venv`` environment. vars: tox_envlist: venv run: playbooks/tox/tarball post-run: playbooks/tox/tarball-post - project: name: openstack-infra/zuul-jobs check: jobs: - tox-linters gate: jobs: - tox-linters