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2017-08-22 15:59:43 +01:00

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.. _develop-notifications:
Developing New Notifications
Ironic notifications are events intended for consumption by external services.
Notifications are sent to these services over a message bus by
oslo.messaging's Notifier class [1]_. For more information about configuring
notifications and available notifications, see :ref:`deploy-notifications`.
Ironic also has a set of base classes that assist in clearly defining the
notification itself, the payload, and the other fields not auto-generated by
oslo (level, event_type and publisher_id). Below describes how to use these
base classes to add a new notification to ironic.
Adding a new notification to ironic
To add a new notification to ironic, a new versioned notification class should
be created by subclassing the NotificationBase class to define the notification
itself and the NotificationPayloadBase class to define which fields the new
notification will contain inside its payload. You may also define a schema to
allow the payload to be automatically populated by the fields of an ironic
object. Here's an example::
# The ironic object whose fields you want to use in your schema
class ExampleObject(base.IronicObject):
# Version 1.0: Initial version
VERSION = '1.0'
fields = {
'id': fields.IntegerField(),
'uuid': fields.UUIDField(),
'a_useful_field': fields.StringField(),
'not_useful_field': fields.StringField()
# A class for your new notification
class ExampleNotification(notification.NotificationBase):
# Version 1.0: Initial version
VERSION = '1.0'
fields = {
'payload': fields.ObjectField('ExampleNotifPayload')
# A class for your notification's payload
class ExampleNotifPayload(notification.NotificationPayloadBase):
# Schemas are optional. They just allow you to reuse other objects'
# fields by passing in that object and calling populate_schema with
# a kwarg set to the other object.
'a_useful_field': ('example_obj', 'a_useful_field')
# Version 1.0: Initial version
VERSION = '1.0'
fields = {
'a_useful_field': fields.StringField(),
'an_extra_field': fields.StringField(nullable=True)
Note that both the payload and notification classes are oslo versioned
objects [2]_. Modifications to these require a version bump so that consumers
of notifications know when the notifications have changed.
SCHEMA defines how to populate the payload fields. It's an optional
attribute that subclasses may use to easily populate notifications with
data from other objects.
It is a dictionary where every key value pair has the following format::
<payload_field_name>: (<data_source_name>,
The ``<payload_field_name>`` is the name where the data will be stored in the
payload object; this field has to be defined as a field of the payload.
The ``<data_source_name>`` shall refer to name of the parameter passed as
kwarg to the payload's ``populate_schema()`` call and this object will be
used as the source of the data. The ``<field_of_the_data_source>`` shall be
a valid field of the passed argument.
The SCHEMA needs to be applied with the ``populate_schema()`` call before the
notification can be emitted.
The value of the ``payload.<payload_field_name>`` field will be set by the
``<data_source_name>.<field_of_the_data_source>`` field. The
``<data_source_name>`` will not be part of the payload object internal or
external representation.
Payload fields that are not set by the SCHEMA can be filled in the same
way as in any versioned object.
Then, to create a payload, you would do something like the following. Note
that if you choose to define a schema in the SCHEMA class variable, you must
populate the schema by calling ``populate_schema(example_obj=my_example_obj)``
before emitting the notification is allowed::
my_example_obj = ExampleObject(id=1,
# an_extra_field is optional since it's not a part of the SCHEMA and is a
# nullable field in the class fields
my_notify_payload = ExampleNotifyPayload(an_extra_field='hello')
# populate the schema with the ExampleObject fields
You then create the notification with the oslo required fields (event_type,
publisher_id, and level, all sender fields needed by oslo that are defined
in the ironic notification base classes) and emit it::
notify = ExampleNotification(
action='do_something', status=fields.NotificationStatus.START),
When specifying the event_type, ``object`` will specify the object being acted
on, ``action`` will be a string describing what action is being performed on
that object, and ``status`` will be one of "start", "end", "error", or
"success". "start" and "end" are used to indicate when actions that are not
immediate begin and succeed. "success" is used to indicate when actions that
are immediate succeed. "error" is used to indicate when any type of action
fails, regardless of whether it's immediate or not. As a result of specifying
these parameters, event_type will be formatted as
``baremetal.<object>.<action>.<status>`` on the message bus.
This example will send the following notification over the message bus::
"priority": "debug",
.. [1]
.. [2]