Komei Shimamura 1c7333c40e Add kafka-devstack-plugin to plugin-registry.rst
kafka-devstack-plugin is available now:


Change-Id: I518bd079296a110a018f77b9b107883f3933e38a
2016-04-03 01:10:46 +09:00

19 KiB

DevStack Plugin Registry

Since we've created the external plugin mechanism, it's gotten used by a lot of projects. The following is a list of plugins that currently exist. Any project that wishes to list their plugin here is welcomed to.

Detected Plugins

The following are plugins that a script has found in the openstack/ namespace, which includes but is not limited to official OpenStack projects.

Plugin Name URL
aodh git://
app-catalog-ui git://
astara git://
barbican git://
blazar git://
broadview-collector git://
ceilometer git://
ceilometer-powervm git://
cerberus git://
cloudkitty git://
collectd-ceilometer-plugin git://
congress git://
cue git://
designate git://
devstack-plugin-amqp1 git://
devstack-plugin-bdd git://
devstack-plugin-ceph git://
devstack-plugin-glusterfs git://
devstack-plugin-hdfs git://
devstack-plugin-kafka git://
devstack-plugin-pika git://
devstack-plugin-sheepdog git://
devstack-plugin-zmq git://
dragonflow git://
drbd-devstack git://
ec2-api git://
freezer git://
freezer-api git://
freezer-web-ui git://
gce-api git://
gnocchi git://
ironic git://
ironic-inspector git://
kingbird git://
kuryr git://
magnum git://
manila git://
mistral git://
monasca-api git://
murano git://
networking-6wind git://
networking-bagpipe git://
networking-bgpvpn git://
networking-brocade git://
networking-calico git://
networking-cisco git://
networking-fortinet git://
networking-generic-switch git://
networking-infoblox git://
networking-l2gw git://
networking-midonet git://
networking-mlnx git://
networking-nec git://
networking-odl git://
networking-ofagent git://
networking-ovn git://
networking-ovs-dpdk git://
networking-plumgrid git://
networking-powervm git://
networking-sfc git://
networking-vsphere git://
neutron git://
neutron-lbaas git://
neutron-lbaas-dashboard git://
neutron-vpnaas git://
nova-docker git://
nova-powervm git://
octavia git://
osprofiler git://
rally git://
sahara git://
sahara-dashboard git://
scalpels git://
searchlight git://
senlin git://
smaug git://
solum git://
tacker git://
tap-as-a-service git://
tricircle git://
trove git://
trove-dashboard git://
vitrage git://
vitrage-dashboard git://
vmware-nsx git://
watcher git://
watcher-dashboard git://
zaqar git://