Indenting the include directives for the snippet files means the headings in those files are "under" or "inside" the sections defined by the headings in the parent file, but that's not something rst supports. Change-Id: I70cb5b7f4d5051595a8e057ecf3b23a372ee21ca
1.9 KiB
Cache management utility
- Author
- Date
- Copyright
OpenStack LLC
- Version
- Manual section
- Manual group
cloud computing
glance-cache-manage <command> [options] [args]
- help <command>
Output help for one of the commands below
- list-cached
List all images currently cached
- list-queued
List all images currently queued for caching
- queue-image
Queue an image for caching
- delete-cached-image
Purges an image from the cache
- delete-all-cached-images
Removes all images from the cache
- delete-queued-image
Deletes an image from the cache queue
- delete-all-queued-images
Deletes all images from the cache queue
- --version
show program's version number and exit
- -h, --help
show this help message and exit
- -v, --verbose
Print more verbose output
- -d, --debug
Print more verbose output
Address of Glance API host. Default:
- -p PORT, --port=PORT
Port the Glance API host listens on. Default: 9292
- -k, --insecure
Explicitly allow glance to perform "insecure" SSL (https) requests. The server's certificate will not be verified against any certificate authorities. This option should be used with caution.
- -A TOKEN, --auth_token=TOKEN
Authentication token to use to identify the client to the glance server
- -f, --force
Prevent select actions from requesting user confirmation
- -S STRATEGY, --os-auth-strategy=STRATEGY
Authentication strategy (keystone or noauth)