In this patch: - adjusted VersionsController to return only v3 - removed cinder.api.v2.router - adjustments to cinder.tests.unit.api.contrib to use /v3 only - moved cinder.api.v2.snapshot_metadata (and tests) to cinder.api.v3 - moved cinder.api.v2.types (and view, tests) to cinder.api.v3 - updated versions response in api-ref - removed unnecessary config option - updated various sample config files - removed experimental tempest-cinder-v2-api job - updated some docs - updated non-voting rally job config Some cinder.api.v2 modules are left because the v3 classes depend on them, but with the v2 router removed, these are unreachable via the /v2 path. Depends-on: https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/rally-openstack/+/794891 (changes rally to use Block Storage API v3) Depends-on: https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/requirements/+/794894 (corrects regression in upper-constraint on Sphinx) Change-Id: I2093d77db9beec7543c7524d2cd273e79dd5fd5d
Rally job related files
This directory contains rally tasks and plugins that are run by OpenStack CI.
- cinder.yaml is a task that will be run in gates against OpenStack deployed by DevStack.
- cinder-fake.yaml is a task that will be run in gates against OpenStack deployed by DevStack with fake cinder driver.
- plugins - directory where you can add rally plugins. Almost everything in Rally is plugin. Benchmark context, Benchmark scenario, SLA checks, Generic cleanup resources, ....
- extra - all files from this directory will be copy pasted to gates, so you are able to use absolute path in rally tasks. Files will be in ~/.rally/extra/*
Useful links
- More about Rally: https://rally.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
- Rally release notes: https://rally.readthedocs.io/en/latest/project_info/release_notes/archive.html
- How to add rally-gates: https://rally.readthedocs.io/en/latest/quick_start/gates.html
- About plugins: https://rally.readthedocs.io/en/latest/plugins/index.html