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3. Namespace deletion recovery
This document captures steps to bring Ceph back up after deleting it's associated namespace.
3.1 Setup
Follow OSH single node or multinode guide to bring up OSH envronment.
3.2 Setup the OSH environment and check ceph cluster health
Ensure a healthy ceph cluster is running.
kubectl exec -n ceph ceph-mon-dtw6m -- ceph -s
id: fbaf9ce8-5408-4fce-9bfe-bf7fb938474c
health: HEALTH_OK
mon: 5 daemons, quorum osh-1,osh-2,osh-5,osh-4,osh-3
mgr: osh-3(active), standbys: osh-4
mds: cephfs-1/1/1 up {0=mds-ceph-mds-77dc68f476-jb5th=up:active}, 1 up:standby
osd: 15 osds: 15 up, 15 in
pools: 18 pools, 182 pgs
objects: 21 objects, 2246 bytes
usage: 3025 MB used, 1496 GB / 1499 GB avail
pgs: 182 active+clean
- Ceph cluster is in HEALTH_OK state with 5 MONs and 15 OSDs.
3.3 Delete Ceph namespace
Removing the namespace will delete all pods and secrets associated to Ceph. !! DO NOT PROCEED WITH DELETING THE CEPH NAMESPACES ON A PRODUCTION ENVIRONMENT !!
MON_POD=$(kubectl get pods --namespace=${CEPH_NAMESPACE} \
--selector="application=ceph" --selector="component=mon" \
--no-headers | awk '{ print $1; exit }')
kubectl exec --namespace=${CEPH_NAMESPACE} ${MON_POD} -- ceph status \
| awk '/id:/{print $2}' | tee /tmp/ceph-fs-uuid.txt
kubectl delete namespace ${CEPH_NAMESPACE}
kubectl get pods --namespace ${CEPH_NAMESPACE} -o wide
No resources found.
kubectl get secrets --namespace ${CEPH_NAMESPACE}
No resources found.
- Ceph namespace is currently deleted and all associated resources will be not found.
3.4 Reinstall Ceph charts
Instructions are specific to a multinode environment. For AIO environments follow the development guide for reinstalling Ceph.
helm delete --purge ceph-openstack-config
for chart in $(helm list --namespace ${CEPH_NAMESPACE} | awk '/ceph-/{print $1}'); do
helm delete ${chart} --purge;
It will be normal not to see all PODs come back online during a reinstall. Only the ceph-mon helm chart is required.
cd /opt/openstack-helm-infra/
3.5 Disable CephX authentication
Wait until MON pods are running before proceeding here.
mkdir -p /tmp/ceph/ceph-templates /tmp/ceph/extracted-keys
kubectl get -n ${CEPH_NAMESPACE} configmaps ceph-mon-etc -o=jsonpath='{.data.ceph\.conf}' > /tmp/ceph/ceph-mon.conf
sed '/\[global\]/a auth_client_required = none' /tmp/ceph/ceph-mon.conf | \
sed '/\[global\]/a auth_service_required = none' | \
sed '/\[global\]/a auth_cluster_required = none' > /tmp/ceph/ceph-mon-noauth.conf
kubectl --namespace ${CEPH_NAMESPACE} delete configmap ceph-mon-etc
kubectl --namespace ${CEPH_NAMESPACE} create configmap ceph-mon-etc --from-file=ceph.conf=/tmp/ceph/ceph-mon-noauth.conf
kubectl delete pod --namespace ${CEPH_NAMESPACE} -l application=ceph,component=mon
Wait until the MON pods are running before proceeding here.
MON_POD=$(kubectl get pods --namespace=${CEPH_NAMESPACE} \
--selector="application=ceph" --selector="component=mon" \
--no-headers | awk '{ print $1; exit }')
kubectl exec --namespace=${CEPH_NAMESPACE} ${MON_POD} -- ceph status
- The Ceph cluster will not be healthy and in a HEALTH_WARN or HEALTH_ERR state.
3.6 Replace key secrets with ones extracted from a Ceph MON
tee /tmp/ceph/ceph-templates/mon <<EOF
key = $(kubectl --namespace ${CEPH_NAMESPACE} exec ${MON_POD} -- bash -c "ceph-authtool -l \"/var/lib/ceph/mon/ceph-\$(hostname)/keyring\"" | awk '/key =/ {print $NF}')
caps mon = "allow *"
for KEY in mds osd rgw; do
tee /tmp/ceph/ceph-templates/${KEY} <<EOF
key = $(kubectl --namespace ${CEPH_NAMESPACE} exec ${MON_POD} -- ceph auth get-key client.bootstrap-${KEY})
caps mon = "allow profile bootstrap-${KEY}"
tee /tmp/ceph/ceph-templates/admin <<EOF
key = $(kubectl --namespace ${CEPH_NAMESPACE} exec ${MON_POD} -- ceph auth get-key client.admin)
auid = 0
caps mds = "allow"
caps mon = "allow *"
caps osd = "allow *"
caps mgr = "allow *"
tee /tmp/ceph/ceph-key-relationships <<EOF
mon ceph-mon-keyring ceph.mon.keyring mon.
mds ceph-bootstrap-mds-keyring ceph.keyring client.bootstrap-mds
osd ceph-bootstrap-osd-keyring ceph.keyring client.bootstrap-osd
rgw ceph-bootstrap-rgw-keyring ceph.keyring client.bootstrap-rgw
admin ceph-client-admin-keyring ceph.client.admin.keyring client.admin
while read CEPH_KEY_RELATIONS; do
DATA_PATCH=$(cat /tmp/ceph/ceph-templates/${COMPONENT} | envsubst | base64 -w0)
kubectl --namespace ${CEPH_NAMESPACE} patch secret ${KUBE_SECRET_NAME} -p "{\"data\":{\"${KUBE_SECRET_DATA_KEY}\": \"${DATA_PATCH}\"}}"
done < /tmp/ceph/ceph-key-relationships
3.7 Re-enable CephX Authentication
kubectl --namespace ${CEPH_NAMESPACE} delete configmap ceph-mon-etc
kubectl --namespace ${CEPH_NAMESPACE} create configmap ceph-mon-etc --from-file=ceph.conf=/tmp/ceph/ceph-mon.conf
3.8 Reinstall Ceph charts
Instructions are specific to a multinode environment. For AIO environments follow the development guide for reinstalling Ceph.
for chart in $(helm list --namespace ${CEPH_NAMESPACE} | awk '/ceph-/{print $1}'); do
helm delete ${chart} --purge;
cd /opt/openstack-helm-infra/
MON_POD=$(kubectl get pods --namespace=${CEPH_NAMESPACE} \
--selector="application=ceph" --selector="component=mon" \
--no-headers | awk '{ print $1; exit }')
kubectl exec --namespace=${CEPH_NAMESPACE} ${MON_POD} -- ceph status
AIO environments will need the following command to repair MDS standby failures.
kubectl exec --namespace=${CEPH_NAMESPACE} ${MON_POD} -- ceph fs set cephfs standby_count_wanted 0
- Ceph pods are now running and cluster is healthy (HEALTH_OK).