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Background Story
OpenStack Acceleration Discussion Started from Telco Requirements:
- High level requirements first drafted in the standard organization ETSI NFV ISG
- High level requirements transformed into detailed requirements in OPNFV DPACC project.
- New project called Nomad established to address the requirements.
- BoF discussions back in OpenStack Austin Summit.
Transition to Cyborg Project:
- From a long period of conversation and discussion within the OpenStack community, we found that the initial goal of Nomad project to address acceleration management in Telco is too limited. From design summit session in Barcelona Summit, we have developers from Scientific WG help us understanding the need for acceleration management in HPC cloud, and we also had a lot of discussion on the Public Cloud support of accelerated instances.
- We decide to formally establish a project that will work on the management framework for dedicated devices in OpenStack, and there comes the Cyborg Project.
Definition Breakdown
General Management Framework:
- Acceleration Resource Discovery
- Life Cycle Management
- Software: dpdk/spdk, pmem, ...
- Hardware: FPGA, GPU, ARM SoC, NVMe SSD, CCIX based Caches, ...