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Automated Setup

This section provides information on the development tools provided by Kayobe to automate the deployment of various development environments.

For a manual procedure, see contributor-manual.


The Kayobe development environment automation tooling is built using simple shell scripts. Some minimal configuration can be applied by setting the environment variables in dev/config.sh. Control plane configuration is typically provided via the kayobe-config-dev repository, although it is also possible to use your own Kayobe configuration. This allows us to build a development environment that is as close to production as possible.


The following development environments are supported:

  • Overcloud (single OpenStack controller)
  • Seed

The Universe from Nothing workshop may be of use for more advanced testing scenarios involving a seed hypervisor, seed VM, and separate control and compute nodes.



Clone the Kayobe repository:

Change the current directory to the Kayobe repository:

cd kayobe

Clone the kayobe-config-dev repository to config/src/kayobe-config

mkdir -p config/src git clone https://opendev.org/openstack/kayobe-config-dev.git config/src/kayobe-config -b

Inspect the Kayobe configuration and make any changes necessary for your environment.

If using Vagrant, follow the steps in contributor-vagrant to prepare your environment for use with Vagrant and bring up a Vagrant VM.

If not using Vagrant, the default development configuration expects the presence of a bridge interface on the OpenStack controller host to carry control plane traffic. The bridge should be named breth1 with a single port eth1, and an IP address of This can be modified by editing config/src/kayobe-config/etc/kayobe/inventory/group_vars/controllers/network-interfaces.

This can be added using the following commands:

sudo ip l add breth1 type bridge
sudo ip l set breth1 up
sudo ip a add dev breth1
sudo ip l add eth1 type dummy
sudo ip l set eth1 up
sudo ip l set eth1 master breth1


If using Vagrant, SSH into the Vagrant VM and change to the shared directory:

vagrant ssh
cd /vagrant

If not using Vagrant, run the dev/install-dev.sh script to install Kayobe and its dependencies in a Python virtual environment:



This will create an editable install <installation-editable>. It is also possible to install Kayobe in a non-editable way, such that changes will not been seen until you reinstall the package. To do this you can run ./dev/install.sh.

Run the dev/overcloud-deploy.sh script to deploy the OpenStack control plane:


Upon successful completion of this script, the control plane will be active.


Scripts are provided for testing the creation of virtual and bare metal instances.

Virtual Machines

The control plane can be tested by running the dev/overcloud-test-vm.sh script. This will run the init-runonce setup script provided by Kolla Ansible that registers images, networks, flavors etc. It will then deploy a virtual server instance, and delete it once it becomes active:


Bare Metal Compute

For a control plane with Ironic enabled, a "bare metal" instance can be deployed. We can use the Tenks project to create fake bare metal nodes.

Clone the tenks repository:

git clone https://opendev.org/openstack/tenks.git

Optionally, edit the Tenks configuration file, dev/tenks-deploy-config-compute.yml.

Run the dev/tenks-deploy-compute.sh script to deploy Tenks:

./dev/tenks-deploy-compute.sh ./tenks

Check that Tenks has created VMs called tk0 and tk1:

sudo virsh -c qemu+unix:///system?socket=/var/run/libvirt-tenks/libvirt-sock list --all

Verify that VirtualBMC is running:

~/tenks-venv/bin/vbmc list

Configure the firewall to allow the baremetal nodes to access OpenStack services:


We are now ready to run the dev/overcloud-test-baremetal.sh script. This will run the init-runonce setup script provided by Kolla Ansible that registers images, networks, flavors etc. It will then deploy a bare metal server instance, and delete it once it becomes active:


The machines and networking created by Tenks can be cleaned up via dev/tenks-teardown-compute.sh:

./dev/tenks-teardown-compute.sh ./tenks


It is possible to test an upgrade from a previous release by running the dev/overcloud-upgrade.sh script:



These instructions cover deploying the seed services directly rather than in a VM.


Clone the Kayobe repository:

Change to the kayobe directory:

cd kayobe

Clone the kayobe-config-dev repository to config/src/kayobe-config:

mkdir -p config/src git clone https://opendev.org/openstack/kayobe-config-dev.git config/src/kayobe-config -b

Inspect the Kayobe configuration and make any changes necessary for your environment.

The default development configuration expects the presence of a bridge interface on the seed host to carry provisioning traffic. The bridge should be named breth1 with a single port eth1, and an IP address of This can be modified by editing config/src/kayobe-config/etc/kayobe/inventory/group_vars/seed/network-interfaces. Alternatively, this can be added using the following commands:

sudo ip l add breth1 type bridge
sudo ip l set breth1 up
sudo ip a add brd dev breth1
sudo ip l add eth1 type dummy
sudo ip l set eth1 up
sudo ip l set eth1 master breth1


Run the dev/install.sh script to install Kayobe and its dependencies in a Python virtual environment:


Run the dev/seed-deploy.sh script to deploy the seed services:


Upon successful completion of this script, the seed will be active.


The seed services may be tested using the Tenks project to create fake bare metal nodes.

If your seed has a non-standard MTU, you should set it via aio_mtu in etc/kayobe/networks.yml.

Clone the tenks repository:

git clone https://opendev.org/openstack/tenks.git

Optionally, edit the Tenks configuration file, dev/tenks-deploy-config-overcloud.yml.

Run the dev/tenks-deploy-overcloud.sh script to deploy Tenks:

./dev/tenks-deploy-overcloud.sh ./tenks

Check that Tenks has created a VM called controller0:

sudo virsh list --all

Verify that VirtualBMC is running:

~/tenks-venv/bin/vbmc list

It is now possible to discover, inspect and provision the controller VM:

source dev/environment-setup.sh
kayobe overcloud inventory discover
kayobe overcloud hardware inspect
kayobe overcloud provision

The controller VM is now accessible via SSH as the bootstrap user (centos or ubuntu) at

The machines and networking created by Tenks can be cleaned up via dev/tenks-teardown-overcloud.sh:

./dev/tenks-teardown-overcloud.sh ./tenks


It is possible to test an upgrade by running the dev/seed-upgrade.sh script:
