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Learn the Gerrit Workflow in the Sandbox
OpenDev has a sandbox repository for learning and testing purposes: https://opendev.org/opendev/sandbox. This is a great repository to begin your OpenDev learning. It allows you to experiment with the workflow and try different options so you can learn what they do. Please only create 2 or 3 different changes and submit new patchsets to those few changes. Please don't create 10 or more changes, this is not the intention of this repository.
Clone the sandbox repo:
git clone https://opendev.org/opendev/sandbox
Move into the root directory for the sandbox repo:
cd sandbox
Configure Git:
git config user.name "firstname lastname"
git config user.email "yourname@yourdomain.tld"
git config core.editor "yourfavouriteeditor"
Then configure git-review so that it knows about Gerrit. If you don't, it will do so the first time you submit a change for review. You will probably want to do this ahead of time though so the Gerrit Change-Id commit hook gets installed. To do so:
git review -s
Create a git branch locally from the sandbox repo master branch:
git checkout -b new-branch
Create a new file, add some content and save the file:
cat > first-file << EOF
This is my first changeset for OpenStack.
git status
There are three ways you can stage your changes.
You can explicitly stage your new file with:
git add first-file
or, you can stage all new and modified files with:
git add .
or, you can stage ALL files (including deleted files) with:
git add -A
Next commit your change with:
git commit
This will take you into your editor which you set with
git config core.editor
Create a title for your commit message and add some text in the body. Then save the file and close the editor. Next submit your patchset to gerrit:
git review
You will see on screen a message confirming that the change has been submitted for review and a URL to your change on https://review.opendev.org. Click on the URL and view your patchset.
You will also receive one or more emails from the automatic testing system, reporting the testing results of your newly committed change.
Now create a second patchset, in the same git branch as your first patchset. Make some changes, add or delete content to the first-file or create a new file:
cat > second-file << EOF
This is my second OpenStack file for that first changeset.
Now add the second file, as described previously, with:
git add second-file
git add .
git add -A
To ensure you submit your new patchset to the same change execute:
git commit -a --amend
this takes you into your prior git commit message, which you can edit but you don't have to. Don't modify the line starting with Change-Id. You can save and close the editor containing the commit message. Then run:
git review
and again you should see a URL that links to your change. Open the
web browser and look at the changeset you just submitted: notice that
there are two patchsets now, with patchset 2 below your original
patchset 1. If you have two different URI something went wrong, most
likely you have not used --amend
in your git commit or
you've changed the line Change-Id in your commit message.
As a last step, you should abandon your change. You can do this from the web UI by visiting the URL of the change and hitting the Abandon button. Alternatively you can abandon a change from command line using Gerrit ssh commands:
-p 29418 \
review.opendev.org 'gerrit review' \
--project opendev/sandbox.git \
--abandon <THE_CHANGE_ID>,2