This patch removes OPAE driver package from cyborg-agent dependencies due to the following reasons: 1. In the kolla cyborg-agent image we install OPAE, but OPAE is not available for CentOS 8 for the moment. This will make the cyborg-agent image unbuildable in Ussuri[0]. 2. In devstack, due to the fact that OPAE packages depend on libjson0, which is not available after Ubuntu 16.04, so cyborg can't be installed on Ubuntu higher than 16.04 now(unless disable dependency manually). Moreover,from cyborg's perspective, it does not need to contain any hardware driver dependency, we can assume the admin should know about it and install the correct version. 3. We had an agreement at Victoria PTG that we should remove.[1] [0]http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2020-June/015428.html [1]https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/cyborg-victoria-goals L261 Change-Id: If0c92ea6ed98f195f5645ae0260855ed50f4f2a8 Story: 2007810 Task: 40078
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DevStack Quick Start
Create stack user (optional)
Devstack should be run as a non-root user with sudo enabled (standard logins to cloud images such as “ubuntu” or “cloud-user” are usually fine).
You can quickly create a separate stack user to run DevStack with.
$ sudo useradd -s /bin/bash -d /opt/stack -m stack
Since this user will be making many changes to your system, it should have sudo privileges:
$ echo "stack ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" | sudo tee /etc/sudoers.d/stack
$ sudo su - stack
Download DevStack
$ git clone https://opendev.org/openstack/devstack
$ cd devstack
The devstack repo contains a script that installs OpenStack.
Create local.conf file
Create a local.conf file at the root of the devstack git repo.
Host settings
- Replace YOUR_IP_CONFIG with your host IP (e.g. or localhost).
Password settings
# Passwords
- Pre-set the passwords to prevent interactive prompts.
Enable services
disable_service n-net
disable_service tempest
disable_service heat
enable_service q-svc
enable_service q-agt
enable_service q-dhcp
enable_service q-l3
enable_service q-meta
enable_service neutron
enable_service n-novnc
enable_plugin cyborg https://opendev.org/openstack/cyborg
#enable Logging
- Uncomment GIT_BASE configuration if you have a local git repo
- enable_plugin cyborg will execute cyborg/devstack/plugin.sh and start cyborg service
- The devstack logs will appear in $LOGDIR
If you got version conflicts, please set PIP_UPGRADE to True in local.conf
Multi-Node Lab
If you want to setup an OpenStack with cyborg in a realistic test configuration with multiple physical servers. Please ref1.
Cluster Controller
disable_service cyborg-agent
Compute Nodes
enable_service cyborg-agent
disable_service cyborg-api
disable_service cyborg-cond
- If you do not want to setup cyborg-agent on controller, you can disable it.
- You do not need to enable cyborg-api and cyborg-cond on compute nodes.
Testing with unmerged changes
To test with changes that have not been merged, the enable_plugin line can be modifed to specify the branch/reference to be cloned.
enable_plugin cyborg https://review.opendev.org/openstack/cyborg refs/changes/28/708728/1
the format is
enable_plugin <directory name> <git repo url> <change/revision>
Cell V2 Deployment
Compute node services must be mapped to a cell before they can be used. Cell V2 deployment, please ref2.
Run DevStack
$ ./stack.sh
This will take a 30-40 minutes, largely depending on the speed of your internet connection. Many git trees and packages will be installed during this process.
It will speed up your installation if you have a local GIT_BASE.
Use OpenStack
Command line
You can source openrc YOUR_USER YOUR_USER (e.g. source openrc admin admin) in your shell, and then use the openstack command line tool to manage your devstack.
You can access horizon to experience the web interface to OpenStack, and manage vms, networks, volumes, and images from there.