This is one of a collection of jobs which are designed to work together to build, upload, and promote docker images in a gating context: * :zuul:job:`build-docker-image`: Build the images. * :zuul:job:`upload-docker-image`: Build and stage the images on dockerhub. * :zuul:job:`promote-docker-image`: Promote previously uploaded images. The :zuul:job:`build-docker-image` job is designed to be used in a `check` pipeline and simply builds the images to verify that the build functions. The :zuul:job:`upload-docker-image` job builds and uploads the images to Docker Hub, but only with a single tag corresponding to the change ID. This job is designed in a `gate` pipeline so that the build produced by the gate is staged and can later be promoted to production if the change is successful. The :zuul:job:`promote-docker-image` job is designed to be used in a `promote` pipeline. It requires no nodes and runs very quickly on the Zuul executor. It simply re-tags a previously uploaded image for a change with whatever tags are supplied by :zuul:jobvar:`build-docker-image.docker_images.tags`. It also removes the change ID tag from the repository in Docker Hub, and removes any similar change ID tags more than 24 hours old. This keeps the repository tidy in the case that gated changes fail to merge after uploading their staged images. They all accept the same input data, principally a list of dictionaries representing the images to build. YAML anchors_ can be used to supply the same data to all three jobs. **Job Variables** .. zuul:jobvar:: zuul_work_dir :default: {{ zuul.project.src_dir }} The project directory. Serves as the base for :zuul:jobvar:`build-docker-image.docker_images.context`. .. zuul:jobvar:: docker_images :type: list A list of images to build. Each item in the list should have: .. zuul:jobvar:: context The docker build context; this should be a directory underneath :zuul:jobvar:`build-docker-image.zuul_work_dir`. .. zuul:jobvar:: repository The name of the target repository in dockerhub for the image. Supply this even if the image is not going to be uploaded (it will be tagged with this in the local registry). .. zuul:jobvar:: path Optional: the directory that should be passed to docker build. Useful for building images with a Dockerfile in the context directory but a source repository elsewhere. .. zuul:jobvar:: build_args :type: list Optional: a list of values to pass to the docker ``--build-arg`` parameter. .. zuul:jobvar:: target Optional: the target for a multi-stage build. .. zuul:jobvar:: tags :type: list :default: ['latest'] A list of tags to be added to the image when promoted. .. _anchors: