Tom Barron dcdc1a98bb Update doc for manila-service-image download
It currently refers to the old openstack repository and as written
downloads redirect information rather than the image itself.

Add a '-L' argument to the ``curl`` command to handle redirects and
update the URL to use the opendev repository.

Related-bug: #1908838
Change-Id: I48509e5c9be41c04d00aa86efd4d657b067d9521
2021-01-21 20:00:59 +00:00

17 KiB

Creating shares with Shared File Systems Option 2 (DHSS = True)

Before being able to create a share, manila with the generic driver and the DHSS (driver_handles_share_servers) mode enabled requires the definition of at least an image, a network and a share-network for being used to create a share server. For that back end configuration, the share server is an instance where NFS shares are served.


This configuration automatically creates a cinder volume for every share. The cinder volumes are attached to share servers according to the definition of a share network.

  1. Source the admin credentials to gain access to admin-only CLI commands:

    $ .
  2. Create a default share type with DHSS enabled. A default share type will allow you to create shares with this driver, without having to specify the share type explicitly during share creation.

    $ manila type-create default_share_type True
    | Property             | Value                                |
    | required_extra_specs | driver_handles_share_servers : True  |
    | Name                 | default_share_type                   |
    | Visibility           | public                               |
    | is_default           | -                                    |
    | ID                   | 8a35da28-0f74-490d-afff-23664ecd4f01 |
    | optional_extra_specs | snapshot_support : True              |

    Set this default share type in manila.conf under the [DEFAULT] section and restart the manila-api service before proceeding. Unless you do so, the default share type will not be effective.


    Creating and configuring a default share type is optional. If you wish to use the shared file system service with a variety of share types, where each share creation request could specify a type, please refer to the Share types usage documentation here.

  3. Create a manila share server image in the Image service. You may skip this step and use any existing image. However, for mounting a share, the service image must contain the NFS packages as appropriate for the operating system. Whatever image you choose to be the service image, be sure to set the configuration values service_image_name, service_instance_flavor_id, service_instance_user and service_instance_password in manila.conf.


    Any changes made to manila.conf while the manila-share service is running will require a restart of the service to be effective.


    As an alternative to specifying a plain-text service_instance_password in your configuration, a key-pair may be specified with options path_to_public_key and path_to_private_key to configure and allow password-less SSH access between the share node and the share server/s created.

    $ curl -L \ | \
    glance image-create \
    --name "manila-service-image" \
    --disk-format qcow2 \
    --container-format bare \
    --visibility public --progress
    %   Total    %   Received %   Xferd  Average  Speed   Time     Time     Time      Current
                                         Dload    Upload  Total    Spent    Left      Speed
    100 3008k    100 3008k    0   0      1042k    0       0:00:02  0:00:02  --:--:--  1041k
    | Property         | Value                                                                            |
    | checksum         | 48a08e746cf0986e2bc32040a9183445                                                 |
    | container_format | bare                                                                             |
    | created_at       | 2016-01-26T19:52:24Z                                                             |
    | direct_url       | rbd://3c3a4cbc-7331-4fc1-8cbb-79213b9cebff/images/ff97deff-b184-47f8-827c-       |
    |                  | 16c349c82720/snap                                                                |
    | disk_format      | qcow2                                                                            |
    | id               | 1fc7f29e-8fe6-44ef-9c3c-15217e83997c                                             |
    | locations        | [{"url": "rbd://3c3a4cbc-7331-4fc1-8cbb-79213b9cebff/images/ff97deff-b184-47f8   |
    |                  | -827c-16c349c82720/snap", "metadata": {}}]                                       |
    | min_disk         | 0                                                                                |
    | min_ram          | 0                                                                                |
    | name             | manila-service-image                                                             |
    | owner            | e2c965830ecc4162a002bf16ddc91ab7                                                 |
    | protected        | False                                                                            |
    | size             | 306577408                                                                        |
    | status           | active                                                                           |
    | tags             | []                                                                               |
    | updated_at       | 2016-01-26T19:52:28Z                                                             |
    | virtual_size     | None                                                                             |
    | visibility       | public                                                                           |
  4. List available networks in order to get id and subnets of the private network:

    $ neutron net-list
    | id                                   | name    | subnets                                            |
    | 0e62efcd-8cee-46c7-b163-d8df05c3c5ad | public  | 5cc70da8-4ee7-4565-be53-b9c011fca011  |
    | 7c6f9b37-76b4-463e-98d8-27e5686ed083 | private | 3482f524-8bff-4871-80d4-5774c2730728 |
  5. Source the demo credentials to perform the following steps as a non-administrative project:

