This currently deploys the core services for a working Swift which are account/container/object/proxy. I've included some basic docs in docs/swift-related.rst, which gives usage instructions and more context on this patch. These are really to give an overview of the state of Swift in Kolla as of now, so unless there's some major inaccuracy there please don't nitpick it. Change-Id: Id0c54be3e24c46459c40b16b7020f05bddbe1b19 Implements: blueprint ansible-swift
4.5 KiB
Swift in Kolla
Currently Kolla can deploy the "core" services required for a working Swift, in either an AIO or multi node setup:
- swift-proxy
- swift-account
- swift-container
- swift-object
There are a variety of other services such the replicator, expirer, rsyncd, etc. which actually make Swift useful, which are in progress and hope to be finished in liberty-rc1.
Before running Swift we need to generate "rings", which are binary compressed files that at a high level let the various Swift services know where data is in the cluster. Again, we hope to be able to generate these automatically for liberty-rc1.
Swift also expects block devices to be available and partitioned on the host, which Swift uses in combination with the rings to store data. Swift demos commonly just use directories created under /srv/node to simulate these devices. In order to ease "out of the box" testing of Kolla, we offer a similar setup with a data container. Note, data containers are very inefficient for this purpose. In production setups operators will want to provision disks according to the Swift operator guide, which can then be added the rings and used in Kolla.
For an AIO setup, the following commands can be used, locally, to generate rings containing the data container directories:
# Object ring
docker run \
-v /etc/kolla/config/swift/:/etc/kolla/config/swift/ \
kollaglue/centos-binary-swift-base \
swift-ring-builder /etc/kolla/config/swift/object.builder create 10 3 1
for partition in sdb1 sdb2 sdb3; do
docker run \
-v /etc/kolla/config/swift/:/etc/kolla/config/swift/ \
kollaglue/centos-binary-swift-base swift-ring-builder \
/etc/kolla/config/swift/object.builder add z1-${KOLLA_INTERNAL_ADDRESS}:6000/${partition} 1
# Account ring
docker run \
-v /etc/kolla/config/swift/:/etc/kolla/config/swift/ \
kollaglue/centos-binary-swift-base \
swift-ring-builder /etc/kolla/config/swift/account.builder create 10 3 1
for partition in sdb1 sdb2 sdb3; do
docker run \
-v /etc/kolla/config/swift/:/etc/kolla/config/swift/ \
kollaglue/centos-binary-swift-base swift-ring-builder \
/etc/kolla/config/swift/account.builder add z1-${KOLLA_INTERNAL_ADDRESS}:6001/${partition} 1
# Container ring
docker run \
-v /etc/kolla/config/swift/:/etc/kolla/config/swift/ \
kollaglue/centos-binary-swift-base \
swift-ring-builder /etc/kolla/config/swift/container.builder create 10 3 1
for partition in sdb1 sdb2 sdb3; do
docker run \
-v /etc/kolla/config/swift/:/etc/kolla/config/swift/ \
kollaglue/centos-binary-swift-base swift-ring-builder \
/etc/kolla/config/swift/container.builder add z1-${KOLLA_INTERNAL_ADDRESS}:6002/${partition} 1
for ring in object account container; do
docker run \
-v /etc/kolla/config/swift/:/etc/kolla/config/swift/ \
kollaglue/centos-binary-swift-base swift-ring-builder \
/etc/kolla/config/swift/${ring}.builder rebalance
Similar commands can be used for multinode, you will just need to run the the 'add' step for each IP in the cluster.
For more info, see http://docs.openstack.org/kilo/install-guide/install/apt/content/swift-initial-rings.html
Once the rings are in place, deploying Swift is the same as any other Kolla Ansible service. Below is the minimal command to bring up Swift AIO, and it's dependencies:
ansible-playbook \
-i ansible/inventory/all-in-one \
-e @/etc/kolla/globals.yml \
-e @etc/kolla/passwords.yml \
ansible/site.yml \
A very basic smoke test:
$ swift stat
Account: AUTH_4c19d363b9cf432a80e34f06b1fa5749
Containers: 1
Objects: 0
Bytes: 0
Containers in policy "policy-0": 1
Objects in policy "policy-0": 0
Bytes in policy "policy-0": 0
X-Account-Project-Domain-Id: default
X-Timestamp: 1440168098.28319
X-Trans-Id: txf5a62b7d7fc541f087703-0055d73be7
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
Accept-Ranges: bytes
$ swift upload mycontainer README.rst
$ swift list
$ swift download mycontainer README.md
README.md [auth 0.248s, headers 0.939s, total 0.939s, 0.006 MB/s]