daz bc05b757da [arch-design-draft] Reorganise operators requirements chapter
1. Split sections into separate files
2. Consolidate hardware content from the current guide
3. Consolidate software content from the current guide

Change-Id: I5edf204d88ea5622c656fe58699260e31fb9b7d3
Implements: blueprint arch-guide-mitaka-reorg
2016-01-18 15:09:13 +01:00

1.1 KiB

Quota management

Quotas are used to set operational limits to prevent system capacities from being exhausted without notification. They are currently enforced at the tenant (or project) level rather than at the user level.

Quotas are defined on a per-region basis. Operators can define identical quotas for tenants in each region of the cloud to provide a consistent experience, or even create a process for synchronizing allocated quotas across regions. It is important to note that only the operational limits imposed by the quotas will be aligned consumption of quotas by users will not be reflected between regions.

For example, given a cloud with two regions, if the operator grants a user a quota of 25 instances in each region then that user may launch a total of 50 instances spread across both regions. They may not, however, launch more than 25 instances in any single region.

For more information on managing quotas refer to the Managing projects and users chapter of the OpenStack Operators Guide.