Michael Johnson e9faf7da68 Add zone ownership transfer user guide
This patch adds a user guide for zone ownership transfers.
It also re-organizes the user guide landing page to be a bit easier to read.

Change-Id: I9b1c620b96a95cc8db4a634c26a2a48ca880f2b0
2022-06-02 23:28:03 +00:00

13 KiB

Zone Ownership Transfers

Designate allows you to transfer ownership of zones between projects. For example, the engineering team project may want to transfer the ownership of the '' zone from the engineering project to the marketing team's project.

This can be accomplished without cloud administrator intervention using the zone transfer features in Designate. Both the sending and receiving project must agree to the transfer by using the zone transfer process.

Zone Transfer Requests

Creating a Zone Transfer Request

To create a zone transfer offer we create a zone transfer request in Designate. You can optionally provide a target project ID in the request to lock the transfer to a specific project. When using a target project ID, no other project will be allowed to accept the zone transfer. If you do not provide a target project ID, any project that has the transfer request ID and key can receive the zone transfer.


The target project ID must be provided as the ID and not the project name.

To transfer the zone '' to project 1d12e87fad0d437286c2873b36a12316 you would run:

$ openstack zone transfer request create --target-project-id 1d12e87fad0d437286c2873b36a12316

| Field             | Value                                               |
| created_at        | 2022-05-26T22:06:39.000000                          |
| description       | None                                                |
| id                | 63cab5e5-65fa-4480-b26c-c16c267c44b2                |
| key               | BIFJIQWH                                            |
| links             | {'self': ' |
|                   | nsfer_requests/63cab5e5-65fa-4480-b26c-c16c267c44b2 |
|                   | '}                                                  |
| project_id        | 6265985fc493465db6a978b318a01996                    |
| status            | ACTIVE                                              |
| target_project_id | 1d12e87fad0d437286c2873b36a12316                    |
| updated_at        | None                                                |
| zone_id           | 962f08b4-b671-4096-bf24-8908c9d4af0c                |
| zone_name         |                                    |

You will then provide the ID and key to a member of the receiving project.

Displaying a Zone Transfer Request

To display the zone transfer request we created in the previous section you would run:

$ openstack zone transfer request show 63cab5e5-65fa-4480-b26c-c16c267c44b2

| Field             | Value                                               |
| created_at        | 2022-05-26T22:06:39.000000                          |
| description       | None                                                |
| id                | 63cab5e5-65fa-4480-b26c-c16c267c44b2                |
| key               | BIFJIQWH                                            |
| links             | {'self': ' |
|                   | nsfer_requests/63cab5e5-65fa-4480-b26c-c16c267c44b2 |
|                   | '}                                                  |
| project_id        | 6265985fc493465db6a978b318a01996                    |
| status            | ACTIVE                                              |
| target_project_id | 1d12e87fad0d437286c2873b36a12316                    |
| updated_at        | None                                                |
| zone_id           | 962f08b4-b671-4096-bf24-8908c9d4af0c                |
| zone_name         |                                    |

Listing Zone Transfer Requests

You can list all of the existing zone transfer requests by using the openstack zone transfer request list command:

$ openstack zone transfer request list

| id       | zone_id  | zone_name | project_id | target_project_id | status | key      |
| 63cab5e5 | 962f08b4 | wow.examp | 6265985fc4 | 1d12e87fad0d43728 | ACTIVE | BIFJIQWH |
| -65fa-44 | -b671-40 |   | 93465db6a9 | 6c2873b36a12316   |        |          |
| 80-b26c- | 96-bf24- |           | 78b318a019 |                   |        |          |
| c16c267c | 8908c9d4 |           | 96         |                   |        |          |
| 44b2     | af0c     |           |            |                   |        |          |

Updating a Zone Transfer Request

Designate allows you to update a limited set of fields on zone transfer requests, such as the description and target project ID.

To add a description the zone transfer request we created above, you would run the following command:

$ openstack zone transfer request set --description "wow zone transfer" 63cab5e5-65fa-4480-b26c-c16c267c44b2

| Field             | Value                                               |
| created_at        | 2022-05-26T22:06:39.000000                          |
| description       | wow zone transfer                                   |
| id                | 63cab5e5-65fa-4480-b26c-c16c267c44b2                |
| key               | BIFJIQWH                                            |
| links             | {'self': ' |
|                   | nsfer_requests/63cab5e5-65fa-4480-b26c-c16c267c44b2 |
|                   | '}                                                  |
| project_id        | 6265985fc493465db6a978b318a01996                    |
| status            | ACTIVE                                              |
| target_project_id | 1d12e87fad0d437286c2873b36a12316                    |
| updated_at        | 2022-05-27T20:52:08.000000                          |
| zone_id           | 962f08b4-b671-4096-bf24-8908c9d4af0c                |
| zone_name         |                                    |

Deleting a Zone Transfer Request

If you would like to cancel a zone transfer you can delete the zone transfer request using the openstack zone transfer request delete command:

$ openstack zone transfer request delete 63cab5e5-65fa-4480-b26c-c16c267c44b2

There is no output from the zone transfer request delete command.

Zone Transfer Accepts

Accepting a Zone Transfer Request

Once you have the zone transfer request ID and key, you can create a zone transfer accept to finish the zone transfer.

An example of accepting the zone transfer we created in the Zone Transfer Requests section:

$ openstack zone transfer accept request --transfer-id 63cab5e5-65fa-4480-b26c-c16c267c44b2 --key BIFJIQWH

| Field                    | Value                                        |
| created_at               | 2022-05-27T21:37:43.000000                   |
| id                       | a4c4f872-c98c-411b-a787-58ed0e2dce11         |
| key                      | BIFJIQWH                                     |
| links                    | {'self': ' |
|                          | sks/transfer_accepts/a4c4f872-c98c-411b-a787 |
|                          | -58ed0e2dce11', 'zone': ' |
|                          | 053/v2/zones/962f08b4-b671-4096-bf24-8908c9d |
|                          | 4af0c'}                                      |
| project_id               | 1d12e87fad0d437286c2873b36a12316             |
| status                   | COMPLETE                                     |
| updated_at               | 2022-05-27T21:37:43.000000                   |
| zone_id                  | 962f08b4-b671-4096-bf24-8908c9d4af0c         |
| zone_transfer_request_id | 63cab5e5-65fa-4480-b26c-c16c267c44b2         |

Displaying a Zone Transfer Accept

To check the status of your zone transfer accept, you can use the openstack zone transfer accept command:

$ openstack zone transfer accept show a4c4f872-c98c-411b-a787-58ed0e2dce11

| Field                    | Value                                        |
| created_at               | 2022-05-27T21:37:43.000000                   |
| id                       | a4c4f872-c98c-411b-a787-58ed0e2dce11         |
| key                      | None                                         |
| links                    | {'self': ' |
|                          | sks/transfer_accepts/a4c4f872-c98c-411b-a787 |
|                          | -58ed0e2dce11', 'zone': ' |
|                          | 053/v2/zones/962f08b4-b671-4096-bf24-8908c9d |
|                          | 4af0c'}                                      |
| project_id               | 1d12e87fad0d437286c2873b36a12316             |
| status                   | COMPLETE                                     |
| updated_at               | 2022-05-27T21:37:43.000000                   |
| zone_id                  | 962f08b4-b671-4096-bf24-8908c9d4af0c         |
| zone_transfer_request_id | 63cab5e5-65fa-4480-b26c-c16c267c44b2         |

Listing Zone Transfer Accepts

Designate can provide a list of existing zone transfer accept records using the openstack zone transfer accept list command:


By default, only users with the 'admin' role can list zone transfer accept records.

$ openstack zone transfer accept list

| id          | zone_id     | project_id  | zone_transfer_request_id | status   | key |
| a4c4f872-c9 | 962f08b4-b6 | 1d12e87fad0 | 63cab5e5-65fa-4480-b26c- | COMPLETE |     |
| 8c-411b-a78 | 71-4096-bf2 | d437286c287 | c16c267c44b2             |          |     |
| 7-58ed0e2dc | 4-8908c9d4a | 3b36a12316  |                          |          |     |
| e11         | f0c         |             |                          |          |     |