This moves Elasticsearch and Kibana to use the latest version
(6.2.2), as the images we were using are no longer supported with
the 6.x release. There was a change in the doc reference in the
log entries that prevented the previous ES version from indexing
those entries, resulting in a busted gate. Moving Kibana to 6.2.2
was required to match major/minor versions with Elasticsearch
The Elasticsearch version change also required changing config file
locations, changing the entrypoint used for launching the service,
changing the running user for the elasticsearch service, and
updated the ES tests as some of the API responses changed between
This also required updating the elasticsearch template job as the
mapping definition entries changed between versions
Change-Id: Ia4cd9a66851754a1bb8f225c7e24513c43568e93
Curator job in Elasticsearch helm chart has a condition on
api version batch/v2alpha1. Cronjob resource is deprecated
in batch/v2alpha1 from k8s 1.8 and batch/v1beta1 is enabled
by default.
Remove the condition on API version as it is no more required.
Closes-Bug: #1753524
Change-Id: Ia296b3742e655fae508e5d4402e7f3881db31688
This PS moves kube-state-metrics to use the endpoints section and
lookups to set the ports it serves on.
Change-Id: Icb4757a59852e508148ca9f1e682c722e40042c9
This PS adds the linxubridge node label to nodes to simplify
deployment and testing of the neutron linuxbridge backend.
Change-Id: I3095c21a75ad3057539f4fed431cb18c68e49a9b
This PS moves existing dynamic common dependencies under a
'dynamic.common' key to simplify the yaml tree.
Change-Id: I4332bcfdf11197488e7bd5d8cf4c25565ea1c7b6
This PS moves static dependencies unser a 'static' key to allow
expansion to cover dynamic dependencies.
Change-Id: Ia0e853564955e0fbbe5a9e91a8b8924c703b1b02
The template for elasticsearch-master was missing the clusterrole
and clusterrolebinding. This adds them to bring it in line with
the other templates
Change-Id: I34bc7e889018411b3791c1b7f24d150e1f6a24e5
Adds the necessary changes to allow grafana to display metrics for
multiple rabbitmq-exporter deployments, in the cases where
multiple rabbitmq instances are deployed
Change-Id: Ie2bef28e0428870e529d71717c9eeea51ac445aa
The clusterrole name for prometheus wasn't referenced correctly in
the clusterrolebinding, resulting in issues with prometheus
operating correctly
Change-Id: I5b843d8a2b6829356098d71503ffce4a66d3198a
This adds the prometheus annotations to the tiller chart, allowing
for the scraping of metrics from tiller. currently, tiller exports
metrics specific to the grpc calls being made against it
Change-Id: Ibe10098689cc37a9de6306af86f4d63d8aab318b
The pvc: key was added back to the prometheus chart as part of the
rbac tidy change. This removes it again
Change-Id: I572a4054d53ce5cb382f8b6608397d4f8a7eabd0
This PS includes the release name in the cluster role to prevent
colision if the chart is deployed multiple times in the same
Change-Id: I7166e5ee25b3d4c89879393c5f84c869585a2681
This dynamically adds the rules files for prometheus to the
prometheus-etc configmap, and also dynamically adds volume mounts
to the prometheus statefulset for each rules file
This also removes the empty rules file trees in the prometheus
values.yaml file
Change-Id: I9acbbe57d71a23f69e9e172b2f3ad66985e99574
Fluent-logging stores logs on a elasticsearch by default. Elasticsearch
stores all fields as tokens by default, but some fields shoud be stored
for purposes such as retrieval, without splitting. Mapping in elasticsearch
is used to define a property of fields and Template can defines the mapping
for an index. fluent-logging use it to define the index structure. Specific
index type can be defined on the value file.
Change-Id: Id597111f478fcddf709b36d2db9ac5a5d6d8206f
This removes the etcd dashboard as a default dashboard for grafana
as it currently doesn't work out of the box
Change-Id: Icd435268756336113219df66068f62c8870ed9f9
Two incorrect expressions were causing issues in reporting the
number of OSDs In and the number of OSDs Down. This updates the
expressions to fix these issues
Change-Id: I41c3588a227edc8fe986061886a27d1f694d6e92
This adds templates for a prometheus exporter for fluentd to
adequately capture log metrics and fluentd service metrics for
consumption by prometheus
Change-Id: I6d6a8c2be07af819dc6d99b8ce5f1d4b635a69f0
Adds "helm-toolkit.utils.merge" which is a replacement for the
upstream sprig "merge" function which didn't quite do what we
wanted, specifically it didn't merge slices, it just overrode
one with the other. This PS also updates existing callsites
of the sprig merge with "helm-toolkit.utils.merge".
Change-Id: I456349558d4cf941d1bcb07fc76d0688b0a10782
This PS removes the duplicate labeling of K8s namespaces everytime
the kubeadm image is run - as this action is performed by the
container itself while deploying k8s. It also updates the playbook
to label the kube-public ns.
Change-Id: Icfaabe54d263e0bbc52f2ac11835cb5d92ad32a4