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I would like to announce my candidacy for PTL of the Requirements project for the Train cycle.
The following will be my goals for the cycle, in order of importance:
- The primary goal is to keep a tight rein on global-requirements and
upper-constraints updates. (Keep things working well)
- Un-cap requirements where possible (stuff like cmd2 and grpcio).
- Publish constraints and requirements to streamline the freeze process. This is in progress, but did not make it for Stein.
https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/1719006 is the story tracking the publish job.
- Audit global-requirements and upper-constraints for redundancies. One of
the rules we have for new entrants to global-requirements and/or upper-constraints is that they be non-redundant. Keeping that rule in mind, audit the list of requirements for possible redundancies and if possible, reduce the number of requirements we manage.
I look forward to continue working with you in this cycle, as your PTL or not.
Thanks for your time, Matthew Thode
IRC: prometheanfire