Sam Betts 02015a4be6 Move operator docs into into doc/source/admin
Change-Id: I13f90a0b183b7799b4c8b5c340052d96f717fa9f
2017-07-05 12:16:37 +01:00

851 B


The Bare Metal service supports the emission of notifications, which are messages sent on a message broker (like RabbitMQ or anything else supported by the oslo messaging library) that indicate various events which occur, such as when a node changes power states. These can be consumed by an external service reading from the message bus. For example, Searchlight is an OpenStack service that uses notifications to index (and make searchable) resources from the Bare Metal service.

Notifications are disabled by default. For a complete list of available notifications and instructions for how to enable them, see the deploy guide.