    $ .
    $ manila share-network-create --name demo-share-network1 \
    --neutron-net-id PRIVATE_NETWORK_ID \
    --neutron-subnet-id PRIVATE_NETWORK_SUBNET_ID
    | Property          | Value                                |
    | name              | demo-share-network1                  |
    | segmentation_id   | None                                 |
    | created_at        | 2016-01-26T20:03:41.877838           |
    | neutron_subnet_id | 3482f524-8bff-4871-80d4-5774c2730728 |
    | updated_at        | None                                 |
    | network_type      | None                                 |
    | neutron_net_id    | 7c6f9b37-76b4-463e-98d8-27e5686ed083 |
    | ip_version        | None                                 |
    | cidr              | None                                 |
    | project_id        | e2c965830ecc4162a002bf16ddc91ab7     |
    | id                | 58b2f0e6-5509-4830-af9c-97f525a31b14 |
    | description       | None                                 |

Create a share

  1. Create an NFS share using the share network. Since a default share type has been created and configured, it need not be specified in the request.

    $ manila create NFS 1 --name demo-share1 --share-network demo-share-network1
    | Property                    | Value                                |
    | status                      | None                                 |
    | share_type_name             | default_share_type                   |
    | description                 | None                                 |
    | availability_zone           | None                                 |
    | share_network_id            | 58b2f0e6-5509-4830-af9c-97f525a31b14 |
    | share_group_id              | None                                 |
    | host                        | None                                 |
    | snapshot_id                 | None                                 |
    | is_public                   | False                                |
    | task_state                  | None                                 |
    | snapshot_support            | True                                 |
    | id                          | 016ca18f-bdd5-48e1-88c0-782e4c1aa28c |
    | size                        | 1                                    |
    | name                        | demo-share1                          |
    | share_type                  | 8a35da28-0f74-490d-afff-23664ecd4f01 |
    | created_at                  | 2016-01-26T20:08:50.502877           |
    | export_location             | None                                 |
    | share_proto                 | NFS                                  |
    | project_id                  | 48e8c35b2ac6495d86d4be61658975e7     |
    | metadata                    | {}                                   |
  2. After some time, the share status should change from creating to available:

    $ manila list
    | ID                                   | Name        | Size | Share Proto | Status    | Is Public | Share Type Name        | Host                        | Availability Zone |
    | 5f8a0574-a95e-40ff-b898-09fd8d6a1fac | demo-share1 | 1    | NFS         | available | False     |   default_share_type   | storagenode@generic#GENERIC | nova              |
  3. Determine export IP address of the share:

    $ manila show demo-share1
    | Property                    | Value                                                                              |
    | status                      | available                                                                          |
    | share_type_name             | default_share_type                                                                 |
    | description                 | None                                                                               |
    | availability_zone           | nova                                                                               |
    | share_network_id            | 58b2f0e6-5509-4830-af9c-97f525a31b14                                               |
    | share_group_id              | None                                                                               |
    | export_locations            |                                                                                    |
    |                             | path =               |
    |                             | id = e525cbca-b3cc-4adf-a1cb-b1bf48fa2422                                          |
    |                             | preferred = False                                                                  |
    | host                        | storagenode@generic#GENERIC                                                        |
    | access_rules_status         | active                                                                             |
    | snapshot_id                 | None                                                                               |
    | is_public                   | False                                                                              |
    | task_state                  | None                                                                               |
    | snapshot_support            | True                                                                               |
    | id                          | 5f8a0574-a95e-40ff-b898-09fd8d6a1fac                                               |
    | size                        | 1                                                                                  |
    | name                        | demo-share1                                                                        |
    | share_type                  | 8a35da28-0f74-490d-afff-23664ecd4f01                                               |
    | has_replicas                | False                                                                              |
    | replication_type            | None                                                                               |
    | created_at                  | 2016-03-30T19:10:33.000000                                                         |
    | share_proto                 | NFS                                                                                |
    | project_id                  | 48e8c35b2ac6495d86d4be61658975e7                                                   |
    | metadata                    | {}                                                                                 |

Allow access to the share

  1. Configure access to the new share before attempting to mount it via the network. The compute instance (whose IP address is referenced by the INSTANCE_IP below) must have network connectivity to the network specified in the share network.

    $ manila access-allow demo-share1 ip INSTANCE_IP
    | Property     | Value                                |
    | share_id     | 5f8a0574-a95e-40ff-b898-09fd8d6a1fac |
    | access_type  | ip                                   |
    | access_to    |                            |
    | access_level | rw                                   |
    | state        | new                                  |
    | id           | aefeab01-7197-44bf-ad0f-d6ca6f99fc96 |

Mount the share on a compute instance

  1. Log into your compute instance and create a folder where the mount will be placed:

    $ mkdir ~/test_folder
  2. Mount the NFS share in the compute instance using the export location of the share:

    $ mount -vt nfs ~/test_folder